Part 37 (2/2)

'Mere prejudice, Matthew I ae, which will be serviceable to ood'

'Yes, sir'

'Reach me those instruments--Now, lift up the body; and turn the head a little this way--Why do you tremble? Are you afraid of the dead?'

'Not much, sir'

'Lift boldly, then'

'Yes, sir'

As the servant turned round, half stupefied with his fears, he beheldwith aped, turned pale, and at last dropped down; overcome with his terrors

Thewhich way the servant's attention had been directed, looked round His eye caught mine He stood motionless His pale face assumed a death-like hue; and, for a few moments, he seemed to want the power of utterance

Clarke had remained, astonished and confounded, a silent spectator of the scene But there was now light; and, though the objects of horror were ination Seeing the fear of the servant, observing his fall, and reentle and feeble appearance of the h he ith ; deter disturbed our s; and, as I perceived, advancing with hostile intentions

The dialogue I had heard, and the objects which I had distinctly seen and examined, had, by this time, unravelled the whole -roo to direct a blow at the operator; and I had but just tiress 'Be quiet,' said I, 'Clarke; we have been entlemen?' said the owner of the mansion: recovered in part from his apprehensions, by hted travellers, sir,' answered I; 'who got entrance into this place by accident; and have ourselves been suffering under false, but excessive, fear Pray, sir, be under no alar you injury'

He made no ih she has indeed athe innumerable conjectures hich my brain has been busied within this hour, the truth would certainly have suggested itself But, instead of supposing I was transported to the benignant regions of science, I thoughtin the purlieus of the dae, manner, and tone of voice, relieved him from all alarm; and he said, with a smile, 'This is a very whimsical accident'

'You would think so, indeed, sir,' replied I, 'if you knew but half of the horrible i But it was distress that drove us to take shelter here; and if there be any village, or if not, even any barn, in which we could take a little rest till daylight, we should be exceedingly obliged to you for that kind assistance which, from your love of science, and from the remarks I have heard youto afford'

By this tis 'Go, Matthew,' said theto h to follow me, sir, with your co or refreshment, within three miles of the place; and I shall therefore be very happy in supplying you with both'

We obeyed; I highly delighted with the benevolent and hospitable lad to escape, from a scene which no explanation had yet reconciled to his feelings, or notions of good and evil


_A review of ehts concerning property: Benevolence on a large scale A proposal accepted; which greatly alters the face of affairs: Sketches of war: The hero: The raptures of a poet: Projects and opinions, relative to law Thoughts on the science of surgery_

In the relation of this adventure, I have given a picture, not of things as they were afterward discovered to be, but, as they appeared to us at the tih the medium of consternation and terror We had been powerfully prepared for these, by the previous circuly preyed upon by our distress, by the accidents of falling, and by thefros and curs disturbed by the which are so co to a mind already in a state of visionary deception and alarh to excite that wild and uncontroulable dread, which rushed upon us every norance, and confusion, the succeeding objects were actually horrible

Thus the discourse and dialect, as well as the voices, of the ross and rude; and the ti in the ear sarcash habitual to such people, gave a colouring to the preceding circumstances, that so confirmed and realized our fears as not to allow us the leisure to doubt To repeat such coarse colloquies and vulgar ribaldry is no pleasing task; except as a history of the manners of such men, and of the emotions hich on this occasion they were accompanied These indeed made the repetition necessary