Chapter 68 - Return to Hogwarts Ⅱ (1/2)
The sliding of the compartment door causes them to look to see the elegant figure of Sirius Black leaning against the open door. ”Can a roguish scoundrel get a bite to eat?” Sirius ruefully asked.
Terry and Rowan quickly tuck their sweets behind them as Severus says, ”Hurry up and come in. Those two wouldn't share their sweets if their lives depended on it.”
”I knew I could count on you, Sev,” Sirius said with a grin as he stepped inside and took the seat next to Severus. Rowan merely snorts and raises a pointed eyebrow at Severus for allowing Sirius to call him, Sev. Severus doesn't meet her gaze as he shares his own food.
”And pray tell, why aren't you meeting with the rest of your pack?” Terry drily interjected.
”Well, aren't you nosy?” Sirius countered.
”At least I'm smart enough to feed myself.”
”Touché, but I'm not a Slytherin.”
”Oh? Well, the friend that you just received food just so happens to be a Slytherin.”
”Severus doesn't count.”
”Enough,” Severus tried to intervene between his best friends to no avail as the two spoke over his voice. Severus sends a pleading look to Rowan, who doesn't meet his gaze.
”Then what about Rowan?” Terry sharply said.
”Neither does she,” Sirius snapped.
Terry snorts in derision and says, ”I think you're just jealous.”
”Oh, arrogant, dark witches and wizards, who think, they're better than everyone else?” Sirius barked. ”Well, I want no part of it!”
The air is awkward as Rowan breaks the silence by unwrapping a chocolate frog. ”I understand that your holidays must have been less than pleasant, Sirius. But don't take it out on us nor on Terry,” Rowan coldly said. ”Don't be a hypocrite and judge us for being Slytherin's just as it is not your fault that you have been dwelt, such parents.”
Sirius sighs and apologetically says, ”Sorry, I didn't mean to say that.”
”I'm sure you did,” Terry crisply replied. ”But nevertheless, apology accepted.”
Sirius warily grins and extends his hands out. ”Please let me introduce myself, Sirius Black.”
”Terry Greenwood,” Terry said as he extended his delicate, feminine hand.
The two boys shake hands firmly, before Sirius says, ”You're not a bad chap.”
”And you're not bad for being a dull headed, Gryffindor,” Terry smirked.
Sirius chokes and says, ”I think, I'm starting to like you. Does that mean, I'll be on friendly terms with three Slytherins now?”
”So, it would seem, what an utter shame?” Terry impishly replied as Severus finally sighed with relief, while Sirius pointedly took a bite of his food.
Seeing a chance to change the subject, Severus says, ”Where's James Potter and the rest of your gang, Sirius?”
”Lupin and James are playing wizarding chess,” Sirius replied with a mouthful of food. ”And Pettigrew is cheering them on. I was feeling a bit bored and thought I might stretch my legs for a bit.”
”How fortunate for us,” Rowan sarcastically said.
”I knew you liked me,” Sirius said which earned him, a look of disdain from Rowan. Terry on the other hand snorts loudly in reply as Sirius says, ”And how would you know?”
”I do have four older married sisters,” Terry said, which caused Rowan to choke.
”But your mum looks so young!” Rowan protested recalling the golden-haired, fair featured woman that seemed to be in her early thirties.
Terry sheepishly smiles and says, ”That's how all the women are in my family.”
”You got any unmarried cousins?” Sirius happily interrupted.
”Yeah, but the men and women in my family have a bit of temper at times,” Terry sheepishly said. Rowan's eyes widen as a slow understanding dawns in her eyes as Terry continues, ”My great-grandmama was a Veela.”
Severus whistles as Sirius frowns until he says, ”You mean those gorgeous women, who when angry can turn into harpies and throw fire?”