Part 60 (1/2)
A lawyer however feels less of this panic than the rest of ain The cat o' er
Glibly returned to the business in hand; and again repeated that he was come _at the request_ of his dear friend, Trevor, to procure an injunction: that should prevent the publication of a paainst his friend, Idford
'And my lord the Bishop of ,' added Enoch
'Who is the author of it?' demanded Quisque
'I am, sir;' answered I
'For which my friend Trevor is very sorry;' added Glibly
I instantly retorted a denial 'I never said any thing of the kind, Mr Glibly But I should be very sorry indeed if it were published'
'Nay,to your own principles, if I do not ht not to be written'
The remark was acute: it puzzled me, and I was silent He proceeded
'It is a business that adrined, extremely, upon my honor, that my dear friend Trevor should commit himself to the public, in this affair He that wantonly attacks the characters of others does but strike at his own'
I again eagerly replied 'The attack from me, sir, was not wanton It was provoked by acts of the erly interrupted me
'My dear fellohy are you so wareneral maxim I made no application of it; and I am surprised that you should'
The traps of Glibly were numberless; and not to be escaped Words are too equivocal and phrases too indefinite, for uity To them a quirk in the sense is as profitable as a pun or a quibble in the sound They snap at thes do at flies It is no less worthy of observation that, though soh severity of moral principle out of countenance, he continually repeated others which, had his conduct been regulated by the the most worthy of mankind
After farther explanation from Quisque, it was admitted that the interest of all parties ence, speed, and caution
Through the whole of this scene, Glibly was consistent with hi it such a turn and complexion as to make it requisite, for the preservation of my character above the rest, to prevent the pa published If, whenever I detected his drift, I urged the true motives by which I was actuated, he always immediately admitted them, praised them, and allowed theive them such an air as should suit the project he had conceived; and allow of such an interpretation, in future, as would exculpate my opponents and criminate lossed over and coloured his intention that, like profound darkness, it was every where present, but neither could be felt nor seen
My own activity in this affair, which if I meant to render my interference effectual was inevitable, contributed to the sa one, to the shop of the publisher
Here I detailed the consequences, as well to myself as to the Earl and the Bishop; and veheun should be carried into execution Not all the quieting hints of er under I lost all patience, at every word My utnation was excited by so black a business
The situation was not a new one to the dealer in the alphabet He was an old depredator; and had before encountered angry authors, and artful lawyers He was cool, collected, and unabashed Not indeed entirely: but sufficiently so to excite astonishht to be his oould prove he had obtained it legally; and would face any prosecution that we could bring He knehat he was about; and was not to be frightened He had printed one edition; and had no doubt that several would be sold He was an honest tradesman; and must not be robbed of his profits What would the country be if it were not for trade? It ought to be protected: ay and would be too The laas as open to an industrious fair trader as to any lord in the land Let hi: but, as for big words, they broke no bones; and he knew his ground
The hints of the honest trader were too broad to be misunderstood; and Quisque replied--'I think you mean, sir, that you wish to be repaid the expence you have sustained?'
The felloered, with the utht, sir, to be indemnified for the loss of u Silence and safety ht be let loose on a knave, who set it at defiance The one was secure: the other probleer which ished to avert
Quisque asked him as the sum that he demanded? His reply was more moderate than from appearances we had reason to expect: it was one hundred pounds