Vol 1 Chapter 16 (1/2)
“The existence called dragon is said to be the strongest living being on the Truvania continent
They have an extre life span, and they can live up to ten thousand years”
Dok-gosong’s mouth fell open
“Hyaa!(TLN: whoa!) Ten thousand years?They live for a very long long ti twice, not a typo)
“IndeedThey have a tremendous aon’s enoron’s outer skin is harder than any on bone is considered to be a high grade item”
“Bone is called bone here” (TLN: == author said 본(bone) is called 뼈 – so english translation is bone is called bone…Dok-gosong is speaking so he is equating the other world’s term to his world’s term)
“YesThe dragon is an existence that is made out of sion then the hide is not that strongHowever once it ages to a certain point, the entire hide turns into a substance similar to the bonesTherefore, you cannot face it with a normal methodThere is only one way to pierce the hideIf it isn’t a sword master’s aura blade then it’s impossible”
“When you say aura blade…do you , i’ll replace that with sword energy – in this genre, guy that forms around a weapon)
“I do not knohat your continent calls itIn this place, aura blade is when a sword master trains and iy is increased to simultaneously protect the body of the sword, and it pierces through any hnessIt is the ultiain, the sword is imbued with mana and it can be made into any shape Any technique that could do that is titled aura bladeThis is the only way to pierce a dragon’s skinThere are no other ways”
Dok-gosong cleared his throatAccording to his explanation, aura blade is a designation that includes both sword energy and sword spirit
(TLN: 검기(劍氣) & 검강(劍岡)- I changed it to sword energy and sword spirit As said before, sword energy covers the weapon and you can change the shape of itIt’s more of a reinforcementWhat I refer to as sword spirit is y released froet )
Of course when his body hole, he was an expert that could raise his strong qi to the 3rd level in one breathHe was able to extend the 10 steel nails of Hojo to the length of a ladle
(TLN: Hojo was his weapon, steel gloves withhe could i as a ladle)
However this was in the pastIn his current condition, he wouldn’t even dreaosong could feel his sad eed the subject
“It is very surprising that the organisthOf course in Zhongyuan, we also have an existence called dragon(TLN: he used the korean teron(TLN: he used the western teron)However in our world, it is coi) a dragonThebefore he can ascendOccasionally one would show up in the world and ons(TLN:악룡(惡龍)ahk-ryong) Of course I have seen these evil dragons on few occasions, and I had even hunted theon”
God dragons(TLN: 신룡(神龍) shi+n-ryong) are what one would classify as true dragons, and no matter what happens, they do not show up in the human world
Dok-gosong was able to realize froons were an existence that was incoons
‘According to this on it would be weaker than the dragons hereNot only are there creatures calledin existence here…’
Dok-gosong was briefly lost in his thought, then he heard Shrekhei
“Even if ere to account for everything, the real scary part about a dragon is their ic”
Dok-gosong had heard a rough explanation so he had a grasp of what this sorcery(TLN: he is referring his oorld’s foric I’ll just call it sorcery) called ic wasThe black arts he had learned was mostly used to trick the eyes, and it was called the Mi-hon technique Magic was uni coht hi already had a deep curiosity about ic
“You are saying that dragons could use as ic as the humans?”
Shrekheiave a bitter smile as if the words he spoke was absurd
“Originally, ons”
“In the distant past, a dragon that had befriended the huicThat is how the inator of ons”
Dok-gosong was shocked
“With the stolen on, you were able to increase your levels to a point where you were able to cross dimensions?”
“That is correctHue compared to the other racesIt is the ability to pass down knowledgeThe on was able to cohtenmentHe passed it down to his studentsThe students also researched the inherited knowledge and they were able to develop it furtherThen they were able to pass it down to the later generationsThe hu this methodWe were even able to cross di into consideration, the huonsOf course, in all aspects of ic”
“That is very surprising”
Dok-gosong could not hide his surpriseA neorld had opened to him before he had realized itThis world had a coyuan…Shrekhei shake his head
“Fro invitedI believe it’ll be h the ic stone”
Truvania’s hue where they were able to store their ic stoneShrekhei that was held by thewhere they decided they’ll invite a warrior from a different world
If one would ask the people, which country in Truvania orthy of being called the strongest then they would definitely pick the country of IkarotThey had the longest history, and they were also the only country in Truvania that had a vast number of population Also on par with their lofty reputation, the capital of the Ikarot kingdoest city on the continentThe city housed the most people in the continent, and most of the nobles were concentrated there
The defensive fortification of Feldrian was beyond one’s i war against the arinableHowever, the city’s reputation brutally fell not too long ago when a series of event led to a theft in the center of FeldrianA son infiltrated the city and stole the most important treasure of the humansIf the truth was known then the disturbance that would be caused would be beyond iination
Of course, this event was kept as a secret from the normal citizens However, it was an iIt was spread through word of em was stolen