Part 18 (1/2)

Scotty spoke for the first time He addressed Nast ”Because you're a fellow A to do would be just to kill you outright”

Nast shuddered visibly ”You're both joking, of course But it isn't a very funny joke, I assure you”

Rick smiled ”No, it isn't very funny But neither is Dr Briotti's disappearance You'd better tell us where he is”

”What makes you think Mr Nast knows?” Lazada asked

Rick considered They had no proof No one had seen Nast in the sedan that had taken Tony from the airport The boys sawroo them like hawks, and that the hands in their pockets certainly held pistols

Rick shi+fted tactics ”Do you have uards?”

Lazada raised his eyebrows ”Faith? Of course They are loyal to et close to me without my permission, they step in and remove that person Or, if anyone should try violence”

Rick sainst a sniper with a rifle five hundred yards away?”

”Obviously, they would be ineffective”

”Just the point I wanted to reed ”You realize, of course, that there is no protection against assassination, except to take refuge in a fortress of soure like yourself”

”True Your point, then, is what?”

”That Dr Briotti has friends with rifles It would distress us to find that he had been harmed”

”It would distress me,” Lazada assured thee and enthusiase about his disappearance I do not”

”Me either,” Nast added hastily

Lazada's round face glistened with perspiration ”I will control e into account Allow me to remind you, however, that I am an official of the Philippine Government and that you are an alien You are here on sufferance, and you have only such rights as you can persuade us to give you Oh, I know there are agreements But let us be realistic Do not forcefor which I would be sorry”

”All right” Rick rose ”I'm not as enthusiastic about this expedition as I used to be, but we're going through with it, anyway, starting tomorrow The sooner we finish, the better for everybody” He looked at Nast ”Except you I can only proive you the golden skull to sle into China”

The boys walked back to their own table and left Nast and Lazada staring after theht

”I'm not sure that ere smart,” Scotty said when they were seated onceto do with Tony's disappearance, but I can't tell you why I'ed ”Maybe not But it's done now”

The boys slept with locked s and doors, but they slept soundly

Down the hall, Angel also regained strength and opti with a deterress They had followed their plans and obtained a jeep the night before But they would need blankets and war, unless their supplies could be recovered

Over breakfast, Scotty estimated their chances ”Suppose we find out that the truck is soetting it back? No, it would not So, we'd better write off the stuff in the truck as lost”

Fortunately, stores open early in Baguio, and the boys were able to buy the things they needed Scotty also bought an extra five-gallon gasoline can for the jeep Then Angel and Scotty loaded their few belongings into the vehicle, shook Rick's hand, and headed for Bontoc

They had agreed that it on at Bontoc, too, so Rick would fly up later, planning to arrive at about the same time Now, he sat down in the hotel lobby and penned a note to the A the events of yesterday and telling of their future plans He gave the note to the desk clerk, with instructions that it was not to be sent for three days