42 Vol 1. pt. 42 Patch 8.0: How to Train Your Crew (1/2)

Fenrir leads Cassiel and Serra back down to the docks. At one point, he tells Rock that he'll let her down if she promises to behave and not run off anywhere without permission. She licks his face in agreement. Fortunately, she has yet to run off. She sticks by his side and never breaks pace. She does not fall behind, nor does she run ahead. She stays exactly at his side as a trained service dog would.

He's actually really impressed. Cassiel and Serra are both impressed as well.

Fenrir has never gone shopping for bait before, but he figures that if anywhere is selling it, it's going to be at the docks.

And so, they reach the docks.

”Hey! Do you know of any good bait… shops?” Fenrir asks a man that he sees walking around with a fishing pole.

The man turns around. Fenrir immediately feels emasculated.

Standing before him is a man a couple of inches taller than him, he has an open shirt revealing a chest covered in curled hairs just as white as the scruffy hair covering his face, and he is absolutely ripped as far as muscles go. He just looks straight up intimidating.

Serra is already hiding behind Fenrir. Even Cassiel is intimidated by the man's sheer masculinity.

”What's this? A new arrival here wantin' to go fishin' with his ladies?” the man asks, but he sounds more like he's shouting from how deep and booming his voice is. ”I'll show ya the best place to get some good bait at! With me, boy!”

Fenrir doesn't fully understand what's going on, but he does know that he's following this giant personification of masculinity.

”Oi! I got a new boy! Get the good stuff out here!” the man shouts into a wooden shack on the pier.

Another man with matching levels of masculinity, but with brown hair and less wrinkles, brings out a huge bucket full of shrimp trying to jump out of its water.

Serra strategically positions Fenrir from behind so that his back is away from each of the men.

”We got some good stuff for ya here! First order is free since I like seein' young'uns takin' up fishin'.”

”Really? That's great,” Fenrir says. It's mainly great because he's just remembered that he's out of money.

”Of course! We need more young'uns learnin' the joys of fishin', and unless yer lucky with where ya live back in borin' old reality, this is the best place to learn! Let me tell ya, boy. I've played many fishin' games in my day. I remember when Pro Ocean Fishing '19 Deep Dark Edition was the hottest thing around, but nothin' can beat fishin' here!”

As much as Fenrir loves fishing and enjoys the confirmation that this game has the best fishing that there is, he's more impressed by the fact that this guy is referencing a game that came out before his parents were even born.

”My name's Fenrir. I figure I at least owe you my name if you're helping me out so kindly.”

”Fenrir! That's a good name! Sure, it might not be the most original name I've ever heard, but it's still a good one! A fishin' wolf is the best kind of wolf!” the man shouts. ”Oh, and I'm Jax,” he says, his voice much calmer now.

”Nice to meet you, Jax.”

Serra and Cassiel are amazed by how well Fenrir seems to be getting along with this new man known as Jax.

Is this how men bond? By talking about fishing?

Neither of the girls has ever witnessed the birth of a bromance before.

Since Serra is hiding, only Cassiel can see how the two men longingly look into one another's eyes. While she's sure that they just want to talk about fishing things, it's oddly homoerotic.

Cassiel has no idea how to feel about this.

Should she be jealous or disturbed?

”I'm Jin,” the younger but just as masculine man in the shack says. ”Don't worry about it, kid. This bucket would normally only be a few silver. Bait's cheap.”

”Even so, I really appreciate it. I just used the last of my gold on getting this card,” Fenrir says, flashing the card to the men.

Jax grabs Fenrir's wrist to get a good look at the card. ”Got a negative Standing there. Be careful showin' it around. The folk here might be the best company you could ever ask for to go fishin' with, but they're firmer than my late ma's fruitcake when it comes to the rules.

”I figured as much, thanks. Hey, you guys know anything about the fishing tournament?” Fenrir asks.

”Of course we do! It's the talk of the city! It's happenin' in a week from now, and I've heard that the pretty boy elf king from across the way is goin' to be showin' up for it. Guess it's part of Blackstache tryin' to find more allies to help him with ole' blue bitch.”

”Blue bitch?”

”Yeah, blue bitch. Indra. She's a wretched woman, reminds me of my late ma.”

Fenrir has a feeling that Jax has very conflicting emotions regarding his late ma.

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