Part 55 (2/2)

Scaramouche Rafael Sabatini 34300K 2022-07-20

The Marquis answered hi but sorrow in his voice ”I think your prayer is likely to be heard This wretched young ement for to-morrohen his account may be definitely settled”

He spoke with such calm conviction that his words had all the sound of a sentence of death They suddenly steer The colour receded from his inflamed face; dread looked out of his pale eyes, to inform M de La Tour d'Azyr, more clearly than any words, that M de Kercadiou's hot speech had been the expression of unreflecting anger, that his prayer that retribution ht soon overtake his Godson had been unconsciously insincere Confronted now by the fact that this retribution was about to be visited upon that scoundrel, the fundaentleness and kindliness of his nature asserted itself; his anger was suddenly whelmed in apprehension; his affection for the lad beat up to the surface,of no account by comparison with the threatened punishment

M de Kercadiou ement?” he asked in a voice that by an effort he contrived to render steady

M de La Tour d'Azyr bowed his handso parquetry of the floor ”With htening of the heart that his answer ht the sound of a faint outcry from Aline; he saw the sudden recoil of M de Kercadiou And then he plunged headlong into the explanation that he deemed necessary

”In view of his relations with you, M de Kercadiou, and because of ard for you, I did h as you will understand the death of my dear friend and cousin Chabrillane seeh I knew thatman made further restraint impossible to me He provoked rossest affront, and to- in the Bois we meet”

He faltered a little at the end, fully conscious of the hostile atmosphere in which he suddenly found himself Hostility froe of manner had already led him to expect; the hostility of madean to understand what difficulties the course to which he was com across the path which he had just cleared, as he iined Yet his pride and his sense of the justice due to be done ad

In bitterness he realized now, as he looked frolance, usually so direct and bold, now oddly furtive--that though to-ht kill Andre-Louis, yet even by his death Andre-Louis would take vengeance upon hi the conclusion that this Andre-Louis Moreau was the evil genius of his life He sa that do what he would, kill hiht, he could never conquer him The last ould always be with Andre-Louis Moreau In bitterness, in rage, and in hu almost unknown to him--did he realize it, and the realization steeled his purpose for all that he perceived its futility

Outwardly he showed hiretfully accepting the inevitable It would have been as i as to attempt to turn him from the matter to which he was committed And so M de Kercadiou perceived

”My God!” was all that he said, scarcely above his breath, yet alroan

M de La Tour d'Azyr did, as always, the thing that sensibility deer where his news had produced such an effect would be impossible, indecent So he departed, in a bitterness comparable only with his erstwhile optiall even as it touched his lips Oh, yes; the last word, indeed, ith Andre-Louis Moreau--always!

Uncle and niece looked at each other as he passed out, and there was horror in the eyes of both Aline's pallor was deathly al her hands as if in pain

”Why did you not ask hi hiht, and and there are things one cannot ask; things it would be a useless hu ”Oh, the poor boy--the poor, uided boy”

In the mind of neither, you see, was there any doubt of what must be the issue The calm confidence in which La Tour d'Azyr had spoken colorious boaster, and they knehat a force as a swordsenerally accounted

”What does humiliation matter? A life is at issue--Andre's life”

”I know My God, don't I know? And I would hu myself I could hope to prevail But Azyr is a hard, relentless man, and”

Abruptly she left him

She overtook the Marquis as he was in the act of stepping his carriage

He turned as she called, and bowed

”Madeuessed her errand, tasted in anticipation the unparalleled bitterness of being compelled to refuse her Yet at her invitation he stepped back into the cool of the hall

In the middle of the floor of chequered marbles, black and white, stood a carved table of black oak By this he halted, leaning lightly against it whilst she sat enthroned in the great crimson chair beside it

”Monsieur, I cannot allow you so to depart,” she said ”You cannot realize, monsieur, what a bloould be dealt my uncle if if evil, irrevocable evil were to overtake his Godson to-morrow The expressions that he used at first”

”Mademoiselle, I perceived their true value Spare yourself Believe me I am profoundly desolated by circumstances which I had not expected to find You must believe me when I say that It is all that I can say”