42 Vol 1. pt. 42 Patch 8.0: How to Train Your Crew (2/2)
”Are new players allowed to compete in the tournament?”
”Course ya are! I don't think they'll do very well, probably won't make it past the first round, but they're more than welcome to try! Hell, if we've got some NPCs tryin' to compete with their own ships and crews, why can't some new faces?”
”NPCs are going to be competing? Sorry for the questions, only just started playing this past week.”
”No problem, boy! Yeah, some of 'em have grouped up and started a crew. Real friendly folk. I've talked to them a few times before. They're great fishers, too. Ya wouldn't think it from lookin' at them, but they've got just as much spirit as me and you. Also, I'm sorry to say, but if you're new then ya probably don't have a ship, and ya need a ship if ya want to enter the tournament.”
”Oh, no, we've got one already.”
”Yeah, she's over there. I named her The Shoebill,” Fenrir points to the far end of the pier where The Shoebill is in sight.
”Well beat me over the head with my ma's fruitcake and call me Lola. You new players are all about catchin' up as quickly as possible these days, aren't ya?”
”We've got to catch up to you old timers! Can't be letting you hog all the glory and fun to yourselves.”
”Hah! I like you, boy. What was your name again?”
”Nice to meet ya, Fenrir! I'm Jax!” This time, Jax grabs Fenrir's hand and gives it such a firm handshake that Fenrir worries his bones are going to break.
Fenrir hides his hand behind his back to shake the pain off after it's finally released. He accidentally smacks the side of Serra's head doing it.
She pouts and readjusts her hat.
”Is there anything else you need to join?”
”A ship, a card, and a good crew! Ya need at least seven people for your crew to qualify. We've got individual tournaments, but this one here is for crewed vessels.”
Assuming that Fenrir can somehow convince Oleander and Bonekraka to join them, that still leaves them two short. He doubts that Rock would count. Rock is more of a mascot than a crewmember.
He looks down at Rock.
She's sitting with her tongue out, craning her neck to look up at the hulking Jax.
”Alright, thanks again for all the information. I forget if I already asked, but are you guys competing?” Fenrir asks, looking between Jax and Jin.
”We are! We'll be sailin' out with the rest of our brothers on The Weeping Tit.”
Fenrir tries containing his laughter. However, Jax catches onto him and slaps his back to force the laughter out! ”It's alright, boy! If ya want to laugh, laugh! Bein' a man is all about doin' what ya want to do! Never hold anythin' back. It's especially true for your girls there. Holdin' back a laugh is as bad as holdin' back half your cock!”
Jax's vulgar and blunt language causes not only the girls to blush, but Fenrir as well.
Even so, he laughs. ”Thanks for the great advice. Always laugh and never go to a girl with a semi. Got it. Anyways, we've got to go get some practice and meet a couple of new crewmembers. You'll be seeing The Shoebill during the tournament, and we'll be proving that us newcomers have got what it takes to compete!” Fenrir proudly declares. He knows that Bonekraka and Oleander haven't even agreed to it yet, and there's still the problem of needing two more crewmembers even if they do agree, but he's allowing himself to get excited even if he knows it might just lead to disappointment.
”That's the spirit, boy! Now, take this bucket and go get some practice!” Jax says, picking up the bucket of jumping shrimp and shoving it into Fenrir's arms. ”One last thing. You see the tower there?” Jax asks, pointing to the arguably-useless tower of cannons. ”The water, this side of it – it's a great fishin' spot. Plenty of fish love hangin' around in the back there since not many ships disturb the waters in that spot. Your ship looks small enough to not annoy anybody, so I'd just anchor her over there and get to fishin'.”
”We'll do that. Thanks again, Jax, Jin. I'm lookin'” their speech is beginning to rub off on Fenrir, ”forward to seeing you during the tournament.”
”We'll be lookin' out for The Shoebill and her dog of a captain!”
Jax spins Fenrir around and gives him a pat on the back to send him forward, making sure to hit just above where Serra's head is since she's still clinging and hiding behind Fenrir.
”Thanks,” Cassiel says, following after Fenrir.
Jax looks over to Jin. ”Ain't it nice seein' a boy and his girls?”
”Remember when it used to just be a boy and his girl?” Jin asks.
”Yeah, but times've changed. Can't be lettin' our old beliefs get in the way of the young's. It's their future.”
”You're a lot softer than you look, old man.”
”Nothin' wrong with that! A real man has to be comfortable with his soft side!”
”Right you are. Now, go catch some more bait to make up for what we just gave away.”