Part 38 (1/2)
It is likewise true that, in their own opinion, these uilt always assumes an audacity, and fierceness, which it does not feel They were not intentionally acting well: but were doing that which they supposed to be a deed of desperate wickedness, for selfish purposes Had the consent of any one of the up and dissected, he would have heard the proposal with detestation Consequently, they deceived us the uilt which, as far as intention was concerned, they actually possessed
Add to this the spectacle of a dissecting-roos of a lanthorn Whoever has been in such a place will recognise the picture Here preparations of ars, feet, and other limbs
In this place the intestines: in that es, , in every iht not to be terrible: but to persons of little reflection, and not familiarized to them, they always are
Escaped from this scene, restored as it were to hued by the kindness of our host, whose narow teravitate toward coht us, and conversed during the ht, and partly in answering a few questions; which he put with a feeling that denoted a desire rather to afford us aid than to gratify his own curiosity After which, as eary and he disposed to pursue his nocturnal researches, we i with cogitation: but, for the present, it was too large, or rather too confused, for utterance; and it soon overpowered and sunk him into sleep
For my own part, ue I lay revolving in thought the incidents of the night; which led ular character of Mr Evelyn, on my own forlorn state, on the bleak prospect beforewas not easily disth, however, both mind and body were so overwearied that I fell into an unusually profound sleep; from which I did not awake till Clarke, who had risen two hours before, came between nine and ten o'clock and rouzed , and that our host expected , he toldized himself, with , while he owned that he had answered these interrogatories, by relating such particulars as he knew
We then went down; and, a other conversation at breakfast, Mr
Evelyn reent business which would make a day sooner or a day later of any material consequence; and he therefore particularly requested ould delay our departure till the next ave was a kind expression of interest, which what he had heard from my co but evidently of benevolence, to be as fully informed of my history as I should think proper toboth in the request and in his manner, which induced me to readily co took any concern in my fate; and to discover that there was yet aa painful vacancy of the heart, and afforded so of an incoherent hope of relief
Not that I was prepared to ask or even to accept favours I had rather entertained a kind of indignant sense of injury, against any one who should presume to make me his debtor: or to suppose I was incapable of not rather enduring all extrerade myself as, in my own apprehension, I should do by any such condescension
After breakfast, Mr Evelyn desired ht converse the more freely when alone He then repeated what Clarke had told hi kindness and compassion hich my companion had related all he knew, and proceeded afterward to speak of hi tered in a trust which I find it very difficult conscientiously to discharge I have an estate of fifteen hundred a year, and am a creature whose real wants, like those of other human creatures, are few I live here surrounded by some hundreds of acres; stored with fruits, corn, and cattle; which the laws and customs of nations call mine But what is it that these laws and customs mean? That I a is impossible!'
'Why impossible? You old plate Liveries, laces, equipage, gilding, garnishi+ng, and ten thousand other ratified render those that have them miserable, would eat up all that ten thousand acres, if you had them, could yield Are you an Epicure? You may so stew, distill, and titillate your palate with essences that a hecato are innue y, but not a justification Happiness is the end of s are happy the greater is the individual happiness of each: for each is a being of sy called into action It is the al possession of what is called property to the holders, puts it absolutely and unconditionally in their disposal'
'Why the rarian system?'
'By no h, but I rather meant to have said the miserable moral system of society; which allows every uilty of no criht render numbers happy, who are in absolute want'
'This is an evil of which the world has for ages been co: but for which I see no reovern of pains and penalties, can afford: at which, to do the; but have as continually failed'
'And you iine, sir, you are possessed of a more effectual prescription?
'I dare not prescribe: it would be an arrogant assuimen which has numerous probabilities in its favour Yet what I must advise has been so many thousand times advised before that it seems impertinence to repeat it; if not mockery To tell the rich that they seek enjoyment where it is not to be found, that the parade by which they torain distinction renders them supremely ridiculous, that their follies, while they are oppressive and hateful to the poor, are the topics of contempt and scandal even in their own circles, and that the repetition of theust, ruin, pain, and every human misery, is mere common-place declamation
'But there is one truth of which they have not been sufficiently reht to suppose themselves, placed beyond the censure of the multitude It is found that the multitude can think, and have discovered that the use the wealthy too often make of what they call their own is unjust, tyrannical, and destructive
'This reater force the oftener they are made to recollect that the spirit of enquiry is abroad, that their voluptuous waste is daily beco more odious, and that siorous munificence, and a comprehensive philanthropy, can alone redeem them; and preserve that social order which every lover of the huate to the the sole advocates
'It is the moral system of society that wants reform This cannot be suddenly produced, nor by the efforts of any individual: but it h some much more powerfully than others The rich, in proportion as they shall understand this power and these duties, will beco subjected to continual labour, is necessarily ignorant; and it is well kno dangerous it is for ignorance to turn refore each other to quit their pernicious frivolities, and to enquire, without fear or prejudice, how they may secure tranquillity and promote happiness; and let them thus avert those miseries at which they so loudly and so bitterly rail, but into which by their conduct a e
'The intentions of those a them who think the most are excellent: to assert the contrary is equally false and absurd But, when they expect to proainst this or that class ofa mutual spirit of acrimony between themselves and their opponents, they act like , and kind, the increasing fury of the mad many will overtake them'