25 Departure (1/2)
We stuffed most of my possessions in a tightly packed chest, then got an early night. I was a little nervous for the next day and found it difficult to meditate.
Mother shook me awake when it was still dark outside. We had to get down to school by the crack of dawn.
We ate a solemn family breakfast, and neither mother nor father looked like they had slept much. But as we walked down the mountain path, father in particular brightened up significantly.
While we made our way through town, mother listed all the things that I couldn't forget about. Brushing my teeth, washing behind my ears, checking for lice, anything little she could think of.
Reaching the front entrance, there was a crowd of parents saying goodbye to their children.
”Baby remember, you don't have to wait until break to come back home…” mother started.
”Oscar, they work scholars hard here,” father continued, ”If you feel overwhelmed, please tell us in your weekly letter.”
My parents enveloped me in a tight embrace. Mother steeled her resolve,
”Baby, you're going to do amazing. Just remember that we're always here, just up the road.”
”Good luck Oscar. You'll do great.”
”Mum, dad, I love you so much.”
Mother's resolve shattered, and father turned away and cleared his throat. I walked into the entrance, and heard mother's last remark,
”Good luck baby! I love you!”
That might have embarrassed me if I was eight in my past life. But I couldn't give less of a shit now. Mother and father loved me, and it was heart-warming.
The huge gates were shut, and kids were queueing up at a small entrance on the side. I waited in the queue for a few minutes before reaching the front.
A guard took my ID and placed it in a block, and it blinked gold. He looked at the block for a second, then gave me an instruction,
”Head to the back of Little Yard and meet up with the other scholars.”
He let me through a turnstile, and I made my way to the back of the yard. Chairman Liu stood waiting, and he beckoned me over with a slight flick of his hand.
Next to the chairman was a three-story building with green columns and a patinated turquoise roof. While all the buildings in the yard featured similar rooves, this was the only one with green columns.
The buildings jutted out and overlapped each other, forming an irregular boundary to the yard. It gave the impression that this school had been built up incrementally over a long time.
Reaching Chairman Liu, he offered a few greeting words,
”Welcome, Schwarz. This building to my right is called College. It is the scholars' living quarters. Head inside, and Mr Dong will show you around.”
I gave him a polite bow, then walked to the door. I tried to open it, but it didn't budge.
”Your identity card will let you enter various parts of the school. Place it on the panel on the left.”
”Oh, thank you chairman.”
I placed the card in a slot next to the door. After a short blink, the door swung open.
I was greeted by a magnificent sweeping spiral staircase and a middle-aged man standing at the bottom. He wore the standard green robes and had a whimsical smile on his face.
”Are you Oscar?”
”Yes Sir.”
He walked up to me and offered a handshake. I took it graciously.
”It's great to meet you, I'm Mr Dong, but please just call me Dong.”
”Lovely to meet you, Dong.”
He smiled even more, squishing and contorting his features into a somewhat creepy mask.
”I'm the head of College. I take care of all the scholars,” he lowered his voice, ”but really all that means is I make sure you don't get into too much trouble.”
He laughed and started leading me up the stairs.
Dong was very friendly, but that made me slightly nervous. Seemingly pleasant teachers were often difficult to read. I would be careful around him until I knew him better.
”You're the second to arrive. Daiyu's been here since last night.”