28 Library (2/2)

Cultivation Fever ozzybanks 27300K 2022-07-20

At the end of the tunnel was something akin to a bank vault door. It was seamless, save for a glowing panel in the centre.

Yin Xue slotted his card into the panel and, after a blink, the door swung open. It was made of a deep black metal, and was nearly a meter thick, but opened smoothly and without sound.

The room inside was incredible. Towering walls of ornate books encircled a glowing column. On closer inspection, the column was built out of many individual blocks.

Each block glowed with a different strength and frequency, and some flickered every now and then.

”This 'ere's the vault. It's the most secure place in the whole school,” he raised his voice and called out, ”Xiaogui! Come out! I've got a visitor.”

”A visitor, sir?”

I tiny, impish man walked around the pillar, and was startled when he saw me.

”Sir! You brought a student in here?!”

”Don't worry yourself Xiaogui. Guess who this is.”

Xiaogui scrunched up his features in thought.

”Your son, sir?”

”Are ya an idiot?! When would I find the time to… ah stuff it. This right 'ere is Oscar Schwarz, my own little scholar.”

Xiaogui trembled slightly, panic flashing across his eyes.

”Sir… what did this poor boy do?” he looked to the side and frowned, ”and that name…”

”Yeah, yer right. The infamous Divine Weapon of the North's son is right 'ere in this school.”

”And what did he… nevermind. I have to get back to work, sir.”

Xiaogui gave me a nod, his eyes full of concern, then disappeared back around the pillar.

So, even Xiaogui knew father. And he had such an impressive title… things began to line up in my head.

Father must have been a distinguished soldier in the North. From his conversation with Tony, I gathered that he made a huge blunder and had been sent down here.

I definitely wanted to know more about father now. What had he done that made him known to even this little vault dwelling, imp of a man?

Yin Xue continued his little tour of the library,

”We store all the cultivation techniques 'ere. Xiaogui manages them and he does a great job.”

”That thing there,” he pointed at the pillar, ”is something called a 'server'. It runs a lot of this school. Bit of an eyesore if ya ask me.”

He led us round the pillar and through a small door in the wall. Inside was what I can only describe as a small bachelor pad.

There was a dishevelled bunkbed, a desk, and one huge armchair. Every surface was covered with books and notes, and empty inkpots clinked as Yin Xue waded through.

”This's is where me and Xiaogui live. 'Ere,” he pointed at a raised pile of books, ”take a seat.”

Yin Xue flopped down into the armchair, and I perched on the books.

”Why do you…”

”Stop!” he yelled, nearly jumping out of his armchair, ”No questions! Wait until I'm done and don't interrupt me.”

He slumped back into the armchair with a sigh.

”Yes, I know about yer daddy. Yes, I know about yer little demon slave. Yer stupidly overdeveloped soul, I know about that too.”

”Now, I know a lot of constitutions. In fact, I think I know every single one that's ever been recorded in this continent.”

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I knew where this was going. Yin Xue leaned forward and lowered his voice.

”And that 'Soul Becoming World' constitution? It's not just rare. It's complete and utter bullshit.”