Chapter 21 & 22: Why Hello There Fatty (Part I & Ii) (2/2)

He made sure the positions of the Explosive Fire Orbs were optimal for perfection conditions and then when he was quite satisfied he quietly made his way back towards the Queen's room and hid among the corpses.

He quickly dispatched the Wasp who moved the corpses with a quick arrow after it entered an optimal kill position and only had two enemies to focus on. As Sol stared at the Wasp Queen, a sinister glint appeared in his eyes before he calmed down as to not reveal any killing intent. Sol then began to close in on the Queen very slowly and entered his [Spectral Phantom] state.

Sol's head instantly became dizzy and his eyes became dull as he slid among the corpses, he brought out his Kingswood Bow and attached the powdered white scaled poison bag to the end of an arrow. He inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly and brought the Queen Wasp in his sights, as usual the disgusting creature was too absorbed in eating to notice this dark shadow that stared at it lifelessly.

Among the bodies of beasts, slight movements were common and they would never attract attention.

Sol waited until the Guardian Wasp who was feeding it found something big enough to put in it's mouth.  After a few minutes his target finally came, it was a huge turtle like beast. It's limbs had been ripped out and was merely just a sh.e.l.l of meat.

Sol's blurred eyes stared at the Queen as he drew the bowstring. The sound of a low groan entered his ears as he nocked the arrow with the poisoned white scaled bag attached and aimed towards a hole in the sh.e.l.l where the turtle's limb used to be. As soon as the Wasp was about to drop it-


The arrow flew through the sky, and although it was a bit off course because of the excess weight. Sol had surely already factored that in, the arrow curved and entered the sh.e.l.l cleanly!


Sure enough the greedy Wasp Queen had not stopped munching, it did not notice the arrow and the entire sh.e.l.l entered it's enlarged mouth!  The Guardian Wasp however did notice it and madly charged towards the golden-haired youth buzzing with intense fury! Sol quickly snapped his fingers and awoke from the dream-like [Spectral Phantom].

Seeing the incoming Wasp, Sol took his time and unhurriedly fired another arrow-


The Wasp's corpse fell flatly on the floor near the Queen. Sol looked towards the Queen, turned around with a smile and slapped his behind while shaking it.

[Why h.e.l.lo there fatty! What's on the menu today?] -Sol


The Queen immediately became outraged and let out a terrifying shriek that rocked the entire hive.


Inside the 4th pocket of the hive, Near the Queen Basilisk-

[It seems...he succeeded] -Aereis

[..Yeah] -Lieren

[....] -Mina

The three had obvious looks of worry on their faces when they heard such a shriek.


Queen's room -


(They're coming...)-Sol


Sol noticed the panic and fear in the Queen's eyes. He was absolutely right, this Queen was absolutely defenseless except for the annoying shrieks. He also noticed the Queen had the IQ of a child and it was quite stupid.

[It seems it hasn't taken effect yet Queen, how about something else in the mean while?] -Sol

Sol placed an arrow in his mouth, and nocked one in his Kingswood bow as he looked at the vulnerable Queen with a sinister grin. It was locked into position by a coc.o.o.n and was like a huge fat worm that couldn't move.

[You will die by the poison of your mother's enemy! I'll make you food for her children like your mother had planned to do to her!!] -Sol


As Sol spoke the fury he had inside unleashed, the both Basilisks in his arms with a flash of light raised their heads to look coldly at the Queen who was helplessly locked inside of a coc.o.o.n and couldn't even move. Sol noticed the two little guys were becoming much much bigger and were at least a meter in length now and had quite the width as well.

They both spat venom on the arrow and Sol fired the arrow instantly!


Before the Queen could even close her eyelids it had long penetrated, it didn't want to take it's eyes off of Sol out of fear and could have evaded the blow had it closed it's eyelids. It's armor wasn't weak enough to be pierced by Sol's arrow and was indeed an S-rank but since it was a coward and the arrow came too quick, irrationality won and caused a slight delay long enough for Sol to penetrate it.



As the Queen screamed out in agony another arrow spat with venom penetrated it's other vicious looking eye. The Queen screamed uncontrollably as the sounds of the Wasps drew nearer.


Sol took out it's eyes for another reason, he didn't want the Queen to see where he was going and he knew she couldn't sense him and was too stupid to be rational. He immediately left the room and went into the mana well chamber awaiting the blast.



