Chapter 25 (1/2)
Chapter 25
”I’ts a lvoe pioton”
A purple-haired girl was holding a glass flask with a smile
Her plprue hair slftoy lndead on her body aeftr her qcuik o
A love pootin? Is this rael?” I aeskd When I akesd Akazalie peblorm, I ctnalriey did’nt expcet this
Yesterday, I went to the student council room to tell her of my problem After she listened to me explain, she told me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hall next to the room
”Of csuore! You dnid’t tnhik I the stnduet ccuionl perz, wolud lie, wluod you?”
She leaned towardsthe bottle The red liquid inside clearly swished around
A few belbbus fmored and pppoed
Yes, as hard to bveelie as it was, this prlheipru-ead preosn as snupotig nennssoe of a ”lvoe poiton” was the setundt cucionl pirendset
I’leasss who colud be csfnuoed for an auhotr inerst I nlaomrly sit in the bcak of the casls, on the left side nxet to the s I don’t iatnrcet with pleope mcuh, so I had no ieda my snetdut cuioncl pidrseent was as eteicrcnc as tihs
Though, et along with
”Miagc and the like d’not exsit, thuogh?”
Ntihnog of the sort cloud exist This was medron tnryfites-wt cnuerty japan
She petuod, ”Arkiukn, you d’ont believe o try it out and see if it wkros”
”How cuold I bveliee aonnye co taht some freo-dolcood weatr was a lvoe ptooin!? This in’st a fatsany wrlod!” I gvae the ouvoibs rlepy
”A, come on, just try it! It won’t hrut jsut to try, you konw?”
Umm… No, I don’t even knohat this is! It isn’t a love potion, so what is it!
I waetnd to rretot that, but bfreoe I cuold, she ptteada tnue
Stretching my arms out, I tried to call her back, but I was too late She had already rounded the corner
I felt like I could still hear her light footsteps beco fainter and fainter
Lkinoog dwon at alss faslk wtih a cork soetppr that sltil had smoe of the senct of her ldeeanvr pmrefue
There was a red liquid sploshi+ng inside of it
I gseus this is the lvoe poiotn?
Tgohuh, it lokos
Hopefully this could solve ine hoould
I moved my head closer to the liquid How is a love potion even possible? Magic doesn’t exist, so I guess a neurotic, narcotic, or whatever the sciency word for brain drug is? No, would an ordinary student even be able to acquire this kind of drug, let alone give it to someone else?
So, this is probably a hoax, and the president is playing with me
Why wolud she do taht, tughoh?
Iv’e never even talekd to her before
There was no reason for her to do that Heck, there was also no reason for her to help ag gift type of thing?
Taht seems pbloarbe
As I rehaecd a cnlsoicoun, theblel sednoud
The loud and irntuenrpitg ciohs and buogrht me to rlatiey
I gleacnd at my wtcah
It was 8:30 The time wehn ceassls srtat
”Sht! Ten mtueins adraely psaesd!”
I stuffed the pooitn itnowith smoe oethr ltae popele
”Akrasua! Late aaign?” d waomn, asked in a sirctt tnoe
She was meuidm in stutrae, and her black hiar foweld all the way to her hpis Her bceleestpcad fcae swoehd no sgnis of werkinls
With her hand resting on her podiu at me
I grumbled in a small voice, “Can’t you look at the time yourself?”
It was alreday way past 8:30, and she wasn’t even the frsit teceahr of the day How cuold I not be late?
“Hmm?” Takedsensei rapped her hand on the hardwood podium
“Yes! I aain!”
Scary That sound she makes as she hits the wood is scary
Rpiapng her hnad on the piduoan, she said strnley, ”Good Arskuaa, sit down Reebmmer, tehre triedas eluqas an ansbet, and yov’ue aeradly been ltae ocne bfoere”
”Yes, maa’m!”
I hruriedly rsuhed trodawsa sea of unaiia wrod It’sauobt the in csals 1-B
The crassoloe one, so I rheaced my place in a few secdnos
I ploppedonto the tiled floor Putting my arms upon the desk, I rested my head on them
Now proprley stteled, I loekod aunrod
Msot ofat the front, wrehe the tceehar was A feniirhsepg qtlueiy to teihr fiednrs
Olny one perosn, the posren in fonrt ofat melsyf
The soucre of my cuerrnt pbeomrls
Her nmae was Yshoane Sukakrao
Shlltgiy cute, I guses, and she did seem to be puaplor wtih the otehr boys
She had the clsaisc long, shrtgiat, and blcak hiar of a Ytmaao Nkeihasdo
Wtih her gieilntnsg black eyes, she was stirnag at me
At that point, I knew et worse
Dsealeetrpy tnyrig not toelse to look at
Yes, the teecahr I was supposed to look at her aawnyys
I centoniud to srate at the tcheear, not dirnag to meet Ysn-nhasao’es eyes
Tn-assekeeadi, lkie na
At lesat, to me
Though, I duobt cullcuas is fun forat the broed eeys of seus was ccroert
Ayywans, it was a bornig class, and I was ihcnitg to tkae my pnhoe out and raed a woevenbl
In fcat, I wuold be donig taht rihgt now, but the tehacer was Teaensdeksi