Part 59 (1/2)
'To be sure we should!' cried Ellis 'To be sure we should! That is my morality exactly'
'Men are men, my dear fellow A lord is a lord: a bishop is a bishop
Each in his station Things could not go on if we did not make allowances To tell truth would be to overturn all order'
'I a to make allowances: for all men are liable to be mistaken'
'I approve that sentiment very ious fine It is my own All men are liable to be ious fine!'
'But I cannot conceive,' added I, 'that to overturn systems which are founded in vice and folly would be to overturn all order You may call systematic selfishness, systematic hypocrisy, and systematic oppression order: but I assert they are disorder'
'My dear fellow, nothing is so easy as to assert But ill leave this to another tireat difference between us You wish for all the good things you can get; and so do I One of us may take a more round about way to obtain theoal I ohen I heard of your _brouillerie_ with ht you had missed the road But I find you have er-post Perhaps it ed The treasury bench is a strong hold, and never was so well fortified It is becoland, Scotland, and Ireland; both the Indies; countless islands, and boundless continents: with all the grand out-works of lords, spiritual and teenerals; adistracy; bodies corporate, and chartered companies; excise, and taxation; board and bankruptcy coents; jobbers; radations of these and many more distinct classes: understrappers innumerable; an endless swarry breath? No, no It is no house of cards: for an individual to attempt to puff it doould be ridiculous insanity'
'AOssa like a wart” Yet the rubbish must be removed; and it is mine and every man's duty to handle the spade and besom But men want to work miracles; and, because the mountain does not vanish at a word, they rashly conclude it cannot be diminished
They are mistaken Political error is a pestilential cloud; dense with mephitic and deadly vapours: but a wind has arisen in the south, that will drive it over states, kingdoms, and empires; till at last it shall be swept from the face of the earth'
'My dear fellow, you have an adenius: but you have mistaken its bent Depend upon it, you are no politician: though you are a very great poet Fine phrases, grand es, all very admirable! and you have them at command You are born to be an ornament to your country You have a very pretty turn Very pretty indeed! And so, which is the point that I was co this pamphlet It relates I think to certain letters that appeared, signed Themistocles'
'And to a defence, by my lord the bishop, of the thirty nine articles,' added Ellis: eager that he and his patron should not be omitted
'You, my dear fellow, had some part in both of these publications'
'I do not knohat you mean by some part The substance of them both was my own'
'Ay, ay; you had a share: a considerable share You and Idford were friends You conversed together, and cohts to each other Did not you?'
'I grant we did'
'I knew you would grant whatever was true You are the advocate of truth; and I commend you, Idford mixed with political men, knew the temper of the tiave you every information in his power I know you are too candid to conceal or disguise the least fact You would be as ready to condeives you a certain superiority; a kind of grandeur; of real grandeur It is your principle'
'It ought to be'
'No doubt And I am sure you will own that I have stated the case fairly I told you, Mr Ellis, that I knew rity to disown any thing I have said I dare believe, were he to read the letters of Themistocles over at this instant, he would find it difficult to affirht not possibly_ have been suggested in conversation by ht not possibly_: for you both perceive I auarded'
'It certainly is a difficult thing,' answered I, 'for any in of any one thought; and recollect the moment when it first entered histo proceed: but Glibly with great eagerness prevented me
'I knew, my dear fellow, that your candor was equal to your understanding Mr Ellis, who hears all that passes, will do me the justice to say that I declared before you ca to speak, but he was determined I should not, and proceeded with his unconquerable volubility; purposely leading lad indeed that the advertisement which appeared was not with your approbation On recollection, I cannot conceive how I could for a moment suppose it was your own act Amay be surprised into passion, and ain, and will be careful not to publish in a passion And the delay which has taken place ht; and had determined not to publish
Your countenance, when you disowned the advertisement just now, convincesthis of you'
Here the artful orator thought proper to pause for a reply, and I answered, 'I own that I wrote in a spirit which I do not at present quite approve'