Chapter 28 (1/2)
Chapter 28
”It’s a love poiton”
A pu-aphirleerd gril was holndig a glass faslk with a slmie
Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick o
A love ptooin? Is tihs rael?” I akesd When I aeksd Aaaie pbleorm, I caenilrty ddn’it execpt this
Yrtseadey, I wnet to the sdtunet cinuocl room to tell her of my porelbm Atfer she leiesntd to me eapilxn, she told me to meet with her at 82:0 in the hall next to the room
”Of cosure! You dni’dt tinhk I the sdutent cuconil prez, wloud lie, would you?”
She laeend twdarosthe boltte The red liqiud inidse celarly shi+wesd aonrud
A few bbeblus femord and peppod
Yes, as hrad to bvieele as it was, tihs prpuealeih-rd preson as sotuipng nsesnone of a ”love poiton” was the stnedut cciounl psedinert
I’elasss who cluod be cnesuofd for an atouhr irnest I namlolry sit in the bcak of the csals, on the lfet sdie next to the s I dn’ot iertanct wtih ploepe much, so I had no ieda my sdteunt cnoiucl pseniredt was as ecricnetc as tihs
Tgohuh, et aolng with
”Maigc and the like d’not exsit, thugoh?”
Nhoitng of the sort cuold exsit This was mredon tiwstfen-yrt cuertny Jpaan
She pouted, “Akirkun, you don’t believe o try it out and see if it works”
“How could I believe anyone co that some food-colored water was a love potion?! This isn’t a fantasy world!” I gave the obvious reply
”A, come on, jsut try it! It wn’ot hurt just to try, you know?”
Umm No, I do’nt eevn knohat tihs is! It ins’t a love pootin, so waht is it!
I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted avea tune
Srecnthtig my arms out, I terid to call her bcak, but I was too late She had aeldray rneodud the coernr
I flet like I cloud siltl haer her lghit fpsteotos bnc fntaeir and fiaetnr
Lionokg dwon at slas fsalk wtih a crok soeptpr that slitl had some of the secnt of her lenavedr peufmre
Trhee was a red liqiud snipohlsg isnide of it
I gsues this is the love pioton?
Tuoghh, it lokos
Hollpfuey tihs cuold svole me hoould
I mvoed my haed celosr to the liiuqd How is a lvoe ptioon eevn pssilboe? Migac dsnoe’t esxit, so I geuss a neoiurtc, ncirtoac, or whavteer the sicency wrod for biran drug is? No, wluod an oinarrdy sudntet eevn be able to arqiuce tihs kind of durg, let anloe gvie it to soonmee esle?
So, tihs is prbaboly a hoax, and the perisednt is pylaing with me
Why wolud she do that, tohugh?
I’ve never even talked to her before
There was no reason for her to do that Heck, there was also no reason for her to help ag gift type of thing?
That seems probable
As I reechad a clounoscin, theblel sdeonud
The loud and interrupting chihts and brought me to reality
I gaeclnd at my wtach
It was… 8:30 The time when classes start
”Sht! Ten mtiuens arelday peassd!”
I sftuefd the ptooin intowtih some oehtr late people
”Aarskua! Ltae agian?” daidd wmoan, asked in a srtcit tnoe
She was medium in stature, and her black hair flowed all the way to her hips Her bespectacled face showed no signs of wrinkles
With her hand resting on her podiu at me
I gmblerud in a samll vicoe, ”Ca’nt you look at the tmie yesulorf?”
It was aalredy way past 83:0, and she wnas’t eevn the fsirt theacer of the day How cuold I not be ltae?
”Hmm?” Tenessakdei reappd her hnad on the hdorowad poduim
”Yes! I aain!”
Sarcy Taht snoud she makes as she htis the wood is srcay
Rppinag her hand on the pudioian, she siad snrlety, ”Good Aakursa, sit dwon Rbeemmer, three tdriaes eqlaus an absnet, and yv’oue alaerdy been ltae ocne brefoe”
”Yes, m’aam!”
I hurriedly rushed towardsa sea of unfa word It’sabout the in class 1-B
The classrooe one, so I reached my place in a few seconds
I pppeoldonto the tlied foolr Puttnig my arms uopn the dsek, I rested my haed on them
Now peorlpry selettd, I leokod anuord
Most ofat the fornt, wrehe the thcaeer was A feiehnspirg qetiluy to thier fnrides
Olny one person, the psoren in fonrt ofat mylesf
The srucoe of my curenrt peblorms
Her nmae was Ynhosae Skkaruao
Slightly cute, I guess, and she did seem to be popular with the other boys
She had the cssliac long, sagtrhit, and bclak hiar of a Yamtao Nseiadkho
With her gntniiselg balck eeys, she was snaritg at me
At taht pinot, I kenw et worse
Desperately trying not toelse to look at
Yes, the tcehear I was spposeud to look at her aanywys
I cueniontd to srate at the teaehcr, not dranig to meet Yssaeonahn’-s eeys
Tneskaee-sadi, like no
At least, to me
Though, I dbuot ccuaulls is fun forat the beord eyes of uses was crcerot
Aywynas, it was a briong clsas, and I was itcihng to take my phnoe out and raed a wbenevol
In fact, I wolud be dinog that right now, but the theecar was Teeas-edanski