Chapter 464 Inheritors of Blood (1/2)

Chapter 464 Inheritors of Blood

After killing the Viewfinder, the lasses turned to look at the eht where the planet was hiding However, he couldn't feel anything there

”Aren't you going to absorb her? Plenty of nutrients in a spawn of Destiny” Said a young and serious-looking young man in leather armor, who carried a decorative spear made of si at as left of the Viewfinder hat solasses shook his head, then said, ”Let her coacy”

As soon as the , the woht hand onto her side, and said, ”Speaking of which, why can't I feel it? It has been three months since we have lost traces of it Is his lordshi+p really dead?”

”The little spawn of Destiny would not dare lie to us” Said the lasses with a calm and composed tone Soon after, his lips curved into a s we can be sure of, is that that bastard would have never kicked the bucket without leaving behind the rest of his lifework Thinking of useach other for it, that is a plus He must have died with a sh of the ht, wasn't he?” he asked, already aware of ould happen the verythestep of their cultivation The step that would elevate the servants to a tyrannical God, to the state of the Murderous God itself

The blood cultivator with glasses ignored the question of his lasses His hazel-colored irises, black pupils, and white scleras quickly changed into red, charging with the blood essence contained in his body Once identical in color to fresh blood, this film of concentrated blood essence separated from his eyes, and shot out in the distance

This film was similar to the one he had used to kill the Viewfinder, but instead of being a net big enough to kill a single person, it quickly expanded to a point where it could split a planet as big as a star into rows of cleanly cut and identical squares

The moment Nova saw this net, he activated one of the functions of the spatial foran to stretch and curve, until finally, when the net reached the planet, the side that was closer to it had becoo in between threads of blood The narrow part of the planet followed the path of the net, turning the planet into ould appear like a very exaggerated hourglass, and ended thethe planet back into its original round shape

Nova had already guessed that this attack was nothing but an atteht when he started to think that they lasses showed an alasses back on

Before Nova could realize it, the immense net that had inal rate-like pattern, it had started to spin at a speed that turned it into a pink dish

When this spinning plate touched Daniel's planet, it came in conflict with the defensive measures of its spatial formation, which in need of all of the power emanated by the artifact, redirected the sustainment required to keep up the spatial shi+eld thatits defences This forced the planet to appear in all of its splendor, right in front of these six cultivators, and the recovering Viewfinder

”There they are” Said a girl in her early teens, dressed in the kind of formal clothes that only a member of an imperial family would wear However, in her tone, just like on the faces of all of her companions, there was no happiness The reason for that was that while they had found so, they still couldn't see or feel the presence of their legacy

Just when the failsafe ability of the Viewfinder's systeht its wielder back to life, the skimpily dressed woman turned to look at her with an expression filled with irritation, and asked, ”Where is he? You said he would be here!!”

Terrified, the Viewfinder lowered her eyes and said while stuttering, ”H-He is h-here I aret In hope to recover her artifact, she had used her system to create a mission that could allow her to find Daniel Thisan alliance with these blood cultivators, bringing the their power to kill him

What she was not aware of, was how little these individuals would care about the life of others Even those who helped the but little dots in the tapestry of their lives, which they would not think twice about erasing theof irritation had already cost her a life, and now that she had witnessed their power, she knew that she had put herself in between the rock and a hard place