323 Vol. 6 pt. 9 (1/2)
The train finally returns to the station, and aboard it is a sight that turns the stomachs of many waiting to board the ride. Those who are not disgusted are laughing.
Serra, wondering what everybody is laughing and disgusted at, finally turns around to look behind her.
Her eyes open wide as she discovers the destruction behind her.
The two men that sat directly behind them are both covered in their own vomit from their chests to their foreheads.
Every single row behind them is covered, too. The cars, the people in them – it is a disaster unsanitary enough that the staff will need to swap the train out for one of the backups so that they can clean and sanitize the train.
When Serra looks up at Ryouta, she sees a man with a smug, satisfied smile.
Suspicious. Very suspicious.
What is even more suspicious is that he signs to her telling her they need to leave immediately.
It is time to run before he gets reported.
And so, figuring that Cassandra and Alice will catch up and hopefully not kill him, Ryouta gets out of the train, holds Serra's hand, and gets out of there before those recovering from the nightmare of a ride can report what happened.
Ryouta is not running away; he is tactically acquiring a safer position.
When he finally feels safe, he pulls out his phone to send a group text letting Alice and Cassandra know where they are hiding.
He doesn't get an answer which does cause him to worry a bit.
They may potentially be very upset with him. He can't blame them if they are, either.
Was it worth it?
Ryouta looks down at Serra.
Her hair has been blown back and it may now be the messiest he has ever seen it. Her cheeks are still flushed, too.
Most importantly, she is wearing a mighty grin.
”Have fun?” he asks her.
Serra nods, reaches up to grab his face, and kisses him.
”Fun,” she says. ”Fery fun.”
It was worth it.
”See? Roller coasters aren't that scary.”
She nods her head and looks over at the line.
She wants to go again.
Unfortunately, that would not be a good idea, and Ryouta finally explains to her what happened while switching out one part.
It is not that he wants to lie to her. It is that he doesn't want to ruin her day.
So, he explains what happened and says that he did it because the guys behind them were mocking him with racial slurs. A simple lie, but a believable enough one.
Unfortunately for him…
Serra pouts and lightly smacks his arm.
”I guess I was too obvious. I just can't bring myself to seriously try around any of you. Sorry for trying,” he says.
Serra signs, asking if they were making fun of her.
As much as he doesn't want to confirm it, she is already suspicious and he is too bad of a liar when it comes to his girlfriends.
”Yeah,” he sighs.
Serra pouts more before sighing herself.
While sitting next to each other on a stone bench, she grabs his head and pulls him down so that she has his head against her chest.
”Hanks,” she whispers – or rather, tries to whisper. She is louder than she realizes.
Next, she pulls out her phone while holding his head against her chest still with her other hand.
A short wait later and she holds it in front of his face.
You're a bad dog for trying to lie, but I know why you did and I appreciate it even if I don't like it. Don't ever try to lie to me again, no matter how small even if it's super tiny for my own good, okay? Even if I ask you if my butt looks big in pants, if it does, I want you to say so. Cass Cass wouldn't want you to, but I would. Never try it again. Also, I love you and thank you for trying. I know this is sending mixed messages. I don't like that you tried to lie, but I understand why you did and I really do love you for trying because of why you lied, but I don't need you to lie to protect me. All I need is for you to hold me and comfort me when I feel bad. And make people throw up. That also helps me.
Ryouta sighs, realizing that all of his girlfriends really are perfect.
”I have to try and be a better boyfriend for all of you,” he says, though she is not able to read his lips thanks to how she is holding him.
”You mean be a boyfriend who doesn't almost make vomit rain all over his girlfriends?”
Ryouta looks up.
Cassandra and Alice are in front of them.
”A-ah. Hey. Uh… about that,” he says, not even wanting to look them over to see if they got vomit on them or not.
”You're lucky,” Casandra says.
He finally looks them over.
Not a single speck of vomit is anywhere on them.
He breathes a sigh of relief.
”We realized what you were doing, and although we did not understand why, we ducked before anything could happen!” Alice explains. ”The staff at the station were not happy with us. Ducking as low as we were is apparently not allowed and actually quite dangerous!”
”You're saying that way too enthusiastically,” Cassandra says. ”So, why did you decide to troll a whole ride and get vomit all over everybody?” she asks Ryouta.
”For me,” Serra says.
She quickly types what happened on her phone and hands it over to Alice so that she and Cassandra can read it.
”I see! My hero – ah, wait. You are not my hero for the day. I forgot. Serra's hero, I must admit that I would never have expected such a plan! I suppose that this is the true power of the one who once led the Divine Brigade,” Alice says, handing the phone back to Serra.
”Seriously… we saw the faces you were making. How'd you get that good at pretending how to vomit?” Cassandra asks.
