Chapter 67 - Return to Hogwarts (1/2)
”Cursed reporters!” Snapped, a familiar burly Death Eater, Seth. Throwing the Daily Prophet onto the ground, Aeron stomps on the tabloid in emphasis. Rodolphus Lestrange is unusually quiet as a glimmer of satisfaction seems to appear in the depths of his eyes at the news.
”The Dark Lord will not be pleased by these false accusations,” The long-nosed Death Eater, Aeron wisely concluded.
”But even worse those fools at the Ministry of Magic have sent a warrant out for our Dark Lord's arrest,” the burly figure of Seth growled.
”Yes, well, no matter,” Aeron mused. ”We are getting that much closer to finding the Rain Man, pay the situation no mind. Our first priority is to find and destroy the unknown thorn in our side, before destroying those fools at the Ministry of Magic. Isn't that right Lestrange?”
Rodolphus merely nods his head and says, ”Yes, the Rain Man is our priority.” Without another word and swoosh of his cloak, Lestrange walks away with a distant gaze. Aeron and Seth share unspoken gazes of worry over Lestrange. Ever since Bellatrix's death, Lestrange seemed off more distant so to speak. It wasn't a problem but still, it might be best that Lestrange is not a participant in other missions for the time being.
Winter Break ended all too soon, and it came time for the students to return to Hogwarts after the start of the new year. As usual with weak legs, Rowan and Severus emerged from the car and made their way through King's Cross with grandfather, Reginald. As they walk past the crowds of people, Reginald asks, ”Did you remember everything? If not, I can send it via owl, but I need to know what it is!”
”We're fine, Grandfather!” Rowan and Severus said in exasperation.
Reginald sniffs and doesn't reply as with ease the three of them pass through the enchanted wall to appear on platform 9 ¾s. A scarlet engine as usual waits next to the platform that is bursting with people. Smoke from the engine drifts over the crowd and unlike the previous time before due to the cold, students swiftly board the train.
Glancing around Severus fails to spot Lily with some disappointment as Rowan says, ”Lily's probably waiting inside.”
”Then what are we waiting for?” Severus snapped. ”Bye, grandfather!” Before rushing off to the train with his trunk and Owny in tow.
Reginald snorts as Rowan says, ”We'll see you come summer again, grandfather. Please take care.”
”Are you suggesting I'm old?” Reginald crisply said with a raised brow. Rowan grins wickedly back, before rushing after Severus. Wryly shaking his head with a gentle smile, Reginald says, ”No good rotten brats these days.” But despite his words, Reginald would stay put in the cold until the Hogwarts Express left the station.
Shoving their trunks on board, Rowan and Severus make their way down the compartments as Rowan says, ”How about we save this one for ourselves, while you go and look for Lily?”
”Sounds good!” Severus replied with glee, before bolting down the train.
With a sigh, Rowan rubs her head as she sees a familiar face pop their head inside. ”Is this seat taken?” Terry Greenwood asked.
”Nope,” Rowan truthfully replied as Terry stuck his trunk under the seat and carefully set a wooden carrier on the floor. ”What's that?” Rowan curiously asked.
”My sisters and mum thought it might be a good idea to gift me a kitten for Christmas,” Terry drily said. ”I'd rather much have preferred an owl, but still, I've grown rather fond of him.”