Part 29 (1/2)

How long I stood thus I know not; it did seee

Presently I heard a distant footstep Asha of fear, I, that would stand alone and face a score of warriors and never quaver, as the sound of the feet approached, started to pace hurriedly the floor of my prison As the causer of the sounds in the corridor reached my door he stopped, and I heard the key rattle, as he did insert it in the lock I sat myself down upon my couch and tried, as best I could, to appear to be at ht with hilad

He was a not-bad-natured, though coarse-looking fellow of about soirth and breadth of shoulder which bespoke not lack of bodily strength A shock of yellow hair, rey, stood out from beneath his cap of steel, like a wisp of straw

After placing the articles that he had brought, upon the floor, he cast but one glance at me, and then turned on his heel and left me

Presently he returned with my supper, which he placed upon the table e theto co And it's better than one King had whilst he lived in this very roo Edward occupy this room?”

”As for whether he occupied it or not, now that I know not; but he was kept in this saasped

”Horrible? Lord, sir! ht of being let sleep in the sa did sleep I know that I would,” he added, with a grim smile

”And dost thou knoho killed hi killed,” he replied, with a grin and a wise twist of his head, acco of the one of his shoulders until it touched his ear

”Well then, of what disteh I had amused him vastly ”What distemper? Ha, ha, ha! Well upon ain

His voice, when he laughed, was ample evidence that he had in his day consumed no small quantity of spirits of different sorts; for it sounded as though a goodly quantity of the liquids had re

”The disteets when a prisoner here are most always of one kind Ha, ha, ha! What diste at that which he no doubt iain alone with hts, which were no more cheerful than they had been previous to his visit

That night my sleep, if such itand extravagant drea start of horror

And so the weary days and nights of ht of sorrow and torony of uncertainty for the fate of the one I loved did iht upon the poor snail's back cause it to drag its weary body so slowly along its slimy course

My sole occupation, hich I tried to preventof the different sad histories of those which writ down their thoughts, and fates to be, upon their--and now my--prison's walls One of these, whose sadness and beautiful resignation--even though it hath no great poetic merit--most affected me, I now set down The lines and words are ies ofas the old, worn book doth hold together Here they are, athered fro, andthe unsteadfastness, This world being of such wheeling, Me contrarying, what can I guess?

”I fear, doubtless, remediless, Is now to seize ) And no redress, doth rievance, And no surance of remedy; Lo, in this trance, now in substance, Such isto die

”Methinks, truly, bounden a plainly Fortune doth wry All contrary from mine intent

”My life was lent h spent Welcoht) thus to be shent, But she it meant, such is her ont)”[1]