34 Memories: Part 1 (1/2)

I decided to skip the rest of my classes for that day. I came back straight to home finding the next bus.

I had to find out what Ben wanted me to know by giving me the book. It was written by Lisa Renee Jones. A book filled with love, betrayal and revenge. What did Ben try to mean that I'll find my answers in this book. It looked like a normal book...

I tured the pages to see if anything was inside but actually found nothing. Did a few seaches in Google as well about the book. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary either...

Did make a joke just to make me worried!

He wouldn't right. He still cares for me. I stopped suddenly understanding what I was thinking...Am I planning to fall for him again! The same mistake, the same betrayal that I faced once was I ready to face all of that again!

The changes I felt inside me made me feel ashamed. All the hatred I had for him, all of them just vanished along his charming voice, his gentle touch against my skin. Have I so fallen weak, desperate in his love that the past doesnt even matter to me now! He clearly doesn't love me. We don't leave the people we love. We don't abandoned them & leave them on the road to die. Ben did the same to me but how can I still love him after all he did. I'm must be out of my mind. But the feelings which I'm feeling for Ben it's hard to deny that. The want to be with him is just killing me inside at the same time. I wasfighting with the strom that was destroying me inside little by little.

I checked the pages of the book again I didn't see anything unusual. Why did Ben even gave me this book!

OH WAIT! 25 !!

I picked up the book in a hurry and opened page 25. I looked at the page carefully and I saw a small memory card. It was between the two pages so I didn't notice it before.

Memory card! Why will he give me a memory card for! Does this means something is in it?

I quickly transferred it to my laptop to see.