Chapter 53 - Christmas Break Ⅱ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 23410K 2022-07-25

The next day with almost tears in Rowan's eyes, she watched the 2nd years and the rest of the years wait in the Great Hall to be carried via carriages to the Hogwarts's Express. On the other hand, the unlucky first years are forced to traverse across the frozen lake in tiny wooden boats. A single icy path has been broken in the ice by Hagrid as the boats lead in a single file.

Everyone intensely shivers from the cold and mist being blown into their faces by the sharp, bitter wind. With blue faces and chattering teeth, Rowan once more stares ominously at the lake. Sputtering with chills, Severus stammers, ”What, are you thinking about, Rowan?”

”Do you know that an instant icy death is assured if you fall into sub-zero temperature waters?” Rowan darkly replied. ”Before you even start to drown, the icy water is so cold that it feels like millions of stabbing needles as your heavy clothes drag you down to die a slow and painful watery death.”

”I shouldn't have asked,” Severus grimly thought to himself.

Lily glares at Rowan and stammers from the cold. ”We'll, be, fine. Just, like, before!” Terry, the other occupant on the boat merely shakes his head and mutters something about jinxes.

Rowan remains silent the rest of the trip as with great glee their boats dock safely back onto the shore. With firm strides, Hagrid leads them through a snowy cleared path back to the Hogwarts's express. With great glee, despite being frozen stiff, the 1st years all rush inside for warmth as Rowan pauses to neatly wipe her boots first before stepping onto the train.

Rowan finds Lily, Severus, and Terry already sitting down in a nearby compartment as they rub their hands warming themselves. Noticing that Rowan isn't doing so, Severus narrows his eyes and stiffly says, ”Why aren't you as frozen as the rest of us?”

Rowan wickedly smiles back and says, ”Enchanted hot stones.” Rowan reaches into her pocket and pulls out a warm, round stone from her pocket.

Terry lets out a string of curses as Lily smacks her face at the brilliant idea, while Severus glares at Rowan. ”And why didn't you share that with us?” Severus growled.

”It just occurred to me, last night,” Rowan lied with a straight face.

”Well, at least, we now know how to keep warm for our return trip,” Lily exclaimed.

”Ug, on our return trip back,” Terry groaned causing them all to shiver with despair.