324 Vol. 6 pt. 10 (1/2)

The True Endgame AceArriande 108860K 2022-07-20

Somebody who knows just how tired he still is from the previous day but still decides to greet him with an extreme situation.

At the top of a snow-capped mountain, Ryouta finds himself shivering in the freezing cold and wondering why he is here instead of in the usual café.

He does not even question diving headfirst into the large tent set up behind him.

And inside of said tent is none other than the woman who prepared this surprise for him.

”Howdy, onii-wan,” Saya says while bundled up in an oversized, thick coat and other winter gear including a hat with one of those fluffy balls on top.

”I don't know why but hearing a weeb imouto on top of a mountain while bundled up in winter clothes say howdy really doesn't seem fitting,” Ryouta replies.

”What's wrong with it, pardner?”

”Pupaya, please. I'm freezing cold and can't handle you talking like a cowboy all of a sudden.”

”Fiiinneee. Anyways! You're lucky, because just this day, I'm going to give you special service!”

Saya grabs the zipper at the top of her jacket and pulls it down, revealing a soft sweater underneath.

”Come in,” she says.

”Come in where?”

”I don't know if you're genuinely asking or making a perverted joke.”

”You know what it is.”

She sighs. ”Both. Just come into my coat with me.”

”You mean like, try to wear it at the same time as you?”


”Which way am I supposed to face?”

”You have to face me, I guess.”

”Then we won't be able to move our arms. One of us would have to bend our arms backward unless we plan on keeping them out to our sides.”

”I – I didn't think that far ahead.”

”The other option would be to face away from you so you're at my back, but then I'd be wearing you like a backpack.”

”I'm – I'm not that small! I'm only a few inches shorter than you! You're not Fenrir right now, so don't get cocky!”

”Just take your coat off.”

”Hmph. Fine.”

Saya takes it off and tosses it at him. Ryouta then proceeds to put it on, sits down where she was, and holds his arms out.

”Alright. Come in,” he says.

”Come in where?”

”Unless you have a surprise package under your pants, you know where. Put your back against me and slide your arms into the sleeves.”

”Fi-fine. I was supposed to be the one giving you service… wait! Take the coat off! I have a better idea!”

Ryouta stares at her, unmoving.

”I'm serious! I promise I have a really good idea! If you don't do it then I might never ever feel like doing this again, you pervert!”

”Why am I being called a pervert for the idea that you have?”

”Because I wouldn't have this idea in the first place if it wasn't for you!”

”You make a valid point. Alright,” Ryouta says and stands up, taking the coat off to toss it back to her.

First, Saya uses magic—or more technically, her code-manipulation rights inside of the small, virtual space that she can create as a lobby for Fantasy Tales Online—to increase the size of a coat to almost twice its current size. At this size, it could completely cover her body.

But something else grows, too.

Before Ryouta's very eyes, Saya grows taller.

She goes from being an imouto to an onee-chan. Though, she does not become the ”ara ara” type of onee-chan that Ryouta is most familiar with. Instead, she grows taller but keeps her previous proportions. Tall and lean. Her face grows more mature in appearance, too. She makes herself look both taller and older than Ryouta.

”I get what you're going for, but you look more like a fun aunt instead of a big sister. Big sisters are supposed to have big boobs and go 'ara ara' when they detect their prey. You look more like a basketball-playing aunt who would ruffle up my hair and roughhouse with me.”

”Hehe, that's the point, you brat,” Saya says, grabbing onto Ryouta to pull him closer without any warning.

She proves his point about roughhousing as she pulls him down against the ground, his back to her chest, and then wraps her legs around his waist.


”I'm so conflicted on how to feel right now. Where did my Pupaya go? Why am I being forced to sit in an older woman's lap?”

”Whatcha mean where'd Pupaya go?” Saya asks.

Ryouta turns around and sees that the blonde-furred dog ears are still sitting there on the top of her head, and her tail is swishing behind her.

”An older woman aunt-like sister basketball-player-looking puppy girl… we're reaching levels of culture that shouldn't be possible. You're not going to fry my brain, are you?”

”Heh. I'll be careful not to! Now, come on, put your arms in the sleeves. If you don't then I'm going to bully you.”

”You're probably going to bully me even if I do. I have a feeling that you're planning on getting some sort of revenge against me right now.”

”Just do it.”

For once, Ryouta is the one being bossed around by Saya, and he doesn't exactly intend on complaining about that. This is why he slides his arms into the coat's sleeves alongside her arms.

Once he's got his arms all the way in, Saya smiles a wide grin and zipes the coat back up!

Ryouta has been trapped within the coat. He can't move his arms wherever Saya doesn't want to move hers, he has her against his back and the coat blocking him in at the front, and her legs around his waist.

He has been thoroughly and utterly captured.

”So, why are you doing this?” he asks.

”Because,” she answers, flopping backward onto the padded sleeping bag.

Now he is lying on top of her as if she's a bed and the coat is the blanket, and she doesn't seem to mind in the slightest.

”Because why?”

”Because. I'm rewarding you. You deserve it for once, you rascal.”

”Being called a rascal is more arousing than I ever would have imagined. Though, I don't think it'd have the same effect if you were your usual self right now.”

”Rascal is the older version of baka.”

”Is it?”

”Now it is.”

”Fair enough. Anyways, what did I do to deserve being rewarded?”

”You made all those people throw up. It was hilarious, plus you did it for a good cause. You even managed to be pretty romantic for once, not that you ever treat me that way.”

”So, I'm getting this fanservice for making people throw up and somehow managing to not mess up being romantic for once?”

”Basically, yeah.”

”I have to admit that this is pretty nice.”

