7 Chapter 6: News (1/2)
Michael continued on with his shrill screaming, not showing any signs of stopping any time soon.
But Magnus, on the other hand, had something to say about that, taking up the butt of the pistol once more, he cuffed Michael on the back of the head with it, and said to him very frigidly, ”Shut up.”
At once Michael did as he was commanded, just so that he could get the pain to stop. He looked up at Magnus with defiance in his eyes, as blood rolled down his lips from his now broken nose.
Magnus shook his head to himself, at the folly the fool is continuing to commit. The idiot does not even realize the situation he found himself in. His minions cannot help him, the whole room is turned against him, and now, the person who he was threatening to kill has his life right in his hands.
Yet he is looking at Magnus with no shred of fear, and a sneer. This idiot is hopeless, Magnus thought.
Before Magnus could continue on with what he was doing, a voice interpreted him, and it was from nobody else except for Aunt Avril. ”Alright, that is enough from the two of you,” Avril said as she walked up towards Michael and Magnus, with a swagger and a shotgun slung over her back.
”If the two of you want to continue on with your little show, then take it outside. I will not have you brawling or shooting at each other in my bar. Is that clear?” Aunt Avril asked as she looked at each young man right in the eyes.
Magnus immediately surrendered, as he placed both of his hands up in the air, gesturing that he will comply with her rules. But Michael, on the other hand, did not take Avril underlying threat seriously. Still feeling anger and trying to find an outlet to pour all of his frustration and displeasure, Michael had the bright idea of going up against Avril bidding and wishes.
”Listen here you old hag, I…”
Magnus promptly sucked in a cold breath of air once he heard what Michael called Aunt Avril. Oh, the poor fucker is totally dead now, didn't he ever hear, not to call a woman, old?
And that is exactly how it came to be, in a streak of light, Avril was upon Michael, and with a one, two, both of Michael's legs were broken against Avril's shotgun.
Michael didn't even have a chance to scream out in pain and protest, the only thing he was able to do was to drop to the floor like a puppet whose strings were cut off. His eyes rolled back into his socket, foam started to come out from his mouth, and in a second he was unconscious as his mind could not handle the extreme pain.
Everyone in the bar, just watched as Avril dispatched Michael, nobody dared to even look at the she-demon's eyes as a ghost of a pain passed through their ankles. The two goons of Michael had their mouths hanging wide open in shock and fright, they glanced over at Avril, who stood over Michael with a vacant look.
Then as if sensing their gaze, Avril turned around to look at them, instantly, without their control, they trembling from head to toe. In their opinion, if Magnus was to be compared to a frightening beast, then Avril could be compared to a spine-chilling, hair-raising, blood-curdling monster of pure terror and...badassery.
”The two of you,” Avril said as she pointed at the two goons with her shotgun, ”stop squirming around like little girls and come pick up this piece of shit, and get the fuck out of my bar.”
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For the first time in forever, a pure and true expression past through the two goons face, this one was not that of fear or shock, it was one of simple relief. Relief that they will be keeping their lives and that they will be able to somehow get their boss back to his house, breathing and living.
They quickly ran up to their patron, hastily collected him as carefully as they could, all the while fearing that the she-demon would retract her statement.
As they did that, Magnus was able to catch the conversation that the two of them where having, for a moment there he thought it was the grunt and growl of a beast, but somehow he understood it.
”I hope the boss does not come back here ever again.” Lobal or Jovel said, ”This is literally a den of monsters.”
”Is that what you are worried about.” The other one asked.
”What?” The first speaker asked his companion.
”What do you mean, 'What?' aren't you worried about what will happen to us when we go back?”
”Uhhh, I guess that is a secondary worry for me.”
The second speaker just looked at his co-worker, then he sighed in defeat, ”Yeah, I guess you are right.”
Magnus merely stood there, frozen in place, as his brain tried to process what it was hearing. The only thing that raced through Magnus mind was, ”Holy shit! They can fucking talk”
Without noticing the bombshell that was playing through Magnus mind, the two brutes hurriedly ran out of the bar once they had their chief, safely in their hands.
Magnus watched them go, he rubbed his eyes, once then twice, and came to a final decision. ”You know what, I think I just dreamt that,” he said, as he bobbed his head, more to assure himself than anything else.
”What did you just say?” Avril asked Magnus, as she looked at him, puzzled.
”Oh,” Magnus said, ”Nothing, really. Anyways, why did you have to interfere, Aunt Avril.”
”Well, I thought it was obvious,” Bret said, as he coasted into Magnus and Avril conversation, ”You were really about to kill the worthless little thing.”
Magnus chuckled in amusement at Bret's remark, ”I could say the same for Aunt Avril. She brought him more pain then he experienced in ten lives.”
Aunt Avril rolled her eyes at Magnus witty retort, and said in a gruff voice, ”That shit does not matter right now,”
”Really,” Bret said as he interrupted Avril, ”because I think that little Magnus, over here, made a life long enemy, who would stop at nothing to see him suffer.”
Avril merely glared down at Bret, with a blank look that told of much pain and suffering if he did not shut up. Bret quickly sensed the meaning of the stare, and he promptly betrayed a sheepish smile and quickly shut his mouth.
Once Avril saw that no more interruptions were forthcoming any more, she turned back to face Magnus as said to him in a growl. ”You have a lot of explaining to do, young man.”
Magnus immediately swallowed down on the lump building up in his throat, as a cold sweat broke through his forehead. Why couldn't I started punching at Michael when he came walking through that door, Magnus wailed in his mind.
”You take care of yourself, Magnus,” somebody shouted in the now meager crowd. Magnus waved in the general direction that the voice came from as he walked towards the exit.
”Yeah,” another person cried out in agreement, as he waved his fist, which held his drink, into the air.
”All you got to do, Magnus, is tell if that bastard comes around again, and we will set him straight.”
”Thanks,” Magnus said to whoever said that.
”Forget that, we will go to his house and ripe him a new one.”
Magnus quickly turned his head to face the idiot who yelled that out, very concerned. He saw it was a man who was too deep into his cups, and sighed out a breath of relief. There comes nothing good from messing around with a gifted person, and inside of Michael's house is three gifted people.
As he turned around to once again stroll out the exit, somebody tapped him on the shoulder. Magnus rounded on to the perpetrator and saw that it was Anthony, ”Ms. Avril told me to give you these,” he said as he handed Magnus some keys. ”In her very own words, she said, 'there is no cab coming down here, so you better take my car, home.' Also, she said, 'you better make sure to tell it to come back here, it is the only ride I have.' ”
”Oh thanks, Anthony,” Magnus said as he yawned involuntarily, ”Well I better get going, it is pretty late, now. And if I ever have any hope of getting Aunt Avril car back to her before you guys close, I got to hurry.”
Magnus tried to walk away from Anthony, but the man held him tightly in his grasp and did not let Magnus move even a millimeter.
Magnus looked up upon Anthony bewildered and a bit cross then asked him, ”Is there something else you need to tell me, Anthony?”
The giant, bald man inclined his head at Magnus question and said, ”Yes, and this is from me, personally.”
”Oh?” Magnus said, never expect this from Anthony, the man is somebody of a few words, he never talks if it is unnecessary. So Magnus immediately straightened up and listened closely to Anthony had to say since this was a first.