6 Chrono Holdings (1/2)
The man is terrified beyond wits. He answers every question that I have asked of him truthfully and in great details, all while begging me to spare his life.
He truly believes that I was the devil, and I didn't correct him.
It is somewhat fun to watch him squirming in terror while his mind makes up nonsensical things.
Honestly, I am a bit sadistic.
If I wasn't, I couldn't stomach what I had just done.
Killing people shouldn't be that easy. Just a mere thought and they were dead, reduced to ashes. They couldn't even defend themselves.
Against my power, I don't think anyone could.
I could bring them back as easily, but this is a message to their bosses. The one who gives the order is a prominent member of the mobster family, one of many families that are running New York.
It seems that on my first day in 1950, I have already gotten myself tangled with mobsters.
It is as expected. I will step on many toes while enacting my plans to save humanity from itself.
The problem is the butterfly effect I will inevitably cause.
In truth, I could wipe out the entire mobster family that attempted to rob and probably kill me, but in doing so, there will be some undesired consequences.
Goons might not be anyone important in the long run, but people in higher echelons are. For sake of my plan, those people are untouchable right now.
I will let them be, at least until 1990 when the world shall know my name.
”Alright. You work for me now, Jimmy. I will make it worth your while.”
Jimmy has no options. But before I add him to my list of henchmen and accomplices, I did take a good look into the future to see how loyal and capable he is.
I am very happy with his future contributions.
”Yes, Mr. Maxwell. Just don't kill me.”
Jimmy utters in fear.
I have Jimmy returns to his boss, informing the man exactly what had happened, except the part about the perpetrator.
The story goes that they ambushed me like ordered, stole my briefcase, but run into another person with impossible power. This nonexistence person is the one who killed the men and took the briefcase full of cash.
I didn't need to be the focus of attention right now.
Of course, his boss won't believe him and thought he was nuts.
Jimmy will eventually fall out of favor and free to join my little group.
He is just one of many people I have at my disposal.
That sounds like my men are expendable.
That isn't what I mean.
Everyone in my little group are all carefully selected for their capability and their unquestioning loyalty, confirmed with my power.
Honestly, if they weren't loyal to me and the cause, I wouldn't bat a single eye at them.
I did have an important person I needed to recruit.
He is the first person I have bribed in 1950.
It wasn't like I waited in line at the bank for nothing.
When Jimmy is gone, I head to the bank to deposit my money.
It is getting late, but Henry is very welcoming, especially when I contribute greatly to his retirement plan.
A couple of thousand dollars is not much to me, but it is a great deal to people like Henry.
Like Jimmy, I investigate his future with my power to see his capability and assess his loyalty from the moment I had first met him.
Henry did not become incredibly rich, but he is very capable at managing an estate – my estate.
He is and will be my finance manager.
”Henry. Do you wish to be rich?”
I ask the man after I am done depositing money into my account.
Henry obviously wants to be rich, and since this is a private room, I continue.
”Do you believe me if I said that I am from the future? I know everything that will happen tomorrow, next day, next week, months or even years from now. In about 3 minutes, the cute receptionist name Betty will knock on the door and request you to sign a document. You will hesitate and decide to talk to your manager tomorow.”
Henry stares at me as if I am a mad man.
I response with a smile. Everything I just said happens exactly.
Henry didn't sign the document because it is beyond his station. Only the manager can sign such document.
”Who are you?”