Ryouta forces himself to stop being so tense and to just relax, allowing his head to rest against her sweater-covered shoulder while his arms go wherever she moves her own.

”And why on top of a mountain?” he asks.

”Change of scenery.”

”I see. You know, Pupaya, you're actually kind of cool right now.”

”Heh. Of course I am! That's the whole point.”

”Are you going to be like this all the time from now on?”

”Nope. This is a one-time deal until I decide to bring it back.”

”That makes it sound like it's not actually a one-time deal. I need to know just how rare this actually is so that I know how much to value it.”

”Can't you just value it as much as possible? Don't be a scoundrel.”

”I think you mean rascal.”

”Oh. Yeah, a rascal. Serra Berra is the scoundrel.”

”Since she's the dread pirate queen?”

”Yeah. Pirates are scoundrels. Anyways… you really were good yesterday.”

”You're going to make me blush if you keep praising me, Pupaya.”

”Don't care. You're cute when you blush.”

”And now I'm blushing.”

”That's the whole point, hehe.”

”Seriously, this is so out of character for you.”

”Is it? I've always treated you how you want to be treated. If I'm treating you like this then it means you think you deserve it. It's not like I'm doing this of my own freel will or anything, rascal.”

”Are you implying I'm so narcissistic that I subconsciously believe I deserve you turning into an older woman to spoil me?”

”Yep. Well, it might be a bit of my free will. Only a tiny bit. Don't get cocky, you brat.”

”If it's only a tiny bit of your free will, then I could wish really hard for you to shrink back down to your normal size, and then I'd basically be crushing you underneath me. Right?”

”You're funny. Just try it. It won't work.”

”Then that means it's your free will and not my desire.”

Saya goes silent for a few moments. She might be part human brain and part highly advanced computer programming, but the human side of her intelligence prevents her from thinking of a good enough excuse to hide the truth with.

So instead, she reaches up to the top of his head to mess up his hair just as a stereotypically cool aunt would.

”Even if this is weird, it's nice,” Ryouta admits.

”You're welcome for this.”

”Shouldn't you be thanking yourself, too? I mean, by doing this, aren't you technically kind of doing it to yourself? Maybe that's not the right way to put it. What I mean is that, by doing this to me, it's what we both want, so we're both benefitting from it just as much?”

”You still worded that poorly, but I understand what you're trying to say. You're still wrong.”


”Because I said so, you rascal-wan.”

”Adding the honorific onto the end of that doesn't really work. It makes you sound like one of those weebs who don't know how honorifics work, and it's even worse since it's not a real honorific.”

”Then I'll never use it again.”

”I take it back. You're perfect and never do anything wrong.”

”That's what I thought, rascal-wan.”

”If you're going to call me that then I'm going to call you… milfaya. Wait, you're not really a milf. What do hot aunts get called? Also, I know I don't need to clarify this to you, but I've never had a family member I thought was hot.”

”Sh-shush. I'm not trying to be hot. I'm just trying to be mature.”

”And being mature is hot. Oh, that's what I'll call you. Hotaya.”

”That sounds like some kind of microwave food.”

”How – how did you make that comparison?”

”Blame yourself. I'm part of you.”

”By that logic, if we have sex, is that the same as masturbating?”

”And you've made it weird again.”

”But we both like it weird.”

”I – hey, somebody's checking to see if you're awake.”


”All I can say is that they're not trying to kill you. Yet.”

”Then it sounds to me like I can give you attention for a bit longer.”

”Are you sure, onii-wan – I – I mean, rascal-wan?”

”As nice as rascal is, there's something about being called onii-wan by an older woman. Do it again if this is all about rewarding me.”

”You're getting awfully cheeky… onii-wan. Wha—hey! Wh-what do you think you're doing?! Stop moving around so much!”

Trying his hardest to turn the situation around, Ryouta somehow manages to flip himself over inside of the coat so that they are chest to chest. He even manages to grab her wrists to hold them down against the ground within the coat. And now, it is his face that is over hers, his eyes looking down into her own widened eyes.

”Wh-what do you think you're doing? I'm the – I'm the older one this time!” Saya whines.

”You might be older and bigger right now, but you're still Pupaya. It's not fair if I'm the only one getting fanservice.”

”It's – it's kind of sad that I can tell you're not even trying to be smooth right now but this is when you're actually succeeding…”

”Wait, am I?”

”You're going to ruin it.”

”Probably. What about if I do this?”

Ryouta leans in lower, bringing his lips closer and closer to Saya's until there is hardly any space left between them.

With a fluttering heart, Saya cannot do anything but close her eyes and wait for what is about to happen.

”Why are your eyes closed?” he asks.

Saya opens her eyes and sees him just hanging his head over her with a totally casual expression on his face.

She knows that she should have known better.

And that is why she takes control back.

Slipping her wrists out from his grasp so that she can be the one to grab him by his wrists, she rolls over to pin him down to the ground while putting herself into the exact same position that he was just in.

”I'm – I'm the mature one today. I'm not going to let you do whatever you want, and I'm especially not going to let you tease me like that! Now – n-now it's time for revenge,” Saya says, staring down at his face.

”Are you sure?” Ryouta asks. ”If you're really the mature one, then you have to prove it.”

”Fine! I'll prove it!”

”Alright. Can you resist what I'm about to say?”

”I can resist – wait – wait! D-don't – don't you dare! That's cheating! You know the effect it has on me!”


”Bad! Bad scamp!”

”I'm a scamp now?”

”I forget what I was calling you before! You scoundrel!”

”Still not right.”


”Good girl.”

Saya freezes. Her tail is already wagging, her ears are twitching, and her eyes are starting to spin.

But she refuses!

She shakes away the desire to give in to those words so that she can—