28 Library (1/2)

Cultivation Fever ozzybanks 27300K 2022-07-20

Chairman Liu left the room first, followed by the teachers. Freja pushed past all of them and swept Davide up in a bear hug.

”Miss Freja…” Davide's cry was immediately smothered.

”You're so cute! Let's go home right away!”

Without putting him down, she ran out of the room, chattering excitedly all the way.

I was somewhat worried for Davide. Freja was a little… strange. I had seen her act like a child, a proud warrior, and a humble teacher all in the space of a few minutes.

Out of these three sides, her humility reassured me. Admitting that she was inferior in strength to Chairman Liu showed enough respect for me to believe that Davide would be alright.

Yang Heng calmly and elegantly drifted through the room. With a slight nod to Yao Daiyu, she followed him with equal grace. They were a fitting pair.

It was my turn now. Yin Xue simply walked past me without a hint of recognition. Reaching the doorway, he paused and called out.

”Little monster, ya coming or not?”

I followed Yin Xue out into Little Yard. A few students milled about, watching us closely.

All the other teachers were leaving Little Yard by a gate next to College, but Yin Xue led me the opposite direction. Sensing my confusion, Yin Xue perked up.

”If yer wondering why we're goin' the wrong way, don't. Those twats all live out there. I live in here.”

He led me to a building that stretched along the entire left side of the square. We passed through a large archway, made of the same stone as the identity card readers.

The ponytail and glasses woman sat behind a desk, some way behind the entrance.

”Mornin' Mouse,” Yin Xue called out.

She peeked up from behind the desk.

”Good morning Sir! Oh!” she looked at me, ”Oscar Schwartz! I apologise for how I…”

”Please don't Miss. I'm not a noble.”


”Mouse, take it from me,” Yin Xue interrupted, ”he's nowhere near a noble.”

”Yes sir.”

So, Yin Xue did know, and he deliberately didn't tell the teachers. At least now I knew for sure that he wanted to be my mentor the whole time.

Seemingly reading my mind, Yin Xue spoke over his shoulder,

”Yep, I know that and more. But…” He whipped around and stared me down, ”there's some things I don't know.”

His smile was unnerving, and the flicker of his eyes disturbing. It made me feel like a test subject under scrutiny.

With a twirl, he bashed open a set of double doors.

”Welcome to my library!”

The doors opened to a large two-tiered room. Bookshelves ran down the length of the walls, jutting out every few meters.

There was an array of desks in the middle, bathed in beautiful sunlight from a skylight far up above. At the back of the room was a spiral staircase leading up to the other floors.

The top floor had a long section cut out of the middle, letting light pour down from the ceiling. Large wooden buttresses held up the floor, spaced in line with the bookshelves.

Some students worked at the desks in silence, ignoring Yin Xue.

”This 'ere is the main study room. All types of history's on the bottom floors, and geography's on the top. Come 'ere.”

Yin Xue led me to an entrance way carved into the right wall of the main room. An eerie tunnel lay before us, illuminated by pulsating yellow tendrils.

”Yer about to see something not many people get to see.”