164 Black Moon Saint. (2/2)

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Li Yang ignored Zhao Feng's yowling and stood up from his seat, leaving the terrace and heading across the street to the three people who were loudly telling everyone in earshot about the various stories they had. The three men weren't picked out at random just now, Li Yang and the others had already heard about them quite a few times ever since they last entered the city.

They were minor famous figures who seemed to have some connections to the three great organizations and were thus able to quickly get their hands on any news that were noteworthy. There wasn't a donation box in front of them, the three men didn't spread the news for money, they simply enjoyed traveling around and spreading the tales they heard as far as they could. Li Yang stopped in front of the three men, the one currently talking finishing his tale before flashing Li Yang a pearly grin.

”Good evening, fellow wanderer! Got a specific tale you want to hear, or are you more interested in hearing about the places where the tales take place, which I guess could be considered a tale in and of itself.”

The three men were famous for their tales so they didn't delude themselves into thinking that someone would approach them for any other reason, and since they went straight to the point, so too did Li Yang.

”I'm looking to find out if any great talents or strong people have appeared suddenly out of nowhere, especially people using the law of fire or ice. If you've got nothing like that, then I'd like to hear about the closest danger zones that are within this area.”

Li Yang hadn't forgotten about the Fang twins, Fang Xiulan and Fang Yazhu, who had likely also been thrown all the way here along with them. There was also Tian Zheng to keep in mind, he should also have been tossed here but hadn't appeared in the same place as Li Yang and the others. The three men placed their heads together, physically touching their scalps together for almost ten seconds before separating, a different one of the three men answering his question.

”Can't say we've got anything about any fire or ice users. The little Underworld Lord of the Earth Rendering Empire has been rising to fame lately, but he uses heat, that's about the best we've got. But we've got plenty about other people with different laws, like the Dark Sun of the Shadow Emperor sect or the Calamity Heart of the Heaven Devastator sect. We've even got a bit of juicy information about that piercingly sharp little girly that appeared in the Earth Rendering Empire about a year ago. What do you say?”

The man who responded grinned carelessly, not bothered in the slightest that he was talking about letting others know about some of the supreme talents belonging to the three great organizations. But sadly for him, Li Yang didn't have the slightest interest in any of these supreme talents and simply rejected the man.

”No thanks, can't say I care too much about those people. The danger zones, however, what can you tell me about them?”

Since there didn't seem to be any news of the Fang twins or Tian Zheng, Li Yang and the others could move on to the other thing they were looking to do, explore the planet. This was a universe they hadn't been to before, there was no telling what sort of strange beasts or resources they could find here, leaving before exploring it in the slightest would be a tremendous waste, and a bore. The man wasn't too bothered by Li Yang's reaction, the three of them placing their heads together again for a few seconds before the third and final man spoke up.

”Heh, a man who knows what he wants, are you? Well alright then. The closest 'danger zone' is the Pinecloud Pool located within that big ol' forest right over there, it's what made this city what it is. Bathing in the pool will clear your mind and dramatically heighten your senses and comprehension for about five days, but after that, it will never work for you again. The thing also has a sliver of sentience so it won't allow itself to be used by people it deems evil, trying to move the water also causes it to lose all abilities. Place is like a little oasis, not even the beasts dare fight around it in fear that the pool will remember them and deny their children the right to bathe in it.”

”But if you're looking for more dangerous areas, we've got the Risen Star Abyss and the Heaven Dancing Trench. If you want to enter any other places like what you're looking for, you'll have to join one of the three great organizations so those two places are your best bet. The Risen Star Abyss is located about a two-month journey to the east and the Heaven Dancing Trench is located about a five-month journey to the south. But let me warn you, there is a reason that neither of these places have been conquered by the three great organizations. The outskirts of them may be forgiving, but it just gets more and more dangerous as you head in deeper, don't let yourself be blinded by greed.”

The man spoke several grave words of warning, but when they fell into Li Yang's ears the only thing they did was cause his lips to turn up ever so slightly, the flame of excitement starting to flicker within his chest.