Chapter 14 (1/2)
Another Worlds Business Chronicles
第14話 奴隷
Chapter 14 – Slaves
MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)
「I’ve finished Come inside and have a look」 (Domoor)
Domoor said
Haruto, Lora, Pudding, and Rusk are on the land where the factory was scheduled to be built To be accurate, they are on the land where the factory had been built
「A in 3 months」 (Haruto)
Haruto commented as he observed the repairs that were done to the factory’s roof and slave lodging house
「Perhaps, did this place used to be that haunted-looking building? A)
「That once run-down building is this lovely now」 (Lora)
Lora said in admiration
This pretty building couldn’t be mistaken to its previous self In the past 3had appeared to have been bloay Nearby, there is a building that can be used as a storehouse (warehouse) The pots and ingredients can be stored there
「For the tiuards after all」 (Rusk)
Saying so, Rusk enters the building Haruto and company followed him shortly afterward
The interior was also solidly repaired and it showed no dangers of collapsing Upon entering the building they arrive in a large hall with 20 small rooms
「Uood place to leave the alarm?」 (Haruto)
「Hmm, let me see How about in the hall as it is quite spacious Setting up the device is rather easy, just insert a ic stone into the device If you place the alarm in the hall it will make a louder sound when a person without a key enters the building」 (Rusk)
As Rusk inforic stone into the device The ht Haruto then placed the device on the wall in the large hall
「Is this okay?」 (Haruto)
「I think so」 (Rusk)
After having looked at every roo
「So, how is h for you?」 (Domoor)
「Haha, it is perfect Here is the money we settled on」 (Haruto)
Along with the docuold coins; 160,000 Doraria
「Thank you for the business If you need any ive me request」 (Domoor)
「Haha, next time then」 (Haruto)
Haruto shakes hands with Domoor Domoor and the other carpenters then swiftly took their leave
「Now then, ill split up into groups of two Rusk and I will go receive the slaves Lora, you and Pudding will go fetch the pots froo buy bread (food) for the slaves」 (Haruto)
And thus, the roups of 2 people
「Hey, Boss Why is it you bought child slaves? Is it not better to use adults for manual labor?」 (Rusk)
Before they boarded the carriage, Rusk asked Haruto a question
「For two reasons The 1st is because children are cheaper I don’t have h for this sort of work that is why going the cheaper route is the better option 2nd, Lora and I are still young It would be difficult to e someone older As such, on’t have to be concerned when dealing with 10-year-old children Do you disagree? There is no need to worry as the working conditions will not be anything like in a mine」 (Haruto)
Hearing this from Haruto, Rusk’s expression softened
「I see, I get it」 (Rusk)
As the two rode the carriage on their way to the slave-trading coe al the way That matter will be left unspoken
When they entered the slave trading building, Wujek aiting inside
「Finally arrived, this way then」 (Wujek)
Haruto and RuskSince this was the first tile jail cell, 20 or so slaves are chained up together; a e The only thing they have in common is their emotionless (dead-like) eyes
Because it wasn’t a pleasant feeling, Haruto decides to keep looking forward
「These are your slaves Please confirm them Hey now, this person will be your owner, line up!」 (Wujek)
Upon Wujek’s shout, the children with emotionless eyes lined up
「Here, this document has their inforht to left」 (Wujek)
Haruto looked over the document on the slaves that he was handed from Wujek
Starting froht,
Ann (アン) – Fedom
Ein (イン) – Male – Age 10 – from the Empire
Urs (ウルス) – Male – Age 10 – frodom
Ee 10 – from the City-State Union
Oreste (オレスト) – Male – Age 9 – from the Empire
Kay (カイ) – Male – Age 8 – Origin Unknown
Kil (キル) – Male – Age 10 – from the Empire
Kroll (クロル) – Male – Age 10 – from the Empire
Caie 8 – from the Empire
Costos (コストス) – Male – Age 9 – from the Empire
Saul (サウル) – Male – Age 10 – from the North
Silk (シルク) – Male – Age 10 – from the Empire
Susan (スーザン) – Male – Age 9 – from the Empire
Cecil (セシル) – Male – Age 8 – from the Empire
Sol (ソル) – Male – Age 10 – from the Northeast
「……how troublesoht A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N, & O?」 (Haruto)
It seems that most of them are from the Empire
「Hey, what are the North and Northeast? And, what’s with the “origin unknown” part?」 (Haruto)
It was on his mind thus Haruto asked about it
「North, is it not obvious that that refers to the hunter tribe who live in the north As for the Northeast, that is the equestrian tribe who live in the northeast About the unknown origin, I don’t know Go ask the person himself」 (Wejuk)
Wujek doesn’t know either Since the ill not change as a result of a person’s origin, Haruto wasn’t particularly concerned about the matter
For the ti, Haruto decided to turn around and introduce himself
「From today onwards, I will be your owner; my name is Haruto Asuma Feel free to callbad will happen to you if you obediently do your work I will release you froht」 (Haruto)
Haruto spoke as gently as he could Although he wanted to give theed They still had their dead-like eyes
He shrugs his shoulders and goes to speak with Wujek
Following orders, Wujek’s subordinate opened the door and undone the chains
「Follow me」 (Haruto)
Hearing so, the children followed after Haruto in silence
「Well now, 15 people will not fit in the carriage (wagon)…… how about we transport theroups of 5 Rusk, first start from A,B,C,D, & E」 (Haruto)
With a wry smile on his face, Rusk places Ann, Ein, Urs, Ee He transports the Because it takes the carriage 20 minutes per trip, Haruto has 40 minutes of free time He decides to talk to the children to pass the ti with the children conversing with them is indispensable
「Hey, you……Ka……Kaito?」 (Haruto)
「Oh yeah, it was Kay On your profile, it states that your origin is unknown So, where are you from?」 (Haruto)
「……」 (Haruto)
After Haruto spoke, Kay didn’t answer and stayed silent
「Well, you don’t have to say if you don’t want to」 (Haruto)
A person always has a thing or two that they don’t want to speak about Although Haruto could force the information out of Kay, there is no reason to do so
Rethinking the oes to talk to a different child
「How is it you can speak our language?」 (Sol)
For a moment, Haruto didn’t kno to response He noticed that he hasn’t spoken with any other language expect froe This probably was the result of his blessing
「I’es and I excel in the liberal arts Oh yeah, can you handle a horse?」 (Haruto)
Haruto thought about having Sol drive the carriage
They continued to converse and the wariness in the children’s expression seeh, Haruto didn’t believe their expressionless eyes were cured
On the other side, Lora and Pudding approached the blacksmith’s shop
「Ahh, I’m nervous……」 (Lora)
Pudding addressed Lora who is showing a tense expression
「This person is scary He seems like the sort of person that would try to extort you on false charges」 (Lora)
For a while, Lora and Pudding continued their rude conversation
「I can hear you……」 (Bacchus)