”To get out of school,” Ryouta answers. ”Nurses were quick to call my parents when I'd pretend that I was sick, but I only did it a couple times a year. The burping thing – I learned that for no real reason. I think. If I had a reason for it, I forget.”
”You're lucky you didn't get us sick. I was starting to feel it myself, and hearing everybody in front of us didn't help. You're such a sadist.”
”I know, but you like it when I'm sadistic, Cass Cass.”
”Not when you're that type of sadistic. Well, I mean… why you were sadistic is hot, but not how you were sadistic. That was just… gross.”
”I did what needed to be done. It was for the greater good. Getting back at those two punks for what they were doing was worth potentially getting you two caught up in the crossfire.”
”I don't know how to feel about what I just heard. You just said that it would be worth it if you got vomit on us.”
”But it was for Serra.”
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”I think you just wanted to be a dick, too.”
”I mean… I can't deny that I didn't want to get revenge just because. They were assholes.”
”I really shouldn't find that as attractive as I do. Why do I have to like bad guys…”
”Are you saying I should be bad more often to make sure you stay in love with me?”
”No. Being bad once a year is enough for me. I'll be mad if you're bad any more than that.”
”Alright. I'll make sure to come up with a super asshole plan for next year.”
”Just don't include vomit next time.”
”What if I include vomit but make sure that none of you are at risk of getting it on you?”
”No vomit.”
”I must take Cassandra's side on this matter, Serra's hero,” Alice answers.
”You can just call me by my name if you're not going to call me your hero.”
”I could! However, if I call you Serra's hero instead of Ryouta, I still get to call you a hero!”
”I'm pretty sure he's a villain today,” Cassandra interjects. ”Chaotic neutral at least.”
”Not chaotic good?” Ryouta asks.
”If you were chaotic good then you would have cared about getting a bunch of innocents caught up in your revenge.”
”Oh. All the others getting vomit on them took it from being revenge to being hilarious.”
”Never mind. You're chaotic evil.”
”Wonderful!” Alice cheers. ”Then I may call you my villain! Though, you have never done anything so villainous to me. My he—Serra's hero! Do something villainous to me so that I may justify calling you my villain!”
”Like – like what?” Ryouta asks.
”Choke me.”
”I'm not choking you in public.”
”Smack me.”
”I'm not smacking you, either.”
”Toss me out of my wheelchair and push my head against the ground underneath your foot!”
”I'm not that evil!”
”Hmm. You are making this rather difficult. Ah! I know.”
”Insult me!”
”I'd feel way too bad.”
”Hmm. Very well. Pinch me hard enough to make me bleed.”
”I – I mean… I could, but I'd probably still feel bad.”
”Ah, I see. I would have thought that the former leader of the fearsome Divine Brigade would be capable of pinching a girl, but I suppose that there are some things even the former leader could not do.”
”Come here.”
Alice wheels closer with an excited smile on her face.
Ryouta finally pulls his head away from Serra's chest.
”Cover us,” he tells Cassandra and Serra.
Serra gives a thumbs-up while Cassandra sighs.
With Alice sitting in her wheelchair in front of him, Cassandra and Alice strategically covering them from passersby, Ryouta leans forward and presses his lips against her neck.
And bites.
He only bites her hard enough to draw blood, but…
In Alice Vision, the fangs of a vampire are sinking deep into the delicate flesh of her neck. In a dark castle atop a lonely hill, the only other living creatures around being bats and crows, Alice has been kidnapped from the small village that she calls home by a horrifying-but-oh-so-handsome lord of the night! He swept her away one night while she was walking through the fields too late at night regardless of how many times her parents warned her not to. After bringing her back to the castle, she has been kept alive as he has brought her food and water with his daily attempts at seducing her mind.
For the fearsome vampire Ryoutula wants not a forced servant but one who is willing to fall into the dark with him!
After weeks of developing Stockholm syndrome, the pure maiden Alice has finally given in to the desires implanted in her mind by Ryoutula.
She has submitted to him.
Laid down on his grand bed covered in crimson sheets, he has pinned her down and brought his lips to her neck.
And now he is turning her into a vampire just like he is.
The irreversible ritual will forever change her life, and her existence will be tied to his from now until the end of eternity!
By the time that the ritual is complete, she can only sigh in disappointment that his fangs have left her neck.
But at least he has left her with a gift.
Alice reaches up to her neck to touch where the two, deep holes have been left so that she can feel the proof of his action.
”Was it painful?” Ryoutula asks, his fangs dripping with her blood that he oh-so-seductively licks with his tongue.
Alice parts her lips to respond, but…
”There,” Cassandra says, putting a bandage on Alice's neck. ”We'll get in trouble if people see you walking around with a fresh hickey.”
Alice lets out the longest, most disappointed sigh that any of them have ever heard come from her. In fact, they did not even know that she is capable of making such a noise of disappointment until now.