Part 17 (2/2)
Angel proht in Tony's room
Rick and Scotty decided to have dinner, and then talk with some of the local Americans about the best place to buy a jeep If possible, they wanted to pick one up after dinner, get it ready to travel, and have it standing by the nextearly
They did not talk much at dinner They were more worried about Tony than either of the a little ill at ease because they hadn't notified the police He had talked it over with Angel, but the Filipino guide had said, ”We'll have to notify theood”
”Perhaps we should notify the American ambassador at Manila,” Rick said aloud
”We should have notified hireed ”But ays try to do everything ourselves I guess we'll never learn”
Angel Manotok appeared in the dining roo for the boys
Rick saw hiel came over and slid into a seat Apparently he had seen a doctor, because the bandage around his head was a new one
”Friend of yours co this way,” he said ”Probably will have dinner here Lazada”
Scotty's lips tightened ”I'll be glad to see hiel ”I want to ask him about his pal Nast”
Rick's eyes opened wide ”No need,” he said ”Look at the door”
There, just entering were Lazada and Nast, arm in arm!
The boys waited until they were seated, then walked over to join theentlemen are well”
Lazada and Nast smiled The assistant Secretary nodded ”Both quite well, thank you And how are you?”
”Oh, I' me a little trouble” He pulled a chair out from Lazada's table and sat down Scotty followed suit Rick was close to Lazada, while Scotty's chair was nearer to Nast
”Your friend is giving you trouble?” Lazada asked ”Which friend?”
”This one,” Rick said,to Scotty ”He wants to kill Mr Nast
I don't think we should kill Mr Nast, do you?”
Lazada smiled ”Ask him”
Rick turned to Nast ”Do you have an opinion, Mr Nast?”
Nast was a little pale, but his voice was steady enough ”I certainly do I agree with you, Mr Brant”
Rick grinned ested to Scotty that we cripple you Perhaps a few cos”
Rick could see that neither Lazada nor Nast were as composed as they seemed The calm, unearthly discussion was too bizarre Threats were so they understood, but not threats like this