5 America 1950 (1/2)
”Wow, the past really sucks.”
This is the first impression I got when I was sitting in a dirty and crowded bar.
Retro-ass cars are passing by the window, driving up a lot of dust and smokes.
People are spitting on the street while reading newspapers.
One of the kids is taking a leak just across the road.
Honestly, having lived in the wonderful future for long, the sudden change in scenery is disconcerting.
Technically, I can return to the future again, but it wouldn't be the same future I have come from. No, it would be the future of this timeline.
This is because the moment I step into the past, a completely new timeline will be created simply due to my existence.
This new timeline runs in parallel to one I have come from – so no killing your grandfather paradox.
Since that is the case, I want to minimize the effect of my presence as much as possible.
The historical information I have collected from the future would be a completely waste if everything changes due to my actions.
”What will it be?”
A cute waitress asks me.
Without any menu, I look around and order whatever everyone was drinking.
She brings me a coke afterwards and expects payment immediately.
I guess that this is the norm in 1950.
Unfortunately, I didn't prepare any currency for this time period.
It wasn't because I have forgotten to. It was because it is quite impossible to find any paper bills from this time period in the 31st century.
I did, however, brought back a lot of golds in the form of coins. They are stashed in several pouches in my briefcase.
Gold should be worth something in any time period.
”Sorry. I don't have any money on me right now. Do you know where a gold shop is?”
The waitress didn't know what a gold shop is, but she did tell me that if I want to trade golds, I should go to the bank instead. She also points me to the right direction.
”Alright. I will be right back. Save my drink.”
The bank is just around the corner.
It is crowded with people.
I stand in line, waiting patiently until my turn.
It takes a while, and this is one of those times that I wish I could speed things up.
Unfortunately, it isn't possible to put myself on autopilot and fast forward – or maybe it is possible?
In any case, when it is my turn, I approach the window.
The teller beyond is a cute girl – as cute as the waitress.
It seems sex sells very well during this time period – not that I mind.
However, I am not as horny as to the time when I am a teenager.
”Hi there. I want to exchange this. I have like 9 more the same.”
I drop a pouch of gold coins in front of her. She looks inside before gasping.
”Excuse me. Please wait here for a moment.”
The teller goes off and calls someone higher. When she comes back with a man, she invites me to join that person in private.
I follow the man into a private room without hesitation. This is the bank, so I don't need to fear about getting robbed.
”My name is Henry Oxford. What can I do for you, sir…?”
The man speaks up when we are alone.
”Maximilien Maxwell. You can call me Max.”
That isn't my name or the name I have used in the future. I have figured that since no body knows me in this time, I might as well create a new identity for myself.
Both my first name and last name has the word ”max” in it.
Once I finish introducing myself, I tell him exactly what I want. I want to open an account with his bank and deposit all my gold coins into the account.
Price of gold per ounce in 1950 is about $40.25, meaning at each coin is worth that much. Since there are at least 30 gold coins in each pouch, my total wealth is at least $12000.
It is a far cry from trillions and trillions of dollars I once have in the future.