292 Vol. 4 Wrap Up The True Talk Show: Episode Four (1/2)

This program is brought to you New Realities Incorporated. Fantasy Tales Online headsets are available starting at seventy dollars and will transport you into a world beyond your wildest imagination! Live the fantasy life that you have always wanted to live. Kill monsters, raid epic dungeons, fight against other players in massive wars, sail the high seas and climb the tallest mountains, or just live an average life as a farmer! There is a world full of possibilities awaiting you!

”And we're back. Again,” Oleander says with a sigh, not even properly sitting in his seat. It looks more as if he's trying to lie down in the seat since his head is almost against the cushion while his lower half and some of his torso are hanging off of the chair.

Rock barks into her microphone, which is hanging by her collar, at Oleander.

”I don't know, Rock. I'm just not really feeling it this episode.”

Rock barks more.

”No, they wouldn't let me interview the new character I wanted to interview!”

Rock's barking noises intensify.

”Yeah, the giant serpent! I wanted to interview her, him, whatever, on the show! But the producers said that it was impossible and illogical because there's no way that a giant serpent could fit in here!”

Shockingly, Rock continues barking.

”I don't care how the other guests feel! It's not the same!”

Perhaps to the surprise of some, Rock stares at Oleander, waits a few seconds, and then barks.

”I don't care if I'm acting out of character! Let me pout and whine! It's not fair! How are our ratings going to keep up with that new show? That stupid puppy is outdoing us in his first season, and we're going onto season five! Maybe Fenny was right about wanting to be like a dog. Maybe we should all just become dogs since apparently being a dog is how you get easy views and ratings. Hmph.”

Rock, giving up on Oleander, turns to face the audience and releases noises from her maw that one could say are similar to a barking noise.

The curtain pulls up and reveals the first special guest!

Rock barks more, trying to introduce her as one of the characters who has been a part of the story since the very beginning right with Fenrir, but has never had an appearance.

That's right. It's none other than Saya!

”Pupaya! Pupaya!” the crowd cheers.

”It's not Pupaya! Hmph!” Saya hmphs at the audience.

”Oh, look, another person who's gotten more popular recently all because she acts like a puppy. Fawns are totally cuter than puppies,” Oleander pouts.

”At least you're not being called weird names!”

”I wish I got called cute nicknames…”

”There's nothing cute about Pupaya! Besides… o-only Fenrir is allowed to call me that. No-not that I like being called that or anything! Hmph!”

”We already have one girl who hmphs, acts like a puppy, and is a blonde tsun in love with Fenny. Do we really need another? Like, aren't you kind of repetitive?”

Oleander's words pierce Saya's heart, causing her eyes to dull and her spirit to fade.

It's all true.

Even though she was the first girl introduced, and has been a blonde tsundere from the very beginning, there is already a girl much more popular than her whom satisfies those tropes.

”I – I'm not original at all,” Saya says with her shoulders slumped over.

”Nope. You're just another blonde, tsun, hmphing girl with a petplay fetish,” Oleander confirms.