4 The woman in armor and a tes (2/2)

Shiarra smiled. ”Let me explain my quest. There is another town just south of where we are. Their well has dried up. I was asked to find a way to bring water to the village. I originally planned on hunting down some water elementals, but I would need a party for that.”

”My sister and I don't like fighting.” Jericho stated.

She took a breath. ”Instead of hunting down water elementals, I was wondering if you two would help me befriend them. The two of you can make it rain, they may take positively to that. If we can befriend them, we can ask them to help us save the town.”

Jericho thought for a moment. ”It may be possible. I am not sure though. What if things go wrong?”

”If needs be, I can block the elementals while the two of you ran. This is merely a test. If it doesn't work, you can still keep the object you called a grand piano.”

”Why not just get more players to help you fight? Wouldn't that be easier?”

”It would but people are merciless. This game was built on the premise not to restrict people's choices with very few exceptions. My quest can be stolen. I am concerned gathering the required players would actually be harmful.”

”And you don't think my sister and I will try to steal your quest?”

”A couple of passionate tender hearts like you? Nah. And if you did, I would just admit that I misjudged your character.”

Jericho shook his head. ”Fair enough. My sister won't be home from school for a few hours. You will have to wait until then.”

Shiarra smiled. ”Take the piano. You can give me a special performance as you add it to your skills. I am intrigued since you have a lot of different pieces of music.”

”Alright… Do you have a bench or a chair?”

Later that afternoon, various people had caught wind that 'The Bard' had gotten a new instrument and, like before, quickly gathered to watch.

Jericho tested the keys and tuned a few of the strings as needed. He dusted off a carving of a name, Christophori. A smile escaped his lips as he sat down on the newly made piano bench and began to play. ”Skills first.” He muttered.

After playing a few complex pieces, he received the first notification.

[You have obtained the skill Piano Grandmaster 1/10 Music skill line has increased to Tier 5 Your piano skills are almost legendary.]

He continued to play. The haunting melody of the piano section of The Serenade for the Soothing of the Soul touched the sounding audience. Soon after repeating the song a few times the notifications sounded.

[You have created the song Healing part 3 Beginner 9/10- While the song is playing all allies gain improved resistances to physical ailments such as intoxication and poison. When the song is finished, Purify is cast on targets removing physical ailments. Strength is determined by the level of the healing skill line.]

[The Song of Healing parts 1, 2, and 3 have been recognized as three lesser parts to a larger skill. Congratulations, you have created a new skill Please name this skill. This skill will always be labeled as a skill created by Jericho the Bard.]

”Serenade for the Soothing of the Soul”

[The Serenade for the Soothing of the Soul (Special, Growing) (Tier 4 music, Tier 2 healing) (locked) Beginner 5/10- A composition requiring a minimum of three overlapping instruments to perform. For the duration of the piece, the effects of The Song of Healing 1, 2, and 3 are in effect. In addition afflictions of the soul are soothed. When the song is finished the end effects of Healing 1, 2, and 3 are enacted. In addition, the ability will heal damage to the soul. At higher proficiencies, additional capabilities will be unlocked.

This ability is locked. It cannot be used until the pre-requisites have been met. Currently healing is at Tier 1.

Special notes: Growing- This ability will improve alongside song of Healing 1, 2, and 3. When each major barrier is passed the requirements will also increase. If the requirements for the higher grade version are not met, the ability's greater effect will be locked.

Special notes 2: Requires the use of three or more instruments simultaneously to be used. The more instruments added, the stronger the effects.]

After unlocking the skills he wanted, he started to play a variety of tunes until he saw a notification pop up. [Dancing Princess has come online.] He smirked. ”Everyone I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that my sister and I are going to head off on an adventure soon since we need to level up. Before you ask if you can party with us, the answer is no, we already have an intended party. The good news is my sister has come online so we can do a short shared performance before heading off.”

There were a variety of responses to the news.

Moira found her way through the crowd. ”You have a piano now?” She asked.

”I do, and we have a unique opportunity to try our new plan.”

”You found a way?”

”Possibly, but it might not work. But first, if you are up for it, we should perform for the fans. Most of them are here for you anyways.”

The excited young elf smiled. ”Let's end it with a bang!”

The two whispered for a bit before showing their skills.

The final performance brought a storm of applause… and rain.