27 Revealing Mystery: Part 9 (2/2)
I didn't bring up the topic of Rex again for that day. Jake told some other members to bring back the books that we left there.
”I'll put these back in the shelf!” I said picking up the books from the table and giving the best smile I can give to Jake. He didn't smile for even a second after the incident with Rex. He was silent like he was thinking something. It made me worried, if he was really ok or not.
I started putting the books in their places. The psychological books are usually on the top shelves because the students don't read it much. Someone must have pulled it out from there but didn't put back. The top shelf was out of my reach. I needed to use the ladder. I climbed up and put the book the book back. I am not usually comfortable with heights. I never had fear of heights but from my high school I started being uncomfortable with heights.
But I landed safely and let out a sigh thinking about the incident that happened today. I didn't wanna see Jake sad. I really love it when he smiles. He's the only friend who accepted me though I was an outsider.
I leaned on the shelf worried about the situation I was in. Suddenly I heard a cracking sound.
”Bella, move!!!” I saw Jake coming to me running.
”Ja..” Before I could finish I saw the books from the shelf falling on me. I shut my eyes in terror unable to think. I fell on the ground but I fell something soft under my head. I opened my eyes and saw Jake. We were laying down and Jake was covering me by keeping me close to his chest. One of his hand was under my head that explains the soft feeling.
”Jake!” My voice cracked in fear. It seemed like all the books were about to fall on me because one of the section of the shelf's wood was cracked. But Jake came and covered me on the right time. I couldn't hold my tears thinking about the pain he must be feeling right now because all the books fell on his back.
I tried to say his name again but he embraced me gently, letting out a whisper, ”Shhhhhh...I will always protect you Bella, I promise.....Just let me in, don't resist me ever,” His voice was like a pleasure to my lonely ears. For a moment I was lost in his heart capturing voice and gentle hug.
I only nodded hiding my face in the warmth of his chest. He was like an angel protecting me always from every danger. Why will he do it for me! Risking his own life for me! Why?
Is that what I think it is ? Is it love!