Part 28 (1/2)

”Done, by Heaven! That cloak will suit ment”

When ere fully armed we strolled forth from our tent to watch the spectators arrive in one continuous strea

Michael again did ask perht escort the old ladies unto their seats, and protect them in the enor towards the rows of seats, as he brushed aside, as though they had been reeds, the groups of angry tradesht make way for those which he did escort

”What friends of Michael's are those same old ladies, to which he showeth such faithful attention and care?” asked Frederick

”Thou knowest them as well as I”

”Nay, but hast thou never asked hiht it of but little ures soh where, I cannot now recall,” said I, as Michael and his charge appeared from out the crowd ”I will ask Michael when he returns”

But ere my squire did return the heralds rode into the lists, and started their tedious recitation of the rules of that day's sports; the which ere so absorbed in listening to, in the effort to gather soht not of that which I had intended asking Michael

The marshals then entered the field, and took up their customary positions to enforce the rules of the joust; the which were, as near as I could make out, not different froer; for, if ht, thine ancient foe, Catesby, hath taken his place aht; the cloak is thine But see! he wears not his arh his both arms appear to be whole and sound”

”True, your treatment of him yesterday hath been sufficient to satisfy his appetite for glory and revenge, such as he obtained in the lists”

Then, asbehind me, exclaimed, in a voice low but heavy, like the roll of distant thunder:--”The damned villain's head is cracked; fer look at the clout that shows beneath his cap Sure its bad luck that the blow that did it stopped ere it rached the var, as we journeyed slowly and wearily back fro the last two days the scene of sonow reround where the sod had been removed to leave a level and firm place for the list, and the black spots to point out the places where had glowed the fires, Harleston re voice:--

”Verily, yon place doth represent the lives of men”

”How so?” I asked

”Records of our deeds are iht, all the little mounds that indicate some noble courses run shall be levelled, and a traveller passing there to- but a barren strip, with nowhere on its face a ht of this was sad, and yet 'twas true; as are the hts It is for this same reason that I ever try to turn my mind's eye to the pleasures and the joys of life, the which are far from few I therefore, on this occasion, turned froht to the scene that should await o unto the Sanctuary; for such was mine intent I could picture, in ony of expectation forif I ever should return from that sport which she so much disliked on account of its ”inhumanity,” as she had said

I wondered if Harleston'sthe same picture Had he yet asked Mary to be his wife? I believed he had; for the day before we rode forth to the tournairls, Hazel had let drop a remark that did arouse my suspicions; and when I questioned her upon the point she laughingly informed me of the fact that I was ”too inquisitive,” the which I doubt not And try as I would I could get nothing more from her I had not liked to ask Harleston; for there see, the na this subject to one which we believe to be in love, unless they first do bring it up

By this ti Richard

Loud cheered the people as the King rode along the crowd-lined streets and scattered gold a Richard!” rang out on every side

I had as soon cried:--”God save the devil!”

The broken-headed Catesby rode beside the King The two see as we reached Crosby Place

”Not favourable to me,” said I in Harleston's ear, as I nodded in the direction of the hu and his adviser