4 The woman in armor and a tes (1/2)

After sending Moira off to school, Jericho logged back on. He walked over to the well where he had his first performance in game. Humans are habitual creatures. The violin came to his hand and he started playing a slow melancholy melody. Playing music always helped him clear his head.

Thoughts played through his mind. 'How can we level up? How can we travel to more populated places to introduce people to my music if we can't get stronger?'

A woman in full armor watched the melancholy performance of the bard in silence. She could feel the raw sadness coming from the man's violin.

Jericho didn't stop. He played composition after melody, alone, lost in his thoughts, unaware of the crowd that had long since gathered. His brilliant tenor voice started to sing.

♪ Forgetting how to burn;Never again to return;Gone from my lofty home;I leave the sky, alone;My decent, do not become the scar;Tis the wish of the fallen star ♪

♪ Alone in the empty skies;The hawk flaps its wings and cries;Where are you my friend?;Will I be alone in the end?;Its desire to be heard;Tis the dream of this lonely bird ♪

After a long litany of sadness, his thoughts cleared. 'This game is called Freedom. It was advertised to accommodate all types of play styles.' A light smile appeared on his lips as the song he was in the middle of singing turned into something inspirational.

♫ The last embers continue to burn ;Rise, young star, tis your turn;Rise in the sky called home;You can burn bright as you roam;Work hard and I know you will go far;Remember the wish of this old fallen star ♫

♫ Another enters the empty skies;The bird dashes over and cries;Are you the one I seek?;Tears of joy begin to leak;I hear you, don't fly there and gawk;I will answer your dream my fellow hawk ♫

Jericho opened his eyes to a small crowd watching him. As this wasn't the first time, he didn't lose balance in shock.

One of the crowd members called out. ”Where's Princess today?”

The bard smiled. ”She is off at school. She will be back later.”

Jericho sent the audience off and sat back down on the edge of the well.

”Don't fall in.” An alto voice teased.

The lanky musician looked up to see the fully armored woman. ”Oh, hello again! Thanks for your help the other day.”

She nodded. ”I listened to your music outside of the game. You are quite talented.”

”Thank you.” He replied. ”Sadly people don't seem to understand the emotional difference between an electronically made song and an instrument played song.”

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She held out her armored hand. ”Shiarra.”


She took off her helmet and let her thick lush dark brown hair fall down to her waist. ”I was curious how you were able to play so many different instruments on your recordings but only one instrument in game at a time.”

Jericho looked at this sturdy, Native American woman. He looked into her dark eyes that seemed to go on forever. ”In real life, I can record myself playing one instrument and overlap it with playing another instrument. Sadly, unless there is some way for me to make multiple copies of myself, in game I will remain a 1-instrument man.”

She seemed to go deep into thought. ”I was exploring a place the other day and found a strange object. I suspect you might recognize it.”

Jericho was shocked by what he saw pull out of her inventory. ”A grand piano? I thought this was an ancient fantasy game. How much strength do you have to be able to carry that around?”

The woman smiled and pointed to a magical seal on the side of the piano. ”It has a size and weight reduction sigil on it. It can be shrunk down to carrying size without much of a problem.

He rubbed his fingers over the ivory keys. ”Hello beautiful.” He whispered.

”Glad to see you like it.”

Jericho smiled and then sighed. ”This is something I can't afford.”

”I know, which is why I want to ask you for a trade.”

”A trade?”

”I need help with a quest.”

”I'm only level 0, and so is my sister. I am afraid we may not be much help.”

”I saw the performance you two did to make it rain. I need to borrow that power.”

Jericho frowned slightly.