Chapter 797 - D.A. Club? Ⅲ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 41210K 2022-07-25

Fewer and fewer students arrived with time and after glancing at the time several times, James frowns at seeing how much time had passed. ”I guess we better get started now,” James murmured, a bit disappointed at failing to see Severus Prince appear, but not all that surprised considering his friend's countless prefect duties.

However, before he can clear his throat to ask them all to be quiet, a string of footsteps can be heard. Leading the way is Severus Prince, who breathlessly says, ”Sorry about that, but we all got out late from Gobbledegook. Professor Snipe just wouldn't let us go!”

Behind him are the four additional figures of Andrew Abbott, Xeno Lovegood, Regulus Black, and Dirk Cresswell. Barty and Letitia, both happily wave at their friend as Florinda and Florentia calmly nod their heads back in greeting. The cool figure of Regulus Black unlike his brother calmly smiles back at his friends. But not before flashing his betrothed, Bethanie a gentle smile, before walking over to stand next to his group of friends.

Much like Regulus, the curly flaxen-haired, Dirk smiles lovingly at his girlfriend, Dorothy Cabot. Dorothy Cabot without any embarrassment happily trots over to where the fourth years are at and goes to stand next to her boyfriend. The Ravenclaw couple all through a year apart got along fairly well much to the surprise of the other Ravenclaws. But then again, the couple that learns together, grows together and stays together.

On the other hand, Andrew Abbott calmly went to stand next to Terry, and the other three girls. They were good friends, despite Terry's mischievous tendencies. Not that Andrew had ever been on the receiving end of Terry's boredom, but he'd seen enough to think it was somewhat funny as long as he was never on the receiving end of Greengrass's antics.

Severus nods at James, who calmly turns towards all of them and says, ”Welcome to the Defense Against the Dark Arts club also known as the D.A. We'll be learning spells and practicing how to cast a variety of spells that will no doubt be needed on ones O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T.'s.”

Glancing around the room, James paused before carefully saying, ”Severus and I will be leading the club with Professor Prince as the principal club advisor and Professor Flitwick as the secondary club advisor. That being said, we shall start today with a fairly useful spell that is commonly known to all 'the Stunning Spell.' When I cast the spell, Severus will attempt to properly dodge or defend against the spell.”

Severus smirks a bit at James's words as he nods innocently back causing all the Slytherins in the classroom to narrow their eyes at him. James failed to notice the knowing glances of Severus's friends. The two of them automatically separate a short distance and without even a prior warning, James cries out, ”Stupefy!”

Red sparks hurtle from the Mahogany, eleven-inch wand towards Severus. However, to the shock of those watching Severus had merely brought up his wand and wordlessly cast a hex deflector spell causing the red sparks to hurtle away and harmlessly crash against the floor.

James's eyes narrow pensively as he stares at the tall, slender Slytherin before him. That was not a skill, not any ordinary student should ordinarily possess, but a skill that drilled into all trainee Auror's. Then again, the Prince's were the descendants of Precussor's. It was something he had never truly thought about before, but it certainly explained the reason for Severus Snape's talent for the Dark Art's and spell work. (And if he was honest with himself, there were many things he had simply never paused to consider before until fairly recently.)

Severus flashed James a confident smirk and smugly says, ”Don't worry, James, I only got this good because grandfather had Rowan and me dueling all summer long. And believe me, when I say this, Rowan is unorthodox when it comes to dueling. Trust me.”

”Right,” James slowly said as he turned to glance at the rest of the students. ”The practice dummies are out for today, but I want everyone need to pair up to practice casting 'Stupefy' and defending against being stunned.”

There is a bit of a groan from the Hufflepuff at his words as James continues, ”Severus and I will correct any mistakes, and there should be no worries, the floors have been charmed with cushioning spells.” They all split up into groups until everyone is evenly matched with a partner.

James and Severus walk around observing wand movements, postures, pronunciation, and so forth. They make more than a few corrections, especially among the fourth years. However, for the most part, everyone is producing red sparks except for the Slytherins and the other older years. Not a single one of them failed to cast the stunning spell which came as a bit of a shock to James.