Chapter 463 Like Moths to Flames (1/2)

Chapter 463 Like Moths to Flarounds of hiel acadeun to make some improve of coal to keep going, Daniel kept cultivating the Mindhive's artifact with his power, sacrificing bits and pieces of his planet which would recover with ti its natural essence

Daniel really had to thank his lucky star for finding an artifact with the power of the Door to the Dream State Most other artifacts would have siain an increase in battle prowess, but when combined with his own, no other artifact was as useful to him as that one was An artifact that would allow him to recycle his oer, and turn it into ownerless true immortal essence which could be used to cultivate not only by him, but his friends and followers

Separately, these artifacts could be considered extreether, they had without a doubt become the most precious artifact in the whole universe The only other possession that could compete with it, was the spiritual plain, from which the spiritual essence used by any cultivator who nurtured his spirit come from, and that was used by the members of the spiritual factions to cultivate under the rule of their mysterious Emperor

The most important difference between these two sources of poas the fact that, while the sacred ground of hiel acadee amounts of its selected kind of power, the main connection between the spiritual plain and the universe, worked as a tap This sort of connection would only allow a certain amount of spiritual essence in, and that was the reason why despite having an infinite stream of power, the members of the spiritual faction were unable to cultivate past the level of the high iroup

However, now that the universe had become aware of the multiverse, the spiritual faction started to receive visits from the champions of the low-tier aspect of existence called Emotion, and since the spirit was the human aspect which controlled human emotions, to come were different entities of spiritual nature What these entities taught to the spiritual cultivators, was how to gradually widen the connection between their universe and the spiritual plain, so that they could increase the presence of spiritual essence in their diher level

Similarly, and yet on a smaller scale, Daniel constantly increased the cultivation of the artifact so that he could use it to increase his oer, and afterchunks of his planet of his planet into it, he entered it, and instructed Xargy with closing the entrance behind hi six months, the chaos that had taken over thebut worsen

Rumors about the disappearance of what, before, were considered powerful factions to the hands of lower level groups, powerful roups drained of their wealth by the factions they belonged, and daily wars of a scale that only took place once every few thousand years, reached the ears of the inhabitants of Daniel's planet

A cultivators that attended Hiel acade the Daniel's invitation to evacuate their planets, and lad about it were those who had friends and family members who had refused to leave their ancestral homes, and had now joined their ancestors under the pile of rocks that buried them

These rue of dealing with external roup as well The reason for that, was that Daniel did not want the cultivators who lived on his planet to lose the that death lay in wait everywhere outside of the planet's atave a reason to the fa cultivators to prepare for their chaotic future

Left with only the cultivation resources in their pockets, these faan to explore Daniel's planets to find territories in which they could settle in Unfortunately, the nature of the planet was obscure to these cultivators who, oblivious to the fact that the whole planet was part of Daniel's body, had started to contend over its rich resources, and livable territories

These disputes would go beyond the head of Daniel's group, since only he was able to see everything that was happening on his planet Whenever someone would report this behaviour, these fa, and that it was all a

That was not to say that if Daniel had been present he would have stopped them After all, to stop all forms of conflict was not in his interests It ithin people's nature to fight over things The only form of conflict he would stop would be those ould involve a weaker party suppressed with the use of violence, in which case, he would simply kick the perpetrators out of his planet

The same was for the acadehts over petty reasons and different points of vieere not encouraged, but not prohibited either