165 Bottom of the lake. (1/2)

Li Yang tossed the three men a few Spirit Stones as payment for the information, turning around and returning to the terrace where Zhao Feng and Fang Ying were sitting. Shenlong and Jinwu were still bothering Zhao Feng, preventing him from drinking and eating the things he had ordered. Li Yang leaned on the small wooden fence that lined the terrace, giving the two others a quick recap of what he had just learned. Jinwu and Shenlong stopped picking on Zhao Feng, returning to Li Yang's shoulders so that the three could spend a quick minute discussing their future plans, coming to a quick conclusion.

”Well, the Pinecloud Pool is literally right by us so it would be a damn shame to leave without experiencing it. After that, we can just head to the Risen Star Abyss and then to the Heaven Dancing Trench, not like we've got a reason to not check out both areas before we decide on which organization is best to join.”

Fang Ying was the one who threw out the casual statement before picking up a piece of food that looked like a small clam, sharing a bit of it with Huanglong before placing a leg of lamb in front of Langshen. Li Yang and Zhao Feng had nothing to say against Fang Ying's idea, nodding their heads in agreement.

Li Yang didn't return to his seat, continuing to lean against the fence around the terrace. The fence was just high enough that he could place his hands on it and then rest his head on his hands, his position allowing Shenlong and Jinwu to hop onto the fence on each side of his head so that they could easily lean against him. With both of them set up, Li Yang sent out a small bit of ice and had it form a slide connecting him and the table where their food was.

The ice branched out and coiled around the food, dragging it up the slide and bringing it to the three of them. With the ice serving as both a tray and somewhat awkward hands, the three of them could just rest on the fence and have the food brought directly to their mouths in an excellent display of laziness. Fang Ying giggled slightly and continued to share her food with Huanglong and Langshen, Zhao Feng overlooking the two for a bit before patting his own shoulders.

”Don't worry, me, I'll pick up Chen Huo sooner or later, then we'll trounce the lovebirds for showing off like this.”

Zhao Feng hadn't forgotten about his Demonic beast companion that remained within the hidden realm that they set up long ago, there would be a day when he returned to pick him up again. But until that day came, he would be stuck here looking at these two insufferable bastards prancing around with their own companions.

The group finished their meal after spending almost another hour on it, leaving the restaurant and continuing to saunter through the city. They were in no rush to head to the Pinecloud Pool so they spent a further three days in the city, Li Yang asking around a bit more to see if anyone had heard about the Fang twins or Tian Zheng. But there was still no news after asking around for three days, it seemed as if the Fang twins and Tian Zheng had simply vanished.

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After the three days passed and the group had seen just about everything of note in the city, they left and entered the forest again. The Pinecloud Pool was the most famous sight and location in the area so it wasn't hard to find, there were in fact signs spread around to point people in the right direction, it was just that the path that Li Yang and his group had taken earlier to arrive at the city went around all these signs.

They followed the signs through the forest for close to an entire day before the dense forest gave way to a large clearing that was shaped like an uneven circle. Serving as the centerpiece of the clearing was a nearly 15-kilometer wide lake that was filled with blue water that contained spots of milky water that made it look as if someone had sliced out a piece of the cloudy sky and placed it onto the earth.

There was a mixture of people and Demonic beasts, as well as people who seemed to be hybrids of both, resting within the water. All the people within the water had their eyes closed and kept a respectable distance from each other, no one daring to disturb the peace that lingered in the area. Zhao Feng looked at the lake, a low whistle escaping his lips.

”Well, I'll be damned. A sliver of sentience you said? Thing's got about a soul strong enough to rival someone at the late stage of the Immortal Rebirth realm. If the people here consider that no more than a sliver then I don't wanna see what they consider strong sentience. But yeah, just the scent of the water alone seems to clear the mind, I can see why they hold this place so dear.”

Zhao Feng didn't bother lowering his words as he spoke, but none of the people present in the lake even bothered opening their eyes to glance at them, fully entranced by their cultivation. The others sniffed the air a bit after hearing Zhao Feng's words, taking in the fresh scent of the water. The expressions of Fang Ying and the four beasts instantly became a bit more relaxed, their bodies releasing some tension that they didn't even know they had.