9 Chapter 8: Chase (1/2)

All that was left was Michael, but as if the Known Cosmos was mocking Magnus' efforts, something came out of the treelines and into the open. Michael's mech suit was finally here at last.

The Mech suit was silver and grey in color with a touch of red. The upper body of it held a pilot pod, which was not in use since Michael was controlling it by his virtual headset. It was an Ultralight Mech suit classification, meaning that it only stood at a good 4 meters tall, had no shielding or heavy class weaponry on deck. But still, it could go through Magnus like a slice of cheese since in the hands of the mech suit was a large ass machine gun.

Hoping against all hope, Magnus took the window of opportunity he still had, since the Mech suit was a few paces away from Michael. He fired his shot, and it flew through the air, hitting… the metal arm of the mech suit, causing not even a scratch on it.

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”Hahaha,” the Mech suit said, in a voice very similar to Michael's, except it was robotic in nature. ”Do you have any last words, you fucking peasant!”

Magnus cleared his throat, and asked in a calm, polite tone, ”Do we really have to do this, Michael? Mhhh?!”

”Do we have to do this, you ask.” Michael said as he snorted in derision, ”You know what, Magnus, just prepare yourself as I break every bone in your body!”

”Fucking nut job,” Magnus muttered under his breath, as he turned around and quickly ran up the hill, goading Michael to follow him.

”Hey!” Michael shouted as he started to run after Magnus, ”come back so I could administer your punishment.”

”Are you fucking mad?” Magnus asked as he turned, only, his head around to face the Mech suit with an incredulous look on his face, all the while he continued to flee.

Michael would have been gnashing his teeth right now, for these insults, if he wasn't inside the Mech suit. So the only thing he had left was to trade words, until he could get his hands on Magnus. ”Let's see you running your mouth you ungrateful and unsophisticated lowborn.”

Magnus once more turned his head around, and looked at the Mech suit, up and down, shaking his head, Magnus said. ”You really are mad, aren't you Michael. You really believe that the world revolves around you.”

”So, WHAT?! I am not like you, swimming in the gutters for the rest of my life.” Michael shouted from the voicebox of the Mech suit, while he thought, why is it that every time, I spend a few moments with this bastard, my nerves are taut, and my blood pressure rises through the roof.

Well, it is really simple; my own fiancee choose him over me!

”Hehe, is that what you tell yourself, Michael,” Magnus asked as he came to a halt and turned to face the Mech suit that Michael was controlling.

”What do you mean, Magnus?” Michael asked as a puzzled expression played on his face, right now if it was seeable. He too came to a stop, but he was only 35 meters away from Magnus, compare that to the 50 meters distance they had between each other, from the start, and you can see now, that the Mech suit was covering way more distance than Magnus.

”Magnus what are you doing?” Codex asked as she saw no good coming from this pointless back and forth.

”Trust me, Codex,” was the only reply Magnus gave her.

”Oh, I see now,” Codex said, as she saw the plan Magnus had in-store, once she read his thoughts. Worriedly, she then vocalized what she felt about this plan, ”You know that you are playing with fire, right?”

”Like you said Codex, I have to use my brain and not let my emotions guide me. And this is me using my brain. This is the only path forward. I have to make Michael as angry as possible, so that there can be an opening which I then can exploit.”

”Ahh, I still do not like this one bit,” Codex said after a while, she knew that deep down Magnus was right. There is no way he could defeat this hunking piece metal, any other way, except for getting to its weak spot, the human.

Magnus chuckled at Codex anxious attitude, ”You know getting him angry is the easy part, but what comes after is the hard part.”

”I know that,” Codex responded as she would have shaken her head exasperatedly if she could. ”All you have to do is poke at this bumbling idiot, and he would burst like a balloon.”

Magnus did not respond to Codex concluding comment, since he was already doing exactly what she said, poking at the balloon.

”Michael, stop acting like you do not know what I mean,” Magnus said with a black-hearted grin played on his lips.

”Shut up, Magnus.” Michael snarled as he did not like that stupid smirk on Magnus' face one bit, since it meant only one thing, mortifying degradation.

Not listening at all to Michael warning, Magnus brazenly continued on with what he had to say, ”When the new era came rolling in, Michael, humanity was instantly divided, on one side stood all the gifted humans, with their extraordinary powers. On the other side is the rest of us, those who have to bow down to the will of our new overlords. So Michael, if you take away all those fancy clothing and trinkets you have on, you would basically be like us.” Magnus then said with an absolute finality, which Michael couldn't help but to tremble from.

Then as if throwing the match stick into the boiling oil, which he had set up, Magnus added, ”How did you always put it?” Magnus asked as he plastered a fake contemplating look on his face, ”Oh, Yes!” Magnus said as recognition blossomed upon his face, ”You, Michael, are a peasant.”

”AAAAA,” Michael screamed at the top of his lungs through his Mech suit's voicebox.

Taking that as a hint, Magnus quickly turned on his heel and once more fled up the hill, behind him he heard Michael yell out in a murderous voice, ”I am going to KILL you, Magnus!” Then the bullets started to rain down the hill.

Magnus swiftly ducked behind a tree, as the bullets that Michael fired down, swept through the area he just stood. Magnus looked up the hill, regarded the remaining distance he has left to go.

”It is only 15 meters if you have to go,” Codex said, responding to the question that was playing in Magnus' mind.

”But it looks like it is going to take forever, to climb that distance,” Magnus said as he lamented.

”Stop looking at it as a whole, look at it in parts,” Codex advised. ”Like for example, you just need to make it to that boulder a few paces away, to your right. Then you have to make it behind that log. After that, you have to…”

As Codex continued to give out great instructions, Magnus couldn't help nodded his had along, and no longer was he so worried and agitated when things were laid out this simply.

”Alright, let's do this,” Magnus said with eagerness as he punched his left palm with his right-hand fist, after Codex was finished explaining her instructions.

”Hey, Michael,” Magnus shouted out loud, as he got Michael attention, ”Why are you so angry when you know I was only telling the truth.”

”Stay where you are Magnus,” Michael said threateningly, ”Or else, you will be making it worse for yourself.”

Quickly taking that opening that Michael left as he was angrily conversing, Magnus jumped and rolled to the boulder. Soon after, bullets rain down that area from the Mech suit.

”Come on, Michael,” Magnus said from behind the boulder, as he snickered to himself, if there is one thing he is enjoying from this chase, then it would be making Michael, furious.

”You must have known, that deep down, you will never amount to anything in their eyes. Because in the eyes of gifted folks, we are all the same!”

Then taking that chance, Magnus belly jumped towards the log, ”Woah!” Magnus said as he safely made it, since Michael must have been processing what Magnus just said.

”You got only 11 more meters,” Codex said, encouragingly from the deep recesses of Magnus mind.

Magnus nodded his head at Codex's coaxing remark, and then took a small peek over the log, and he quickly ducked his head back as bullets flew overhead.

”When I get my hands on you, Magnus, you will regret you ever lived,” Michael shouted, from only 21 meters away.

”Ha!” Magnus said in response to Michael threat, ”I feel bad for you, Michael. You are the saddest amongst us, peasants.”

”What do you mean?” Michael asked as curiously welded up in his chest. Magnus took that moment of opportunity and once more made it safely to another obstacle.