Chapter 54 - Christmas Break Ⅲ (1/2)
The front door is covered in great mistletoe and holly wreaths enchanted to form wondrous shapes, no doubt, Dawn's handy work. Rowan stumbles up the stairs behind Severus and before they can open the door, Dawn wearing holiday livery opens the door. ”Welcome home, young master and mistress!” Dawn happily squeaked as the little holly decoration in her hair shake from excitement.
”Thank you, Dawn,” the twins chimed as they weakly stumbled inside.
Much like Hogwarts, the halls are impeccably decorated with tinsel toe, great Christmas trees, strings of holly, and so hundreds of delicate glowing decorations. Seeing Rowan and Severus's pale faces, Dawn knowing says, ”Young master and mistress, please have a seat, while Dawn grabs you a hot tea to get you back on your feet.”
Rowan and Severus gratefully nod in thanks as they slump down into chairs in the great hall as Dawn only pauses to take Owyn's cage away. Not long after Reginald enters the wonderfully decorated hallway followed by two floating trunks behind him. With a wave of his wand, the trunks neatly fall to the ground as the front door shuts behind him.
A shrill peacock cry is heard in the hallway as Reginald narrows his eyes at Fidel. Fidel arrogantly struts down the hallway with his feathers in full swing. Suddenly Fidel trembles at seeing the two figures he most heated in the world, Reginald and Rowan Prince. Fidel's feathers fearfully snap shut as Fidel does a hasty U-turn and dashes back the way he came.
A simultaneous smile appears on Reginald and Rowan faces at Fidel's vanished back. ”Well, go on and greet your grandmother and Georgine,” Reginald said as he turned towards them. ”They're in the parlor.” Before striding off to the study.
Rowan and Severus wobbly move to rise, but just in time, Dawn appears with tea and two soft, huge rolls on a platter. ”Please have a drink and a roll to help settle the young master's and young mistress's stomachs,” Dawn said.
Rowan and Severus graciously accept as Dawn adds, ”And when you're done, just leave the cups here on the platter. Dawn will get to them in a jiffy.” With a wave of her finger, Rowan and Severus's two trunks follow her tiny figure up the stairs to the twin's bedrooms.
Rowan and Severus sip the warm cider with a dash of cinnamon and let out a satisfied, ”ahh.” The two slowly chew on the soft rolls that help settle down their stomachs. With a final gulp of tea, the twins set their cups down and trot down to the parlor.
As they stride through the manor, Rowan and Severus even find that the portraits seem to be quite festive. Rowan and Severus even spot an enchanted portrait that changes according to the seasons. The portrait at present reveals a warm glowing cottage with newly fallen snow and a mountain in the background. Tiny children like figures in mittens build snowmen and have snowball fights.
”Huh,” Rowan and Severus said in unison, before continuing on their way.
Rowan and Severus pause to peek into the open door to see an elegant room furnished in light blues and beige colors. Aunt Georgine sits at the bench of the grand pianoforte as the keyboards play on their own. ”Huh, not bad,” Rowan remarked at the excellent playing as Sirsa Prince embroiders some sort of handkerchief.
”I'm more surprised that she's not smoking,” Severus quietly commented. Ever since the tea party incident, Severus had never quite gotten over his dislike of Aunt Georgine. Needless to say, Severus and Aunt Georgine felt exactly the same way about each other.
Rowan and Severus glance at each other in understanding before politely entering the parlor and saying, ”We're back, grandmother and Aunt Georgine.”
Sirsa glances up as the pianoforte ceased to play as Aunt Georgine takes an unlit cigarette at her side and begins to smoke according to Severus's remark. ”Excellent, the two of you seem well,” Sirsa carefully remarked as she studied the twins. ”And I've heard good things from the grandchildren of other friends that the two of you are excellent in your classes and have even earned your house points the very first week.”
”Yes, grandmother,” Rowan and Severus chimed together.
Sirsa nods in satisfaction and says, ”Well, go on and rest now. We'll be holding a grand festival gala on Christmas Eve. But until then feel free to run around and enjoy your holiday break.”