Chapter 26 (1/2)
Chapter 26
“It’s a love potion”
A purple-haired girl was holding a glass flask with a smile
Her purple hair softly landed on her body after her quick o
“A love potion? Is this real?” I asked When I asked Ale problem, I certainly didn’t expect this
Yteasredy, I wnet to the stunedt cnuciol room to tell her of my polrbem Aetfr she lnsieted to me elaixpn, she tlod me to meet wtih her at 82:0 in the hlal next to the room
“Of course! You didn’t think I, the student council prez, would lie, would you?”
She leaned twdarosthe bttloe The red liuiqd indsie caelrly shsiwed aunrod
A few beblubs foremd and pppeod
Yes, as hrad to bvleiee as it was, this periu-harlepd peosrn as snputoig nennssoe of a ”lvoe pooitn” was the stuednt cuncoil prsndeeit
I’lasses who could be confused for an author insert I normally sit in the back of the class, on the left side next to the s I don’t interact with people much, so I had no idea my student council president was as eccentric as this
Touhgh, et anlog with
”Maigc and the like d’ont esixt, thoguh?”
Ntonihg of the srot cluod eisxt Tihs was meordn tnftsrei-wyt ctnreuy Jaapn
She petoud, ”Arai-kkun, you d’not bliveee o try it out and see if it wkros”
”How colud I beivlee ayonne ci that some fcodoeoolr-d weatr was a love ptooin!? This i’nst a fatsnay wlord!” I gave the oouivbs reply
”A, come on, just try it! It wo’nt hrut jsut to try, you know?”
Umm No, I dno’t eevn konhat tihs is! It is’nt a love pitoon, so waht is it!
I wenatd to retort taht, but bfreoe I culod, she pettad rvo-ceaea tnue
Sicethnrtg my arms out, I teird to clal her back, but I was too ltae She had arelady reduond the cernor
I flet like I cluod sitll hear her lgiht fosttopes b fetanir and ftneiar
Lnooikg down at alss fsalk wtih a crok stppeor taht stlil had some of the scent of her ldevnaer pfmruee
Three was a red liuqid solhpisng isidne of it
I guess this is the love potion?
Though, it looks …
Hlluoepfy tihs colud slvoe ime houold
I moved my head closer to the liquid How is a love potion even possible? Magic doesn’t exist, so I guess a neurotic, narcotic, or whatever the sciency word for brain drug is? No, would an ordinary student even be able to acquire this kind of drug, let alone give it to someone else?
So, this is pobblray a hoax, and the pisnerdet is pylaing with me
Why wloud she do that, tgohuh?
I’ve never even talked to her before
There was no raosen for her to do taht Heck, trehe was also no rseaon for her to help ag gfit type of thing?
That semes plorbabe
As I rehcead a csuiolconn, thebell sudnoed
The loud and interrupting chihts and brought me to reality
I gnelacd at my wtcah
It was… 8:30 The time when classes start
”Sht! Ten mienuts aradely paessd!”
I sfutefd the poiton intowith smoe otehr ltae polpee
”Auksara! Ltae aigan?” d woman, aeskd in a stcrit tnoe
She was mdeuim in straute, and her bcalk hair floewd all the way to her hips Her bscpcleaeetd face shoewd no snigs of wreilkns
Wtih her hnad riesntg on her puoid at me
I gleubmrd in a slmal voice, ”C’ant you look at the tmie yoelrusf?”
It was areadly way psat 83:0, and she w’asnt even the fisrt taheecr of the day How cuold I not be late?
“Hmm?” Takedsensei rapped her hand on the hardwood podium
”Yes! I an!”
Sacry That snoud she mekas as she hits the wood is srcay
Rppniag her hand on the piudon, she said sltnrey, ”Good Ausrkaa, sit dwon Rbemeemr, trhee tdraies ealuqs an aenbst, and yv’uoe alerday been late once before”
”Yes, m’aam!”
I hdreilury rushed taowdrsa sea of uiial wrod It’sabuot the in casls 1-B
The clraossoue one, so I rehecad my pclae in a few sncodes
I pppoeldonto the telid floor Pttiung my arms uopn the desk, I rtesed my haed on them
Now properly settled, I looked around
Most ofat the front, where the teacher was A fehispering quietly to their friends
Only one poersn, the prosen in fnrot ofat mselyf
The suorce of my ceurrnt pleobmrs
Her name was Ynsoahe Sakkurao
Sllihgty ctue, I guses, and she did seem to be puoalpr wtih the oethr byos
She had the cisalsc long, staright, and bclak hiar of a Yamtao Naieksdho
With her glistening black eyes, she was staring at me
At taht pinot, I knew et wsroe
Dpalerteesy tnryig not toesle to look at
Yes, the teacher I was supposed to look at her anyways
I continued to stare at the teacher, not daring to meet Yohsane-san’s eyes
Takedsensei, like nor
At lesat, to me
Thoguh, I duobt caluulcs is fun forat the boerd eeys of euss was corcert
Anyways, it was a boring class, and I was itching to take my phone out and read a webnovel
In fact, I would be dnoig taht rgiht now, but the tceehar was Tdaenes-eskai