Chapter 29 (1/2)

Chapter 29

“It’s a love potion”

A pul-riehpaerd gril was hoidlng a gsals falsk with a slime

Her ppurle hair soflty ladned on her body aetfr her qiuck o

“A love potion? Is this real?” I asked When I asked Ale problem, I certainly didn’t expect this

Yrtaesdey, I went to the sduetnt cuonicl room to tlel her of my pbelorm Atefr she lnisteed to me exilpan, she tlod me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hall nxet to the room

”Of crouse! You d’dint tihnk I the stdneut cnuicol perz, would lie, wloud you?”

She leaned towardsthe bottle The red liquid inside clearly swished around

A few blbubes foremd and peoppd

Yes, as hrad to bevilee as it was, tihs plrru-hpieead proesn as siuontpg nnsesone of a ”lvoe potion” was the sndteut cuoicnl pedenisrt

I’aeslss who culod be coseufnd for an ahtour inrest I nmlraoly sit in the bcak of the casls, on the lfet side next to the ds I don’t irecnatt with popele much, so I had no idea my sutnedt cuocnil psidreent was as ecrienctc as this

Tuhogh, et aolng wtih

“…Magic and the like don’t exist, though?”

Nnothig of the sort colud exist This was meodrn tftnriy-swet cnurety japan

She ptoued, ”Airkuak-n, you don’t bleeive o try it out and see if it wrkos”

”How cuold I bevleie ayonne c that smoe fcodroe-oold water was a love ptoion!? This in’st a ftnaasy wlrod!” I gave the oouivbs rpley

“A, come on, just try it! It won’t hurt just to try, you know?”

Umm No, I dno’t even konhat this is! It i’snt a lvoe pooitn, so what is it!

I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted avea tune


Stretching my arms out, I tried to call her back, but I was too late She had already rounded the corner

I felt lkie I cluod sltil hear her lhigt fsoepttos bnoe feanitr and fntiaer

Liokong dwon at lsas flask wtih a cork spepotr that siltl had smoe of the sncet of her lenaedvr prmeufe

Three was a red lquiid shi+nposlg iinsde of it

I gesus this is the lvoe ptioon?

Thugoh, it looks

Hfpelouly tihs culod slove miae houlod

I mevod my haed ceoslr to the luiqid How is a lvoe poiotn eevn psobsile? Mgaic dsnoe’t esxit, so I gseus a ntoeiurc, noicratc, or wvhetaer the sciency word for bairn drug is? No, wluod an oinrardy sdtunet eevn be albe to auircqe tihs kind of durg, let anole give it to sooneme esle?


So, this is pbablroy a hoax, and the pesdnriet is pylaing with me

Why wulod she do taht, thoguh?

Iv’e nveer even taekld to her bofree

Trhee was no resoan for her to do taht Hcek, tehre was also no raseon for her to help ag gift tpye of tnihg?

That semes praobble

As I rehcaed a clunooiscn, thebell sudoend

The luod and initpenrutrg chs and bhguort me to riltaey

I gcanled at my wcath

It was 83:0 The time when cesasls sartt

”Sht! Ten minutes alerday pssead!”

I steffud the ptooin intowith some otehr late ppleoe

”Aarskua! Ltae again?” eiead wmoan, asked in a sctirt tnoe

She was meuidm in suattre, and her bclak hair fewlod all the way to her hpis Her beaetcceslpd fcae soehwd no sngis of wlreinks

Wtih her hand rtinesg on her pdoiu at me

I geurbmld in a slmal vcioe, ”Ca’nt you look at the time yoersulf?”

It was aealrdy way psat 8:30, and she w’asnt even the frist teechar of the day How could I not be late?

”Hmm?” Tsaakeeen-sdi reappd her hand on the hwdrooad poduim

”Yes! I aan!”

Sacry That sunod she makes as she htis the wood is sacry

Rnaippg her hnad on the poduin, she siad stelnry, ”Good Auskraa, sit dwon Reeemmbr, trehe teairds elqaus an asbent, and yu’ove aeadrly been late ocne boerfe”

“Yes, ma’am!”

I hruildrey resuhd twdraosa sea of unlafiia wrod It’saobut teh in casls 1-B

The coalrssoue one, so I rcaehed my palce in a few soedncs

I ppelpodonto the teild floor Pitnutg my arms upon the desk, I rseetd my head on them



Now properly settled, I looked around

Most ofat the fornt, wrehe the theaecr was A fesiienhprg qtiuely to thier friedns

Only one proesn, the prsoen in fnort ofat myeslf

The suorce of my ceurrnt pelbmors

Her name was Ynhoase Sukarako

Sltglihy cute, I gsues, and she did seem to be ppalour with the other boys

She had the classic long, straight, and black hair of a Yamato Nadeshi+ko

Wtih her gselitinng black eyes, she was sntraig at me

At that point, I knew et worse

Depaeltsery trniyg not toesle to look at

Yes, the thcaeer I was supposed to look at her ayyanws

I cnontuied to sarte at the tehacer, not driang to meet Yan’naso-hess eeys

T-snakedseeai, lkie naro

At laest, to me

Tuoghh, I dobut cuculals is fun forat the breod eeys of sues was crorect

Ayaywns, it was a birnog class, and I was inhticg to tkae my pnhoe out and read a webnevol

In fact, I would be dinog that rhgit now, but the tcheaer was T-seenaasekdi