26 Mentorship (1/2)
The assembly began in a regular fashion. Chairman Liu welcomed the new students and ran through some school announcements. Afterwards he called up the new scholars to the front of the stage.
”Could this year's Emperor's Scholars please come to the front.”
Davide and Yao Daiyu sheepishly stood up and moved towards the front. It had to be intimidating for them, standing in front of such a massive crowd of their peers.
It was a little nerve racking for me, but not terribly so. I took the front centre of the stage and stood proudly in front of the crowd.
Chairman Liu walked up to Davide and placed a hand on his shoulder.
”Davide Marticelli, qi force 153, affinity 91%,”
He moved on to Yao Daiyu,
”Yao Daiyu, qi force 162, affinity 92%,”
Finally, he came to me,
”Oscar Schwartz, qi force 286, affinity 100%.”
An excited murmur spread throughout the crowd, but Chairman Liu continued through it.
”As you know, these scholars have incredible constitutions. Let them be exemplars of strength among you.”
He raised his voice, instantly stopping any chatting.
”But remember, innate ability means nothing without hard work. We shall continue our long-standing tradition,”
”During this term, you should all focus on building your strength. Next term, if any first-year entrant is to defeat one of these three in authorised combat, they too shall become a scholar.”
Excited chatter surged again, and my heart started pounding. Chairman Liu had just painted a target on our backs. This was an exciting way to keep prodigies motivated, and I welcomed the challenge.
Within the chatter, Chairman Liu spoke some quiet words to us,
”You may return to your seats.”
We sat back down, and Chairman Liu called out,
Most students stood to attention, and the confused first years followed their lead. I could see their eyes darting between each other, trying to understand what was happening.
With an almighty roar, the scholars chanted a strange phrase. I didn't know what language it was, but it was filled with passion.
The scholars finished the phrase, and the rest of the school responded in perfect unison. Somehow, the 20 odd scholars created more noise than the hundreds of other students.
For a minute or so, the school roared in this call and response pattern. It didn't seem like a prayer to me, more like a battle cry. The mysterious words set my blood boiling.
The Chairman called out some final strange words,
”Ire licet!”
With that, he walked down the centre aisle, followed closely by the scholars. Most of the kids looked straight ahead in complete silence, with only the odd first year sending a glance our way.
We filed down the stairs into Little Yard and back into College. The moment the scholars walked through the door all sense of decorum disappeared.
I met up with Davide and Yao Daiyu.
”What was all that?” I asked.
”I don't know big bro it was so weird.”
One of the older scholars came up to us, putting his hands on me and Davide's shoulders.
”You just got your first taste of what it means to be an Emperor's Scholar.”
I turned around to look at him. He was tall, with unnaturally chiselled features for a kid.
”I'm Chen Tai, but you can call me Tai, elder brother or whatever you want. I'm the head scholar, so if you've got any questions you don't want to bother Dong with, ask me.”
”Nice to meet you Tai,” I started, ”what was with that chanting?”
”It's the school prayers. Pretty scary isn't it?”
I nodded in slight agreement.
”I'll introduce you to all the other scholars tonight and let you know how things work around here. But you've got something else important ahead,”
He nodded in Dong's direction, then walked upstairs.
”Alright you three, it's time for you to get your mentors!” Dong called out.
He led us back to the door, then paused before opening it.
”Remember to keep your chin up whenever you're around the other students. You've got to have scholar's pride!”
I picked myself up a little and followed him out the door. We walked back up to Hall, and I could feel hundreds of stares prickling my back.
Hall was almost empty, with just a few people in plain clothes packing away the chairs. We passed through and into where the hospital bay was before.
The bay had been completely converted into a magisterial meeting room. Chairman Liu sat at the end of the room, with two parallel rows of teachers kneeling at low desks either side of him.
”Welcome to the mentorship selection committee. Please remain standing over there.”
Dong bowed to Chairman Liu, then took an empty seat along the rows.
”Any one of my esteemed colleagues here could be your mentor. Yao Daiyu, could you please take a step forward.”
Yao Daiyu nervously shuffled forward and bowed deeply to the Chairman.
”Yin Xue, could you please describe Miss Yao's condition.”
A grizzled man with a scruffy beard to Chairman Liu's immediate right nodded, then started speaking.
”With pleasure Chairman. Yao Daiyu, qi force 162, affinity 92%, Crystalline Qi constitution.”
A few of the teachers hummed in interest and whispered to their neighbours. Yin Xue continued regardless, dropping his dignified affectation.
”A lot of ya should know just how powerful this constitution is. Qi crystallises all over 'er body, making 'er a top-notch body cultivator no matter what she does.”
”What ya don't know is just how painful that is. These crystals aren't like the soul. They're real things, and they stab 'er whole body whenever she moves a muscle.”
”What's insane about this little girl, is she spent the first eight years of 'er life without any medicine. Nuthin. She just toughed out the pain and kept doing 'er thing.”
The teachers all started nodding in Yao Daiyu's direction out of respect.
”So, she's not only got one of the best constitutions, she's a fighter!”