Chapter 796 - D.A. Ⅱ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 35020K 2022-07-25

Inside the classroom, James lets out a soft sigh of relief as he sets down his heavy school back in the corner of the classroom. He straightens up and stretches for a moment, before turning towards the mostly empty classroom. Against the southernmost wall, there were three wooden puppets each with a wooden wand against the far wall to use as targets. The enchanted puppets were enchanted to cast back the enchanted spell or counter with another.

However, each puppet was restricted by the spells they could cast and were according to the student's levels. The far-left puppet could cast spells up to the fourth-year level. The middle puppet to the fifth-year level. And the far-right puppet to that of a seventh year. Since only one individual could practice with each puppet at a time, the club members would instead take turns to use the puppet. In the meantime, the club members would pair up and duel each other for the remainder of the time.

On the other hand, the floors and walls have been enchanted with cushioning charms thanks to Professor Flitwick's aid. That should prevent any real damage or harm from occurring beyond bruises. Still, just in case, James himself had cast a spell or two which he had learned while an Auror trainee to prevent the worst of bruises from occurring.

Furthermore, Professor Flitwick had been quite excited to participate since the dueling club had been suspended after Professor Adrick's abrupt disappearance. And who, James had no idea who he was except that by the journal entries that clearly described the dislike for the Defense Against the Dark Art's professor teaching in their second year.

Professor Flitwick had been so enthusiastic that he agreed without even being asked to be the second professor advisor for the club. He and Professor Prince would switch as advisor's during each club meeting. And though James had excluded Professor Flitwick initially due to his lack of real experience combat, he could not deny the fact that Professor Flitwick wouldn't be completely useless in real combat. Professor Flitwick for his diminutive size was a powerful dueler and a former dueling champion. Professor Flitwick was bound to have a few tricks up his sleeves that could be quite useful in real combat.

Finished preparing the classroom to his satisfaction, James paused to glance up at the time. Seeing the time, James lets out a breath of air and waits. After a few minutes of silence, he begins to fidget wondering if anyone would even bother showing up. Perchance, he had been overly optimistic, and this truly had been a harebrained idea.

James's ears perk up at the sound of footsteps. It was more than one set of footsteps causing him to heave to exhale the breath he had been holding in. At least, he'd have a few potential club members and that was far better than none.

Patting down his unruly hair, James begins to smile, before his expression freezes. He reminded himself sternly to act naturally and tries to figure out what to do with his hands. He quickly shoves them into his robes as a small group of Slytherins appear in the doorway. They all were rather familiar and from his year.

James blinks back in astonishment at recognizing the slender, somewhat medium-sized young man. The handsome youth had floppy hair, delicate-looking features, and bright intuitive hazel eyes. The handsome lad flashes James a knowing grin.

”Well, James, I must say, you're a hard man to find,” Terry Greengrass teased with a good-natured smirk.

Greengrass's courting partner, a dark, sleek-haired young woman with sharp features rolls her bluish-gray eyes at Terry. The same height as her beau, but rather thin with not much of a ċhėst nor curves, Silvia Flint says, ”Really, Terry? Is that the best remark that you could come up with? My apologies, James, Terry can be a buffoon at times.”

”Am not!” Terry sulkily said as he sullenly crossed his arms over his ċhėst.

A rather petite, lovely young woman with short, strawberry blonde bobbed hair flashes him a warm, but rather charming smile. ”Just ignore them, James,” Tiffany said as she wrinkled her nose at her two friends. ”They like to playfully bicker all the time, it's part of their charm as a couple.”

The Slytherin couple flushes bright pink in embarrassment as a truly gorgeous young woman with curves in all the right places laughs, before covering her mouth delicately with one hand. With auburn, long wavy hair, Bethanie Fawley enchantingly says, ”You must forgive us, James, but after Herbology the last hour with Professor Sprout, we are a bit catty.”