Part 58 (1/2)
_More alarence: An honest youth, with a printer's notions concerning secrecy: The weak parts of law forest shi+eld for villany: A journey back to town: Enoch Ellis and Glibly again appear on the scene of action: A few of the artifices of a lance at a mountain of political rubbish: By artful deductions, athat an orator pleases_
This scandal I was, notwithstanding my discretion, destined to afford
In addition to the arguments of Wakefield, accident supplied a motive too powerful to be resisted
I have mentioned my intention to suppress the paainst the Earl, the Bishop, and their associates The edition which had been printed for publishi+ng had lain in the printer's warehouse, till the tiainst its appearance
The child of the fancy is often as dear to us as any of our children whatever; and I was unwilling that this offspring of mine should perish, beyond all power of revival I therefore had the edition rearret
A copy however had been purloined; and probably before the removal
This copy caardless of every consideration except profit, and perceiving it to be written with vehemence on a subject which never fails to attract the attention of the public, namely personal defamation, had once more committed it to the press
As it happened, it was sent to be reprinted by the person hom the son of Mary was bound apprentice; and the whole orked off except the title-page, which fell into the hands of the youth
Desirous of shewing kindness to Mary, it may well be supposed I had not overlooked her son His ht him to consider me as the saviour of both their lives; and as such he held s were increased by the praise I bestowed on hiave him to persevere
Richard, for that was his name, suspected it could be no intention of mine to publish the paarret: and, as he was an intelligent lad, and acquainted with the tricks of the publisher for whoreat alarm to communicate his fears; first to his mother, and then by her advice to Miss Wilmot
The latter ier, wrote towhether even I should have the power to prevent the publication, and proceeded himself immediately to the printer to warn him of the nature of the transaction
The man was no sooner infored with his apprentice, Richard; accused hi his -house, which ought to be held sacred, and affirered the loss of his business
Richard was present, are of the charge which would be brought against him, and was prepared to endure it with considerable firht to believe that such complaints were founded in justice
Wilmot could obtain no unequivocal answer from the master: either that he would or would not proceed He consequently supposed the affirlect nothing in an affair which he considered as so serious, he hastened from the printer to the publisher
Here, in addition to the rage of what he likewise called having been betrayed, he ar insolence, and vociferous assertions, from this worthy bookseller, that the laws of his country would be his shi+eld
The fellow had been frequently concerned in such rascalities, and knew his ground He was one of the sagacious persons who had found a cover for theht, the wrong which it cannot reach it protects
This is a branch of knowledge on which a vast body of dom, and especially in the metropolis, depend for their subsistence
And a very te trade it is: for our streets, our public places, and our courts of justice, as well as other courts, sith its followers; at which places they appear in as high a style of fashi+on, that is of effrontery, as even the fools by whom they are aped, or the lawyers and statesmen themselves by whom they are defended This I own is a bold assertion; and is perhaps a hyperbole! Yes, yes: it is co mole hills to mountains But let it pass