(Ahh..It seems it's working now! Good!) -Sol

The Queen screamed in terror and wailed as the poison began eating out it's insides, black veins rose all over it's earth-like colored body and it's skin begun bursting open under the dreadful effects of the poison.


The screams were like music to Sol's ears as he sat near the mana well coldly watching, the two baby basilisks had a cold gleam in their red eyes as they looked at their mother's enemy die slowly and painfully by her venom, savoring this moment and not letting a single second waste.


[It seems they are here] -Sol


Earthenvale's Outpost -

The silhouette of a st.u.r.dy grey-haired old man wearing a general like armor stood valiantly within the tiny fortress overlooking the hill of the Wasp hive when suddenly-


[What in the G.o.ds is happening??!!] -Nightmaster Duke

Nightmaster Duke seemed to have been awoken by this terrible howl as he hastily ran towards his horse. His face filled with dread and fear.

[If Sol succeeded then there should have been a ”Boom” not a scream!!!] -Nightmaster Duke

Ignoring his own safety Nightmaster Duke climbed up his horse and hastily made his way towards the hive.


Outside of the Wasp hive's entrance-

Two figures were seen with worry on their faces and one unconscious girl.

[Do it now! Do it now! They're in the kill zone!] -Aereis

Lieren immediately begun casting her Wind Magic skill [Pressure Blast], with a quick incantation and a gesture the mana gathered in her hands and the wind seemed to pick up greatly. Aereis immediately crushed the crystal colored orb! At the same time Lieren released her skill!


Contrary to what they thought would happen, Sol's plan didn't account for something. The mana veins within the hive were highly flammable. The mana veins that stretched from every single part of the hive caught on fire and exploded creating a trial of fire speeding directly towards the most flammable area! The mana well.


The explosion and shaking off the entire hive had sent Sol flying backwards, all of a sudden...whilst in mid air, Sol felt as though time had slowed down considerably. When he looked upward at the stalact.i.te that the refined mana dripped from into the lake from all parts of the hive...for some reason it grew brighter and brighter!

(...Am I going to die?) -Sol


A pure intense fire burst forth from the tip of the stalact.i.te and directly pierced Sol's chest sending him flying directly down into the mana well submerging his entire body! Sol could see the fire and just closed his eyes, he knew he would die.

(Sorry, you two...even after I promised your mother..I still..) -Sol

[Master!!!!!! Noooo!!!!!] -Mitra

The last thing he heard was Mitra's frantic voice.


Another loud explosion rung out, as the entire hive collapsed in flames!


Outside of the hive-

Three figures were laying on the floor covered in smoke.

*cough* *cough*

After a while, two got up and after regaining their senses Aereis couldn't help but watch as the hive bathed in fire. His eyes were filled with agony, hurt and utter pain. The 2nd Queen seemed to watch the hive and not understand what happened, she looked at it blankly and after it registered her entire body trembled and slumped down with a blank look.

[..No..noo...nooo..*sob*] -Lieren

[H-How..How could this be?..] -Aereis

Aereis couldn't help feel like he was dreaming, the plan should have surely worked. He personally drained the power of the orb and knew it should have never caused that type of explosion! Even when it was previously full of charge it should have never been anything close to what just happened! He fell to his knees as he looked at the flames and clenched his chest with his hand.


*Nock* *Nock* *Nock*

Nightmaster hurriedly rode his horse towards the hive when-

**BOOOM** **BOOM** **BOOM** **BOOM**

The explosion shook the entire ground scaring his horse silly, he hurriedly heeled it back into submission and hastened his pace!

[Just what in the world is going on?! T-Those were not the orbs I gave him!!!] -Nightmaster Duke

After he made it over the hill, he saw two silhouettes among the raised dirt clouds and his expression quickly became much better! It was a male and female silhouette.

(Could it be!! He succeeded!!) -Nightmaster Duke

As he cleared through the smoke, he was able to clearly see the blue hair and blue magician's robe and knew it anywhere! Joy filled his eyes as he stared at the familiar back!

[Your highness!! My lady Queen your alive!!] -Nightmaster Duke

As the Queen turned around and met his eyes, the old man had a terrible premonition as he saw her tear stained eyes and dull eyes. It was at this time he noticed the silhouette of the male and it was carrying something.... but what Nightmaster Duke noted..was that the person was not Sol.

[My lady...where is Sol?] -Nightmaster Duke

Even though he knew, he still had to took him quite a bit of courage, the evidence forthright in his voice which became weak and trembled.[/color]
