Part 55 (1/2)
Then, when ned the journal into the hands of M de Kercadiou
M de Kercadiou, with his niece's future to consider, went to read the paper in the garden, taking up there a position whence he could keep the couple within sight--as his obligations see discreetly out of earshot
The Marquis ht be brief He quite frankly declared hiood graces, to be ad she would bring herself to consider him in a nearer relationshi+p
”Made that admitted of no doubt, ”you cannot lack conviction of my utter sincerity
The very constancy of my devotion should afford you this It is just that I should have been banished froreat honour to which I aspired But this banishment has nowise diminished my devotion If you could conceive what I have suffered, you would agree that I have fully expiated entle wistfulness on her lovely face
”Monsieur, it is not you whos towards me?”
”But that I can understand After what has happened”
”It was always so, monsieur,” she interrupted quietly ”You speak of me as if lost to you by your own action That is to say too much Let me be frank with you Monsieur, I was never yours to lose I am conscious of the honour that you do me I esteeh note of confidence, ”fro”
”Who shall assure ? May it not be the whole?
Had I held you in affection, monsieur, I should have sent for you after the affair of which you have spoken I should at least not have conde your explanation As it was” She shrugged, sently, sadly ”You see”
But his optiive me hope, mademoiselle If already I possess so much, I may look with confidence to win more I shall prove myself worthy I swear to do that Who that is per near you could do other than seek to render himself worthy?”
And then before she could add a word, M de Kercadiou cah the , his spectacles on his forehead, his face infla in his hand ”The Acts of the Apostles,” and apparently reduced to speechlessness
Had the Marquis expressed himself aloud he would have been profane As it was he bit his lip in vexation at thisup, alaritation
”What has happened?”
”Happened?” He found speech at last ”The scoundrel! The faithless dog!
I consented to overlook the past on the clear condition that he should avoid revolutionary politics in future That condition he accepted, and now”--he sain
Not only has he gone into politics, once more, but he is actually ahis assassin's skill as a fencing- himself into a bully-swordsman My God! Is there any law at all left in France?”
One doubt M de La Tour d'Azyr had entertained, though only faintly, tooptimism That doubt concerned this man Moreau and his relations with M de Kercadiou He knehat once they had been, and how changed they subsequently were by the ingratitude of Moreau's own behavior in turning against the class to which his benefactor belonged What he did not knoas that a reconciliation had been effected For in the past month--ever since circu to steer clear of politics--the young man had not ventured to approach Meudon, and as it happened his na on the occasion of either of his own previous visits
He learnt of that reconciliation now; but he learnt at the same time that the breach was now renewed, and rendered wider and more impassable than ever Therefore he did not hesitate to avow his own position
”There is a law,” he answered ”The law that this rash young ravely, alround was tender ”You are not to suppose that he is to continue indefinitely his career of evil and of e the others You have observed thatthe number of this assassin's victims; that he was killed on Tuesday last”
”If I have not expressed nation stifles at theThe scoundrel!
You say that sooner or later he will e the others I pray that it may be soon”