Vol 1 Chapter 17 (1/2)

Dark Mage KIM Jung-Ryul 33810K 2022-07-20

He was the newly appointed prie, and he was a person who had the wholehearted support of the ee and he was an outstanding individual with a lot of ability

After seeing hidouess at his abilityDuke Serge spread the chart out and he started explaining the situation

“Every monarch here should already know that the current situation is very direIncluding the Kanduras kingdodoms have already fallen by the hands of the orc’s allied forces

Those bastards’ forces are very frighteningThe siege warfare we used during the 1st race wars do not work any moreFrom the available information, we know that they use meteor swarm to destroy the castle then they insert their armyThis is how they carried out their attackIt seeonsIt is not possible to delay their advance with siege warfare because of them”

Thethe explanationIt had only been 30 years since the bloody Moon incident, so they hadn’t expected that the hu at the current situation, we are in a er that can’t even be compared to the other two

It is the strongest existence on the Truvania continentDragons, who provoke fear just froe continued on explaining

“We have to especially focus on the fact that there is a lot of monster in the orc’s invasion forceThere are a lot of resEven the Wyverns have joined forces with the an extraordinary aainst the orc bastards have strikingly declined”

He spoke the truthOgres and trolls have superior statures and they could easily face off against a inally, the orc race did have a cavalryThe orcs had wolf riders, whose mobility was on par with the cavalryHowever, wolf riders were light arhts equipped with heavy ar role in the hue had all but disappeared

One shocked monarch suddenly stood up frodom’s monarch

“Ho are these orcs able to rope in all these savageit”

“According to the analysis of our intelligence department, it could be surAs you probably know, doesn’t a lot of uardians of the lairMoreover, the knights’ frequent hunting in the past may also have had a role in itEveryone should know about thisNumerous ae to avoid being huntedThe dragons probably rounded them up to join with the orc’s forces”


All the ot down to it, it was their fault that the uarded against Crossen Magnus, but his influence on the Truvania continent was largeOne of them was that he opened a path that increased the chance of a knight becoure that trained 250 sword master in mere 10 years

He spread his own syste mana to the entire continentOf course, it was less effective than studying under their own knights, but it still caused a huge rippleThe knights, who learned this method, redoubled their efforts to become a masterSince they had already taken up the sword, they harbored the a a master

There was a line of knights anted to learn the training nus Ironically, the life of the res and trolls were threatened by them

Since the dawn of tiwas the er to their life was enorhts didn’t even attehts) Instead, the knights chose to hunt the mid-sized monsters

The knights wanted to help their training while increasing their reputationEvery knight started hunting res to almost dry up on the Truvania continentThe mid-sized monsters had no choice but to escaped en eFor the sake of their survival, they had to go to a place where hue, the dragon lair was densely populated and there were vast forests that was sufficient enough to hide them

The knights desire for glory caused the mass exodus of the ht now as a forer

“No ence of et their anions didn’t pressure them, they would have participated in the orc’s army on their own”

Serge had suspected this truthHowever, it was too late to regret over a hundred ti they could do was to raise a fall back plan

“We have to gather the strength of all the kingdoer”

No one objected to the suggestionThey had used the same method to overcome the two previous events that threatened the existence of huether was their best attributesIf all the ar on Truvania was assembled in one place as an allied force, then they could act synergistically

Therefore, all the estionAt that moment, someone’s voice resonated in the hall

“That is not enoughThe danger that is about to unfold is uniuarantee that it’ll be hard for us to handle everything with just Truvania’s powers”

Every aze fell on one personThe person, who yelled out, deliberately walked to the side of Serge A bewildered sound cae’s mouth