8 Chapter 7: Funeral (1/2)
”AAAAA” was the sound that came out of Magnus' mouth as he brushed his teeth, then spat out the toothpaste foam into the bathroom sink and started to rinse his mouth.
”It is a bright new day, isn't it, Codex?” Magnus asked as he used a towel to wipe at his face.
Codex remained silent, not even saying a beep to Magnus.
”Oh, come on Codex, stop acting like a melodramatic,” Magnus said as he made his way to the kitchen. ”You know, and I know that I only stayed up for 10 minutes.”
Still, Codex persisted in remaining completely silent. Seeing that, Magnus knew what he had to do.
”Fine,” Magnus said as he sighed while he took out a milk jug from the refrigerator and a box of cereal from a cupboard. ”I am sorry, Codex.”
Codex sniffed at Magnus poor display of repentance, all she had to say to him was, ”You should listen to your messages, you got a lot in your voicebox.”
Magnus narrowed his eyes at Codex display of coldness, then shrugged his shoulders to himself and thought, she will come around… eventually.
”Alright, could you please play them while I eat my breakfast?” Magnus asked Codex.
”Sure,” was Codex only response, then working her magic the messages started to play.
”Magnus, would you just come down to the workshop, I have some news.” The first message said, and it was Grandpa Richard who spoke, his voice sounded so strained and sad.
Ahh? was the only thought that raced through Magnus mind, he had no idea what was happening, but before he could contemplate it anymore, Codex spoke up.
”Magnus, do you think his disease got worse?” She asked, and all the iciness in her voice was gone, only concern was left. Magnus thought on that and no longer was he in a cheerful mood and eating his cereal, but once again he was interrupted from contemplating it any longer.
”Magnus, I have some bad news, could you just meet me?” The second voice message said it was from Aunt Avril, and she sounded utterly devastated.
Suddenly dread slowly seeped into Magnus, this must be really bad if Aunt Avril has her emotions up.
”Magnus,” the third voice message said as it started to break down with tears, and it was the voice of Mrs. Robinsan. ”Oh… Magnus.”
NO, it can't be… Magnus thought as shock and realization poured in.
”I am sorry for what happened little Magnus,” Bret said.
No, no, no, please let it not be her. Magnus pleaded as they messages continued on.
”I know who it feels…” Anthony said.
Please, to whoever is out there. Please let it not be HER.
”Hello, this message is for Magnus Erickson Tempest. We are sorry to inform you that your mother, Mrs. Kimiko has passed away last night. She wa-...”
As the message continued to play on, the spoon that Magnus was holding in his hand, dropped to the floor and clattered on the ground.
”Mr. Magnus,” a voice said far off into the distance, ”MR. MAGNUS,” it repeated itself once more, but this time much louder.
Magnus came to at that and turned around to face where the voice came from.
”I was asking you, Mr. Magnus, how would you like to have your mother buried?'
Magnus merely looked at the man, with a blank stare, as he asked his questions.
”Mr. Magnus, I was askin-...”
”Cremated,” Magnus simply said as he interrupted the man.
”Oh?” the man said, as he straightened his tie, ”cremated it is.”
Magnus turned away from his and started off to the distance as no particular thought really interested him.
”Well, that would be all from me, Mr. Magnus, and once again, I am truly sorry for your loss.” the man said as he plastered an apologetic smile on his face. ”You also have somebody waited for you, out in the back, I shall tell him you are ready to see him.”
”Thank you,” Magnus responded as he continued to do as he was doing, right before, staring off into the distance.
The cemetery worker nodded his head, got open, and headed out the room. In only a few minutes, another man came in, he had a slightly expensive suit that was black and carried with him a suitcase.
”Hello, Mr. Magnus,” the man said as he bowed his head to Magnus, ”I am the personal representative of your mother, so I will be the one dispersing your mother's assets.”
Then he sat himself opposite to Magnus and started to take out paperwork from his suitcase.
The man began to lay things out, but by then Magnus had already zoned him out and got back to staring off into the distance.
But something pulled him back into reality after a while, ”Your mother also left this,” the personal representative said as he placed a necklace into Magnus' hands.
”It says here. It is a family heirloom.” The man read off a piece of paper.
Magnus stared down at the pendant, the cord was of pure silver in color. It had a round cage attached to it, that had written on it of some intricate designs. Inside the round, teardrop cage was a crystal clear bead, and when Magnus turned it around in his hands, his hands started to tremble and shake. Immediately he closed his hands into a fist around the necklace.
He turned to face the personal representative and said to him in a gruff voice, ”Thanks.”
The man nodded his head, ”Well, that would be all, so I would need you to sign here, here and here.”
Magnus did as he was told so and the man got about on his way.
After the man was long gone, Magnus once more turned his attention to the pendant, silently he looked down at it, for a while, then he put it around his neck and got back to staring off into the distance.
Over a hill that overlooked everything, down to the small figurine like stature of the people passing by, or to the giant skyscrapers reaching up to the sky. The hilltop encompassed every article of the city down below.
”It is the perfect place,” Magnus said.
”Yeah,” Codex responded, ”Your mother had excellent taste.”
At that commentary from Codex, Magnus, ever so slight smiled.
”Mom always did say she wanted her ashes scattered over this hill, it was here, that dad uses to take her on their usual dates.”
Codex remained silent, letting Magnus reminisce about those happy moments.
Grandpa Richard walked up to Magnus, from the assorted mass down below, and carefully tapped Magnus on the shoulder. ”You take as long as you need, son, we will just be waiting, patiently,” he said as he mistook the moment that Magnus and Codex had spoke to each other as a grieving moment for Magnus.
Magnus let the misunderstanding of Grandpa Richard slid, he did not have much energy to argue against it, he never really had enough energy for much, lately.
Nodded his head and taking Magnus silence as an answer, Grandpa Richard made his way back down to where everyone, who came to the funeral was.