26 Aftermath (1/1)
The aftermath of Alyx's first mission was very huge on the parties involved and it lead to many changes in Q10. The chaotic surface world became even more chaotic in Q10. With the Aragons gone many hiding creatures started to surface from the underground tunnel system. Even though the Lizardmen lived in those tunnels for such a long time they did not explore it completely due to the lurking dangers and never encountered them.
This was one of the reasons why Alyx did not encounter any huge fauna during his stroll with Blag and even the lizardmen encountered them rarely. Their numbers have dwindled down to a large extent from their prime but they still make up a large number which could threaten the Lizardmen.
Aragons ruled the Q10 for a long time and were responsible for eradication of many land species in Q10 and driving them underground. Although they are able to now sustain themselves by hunting in the Great Lake but earlier their main source of food was from these land based creatures.
Q10 now has a new ruler species, Lizardmen. With their huge numbers there are very few they have to fear and they can even defeat a strong creature with group tactics. This is the advantage of an intelligent species. With Aragons gone they became the only intelligent land species in Q10 and with all the resources of Q10 they can further develop into a powerful civilization on MBN if sufficient time is given to them.
Blag became the new lizardmen king and all tribes were united under him due to this incident. All this happened due to Shuaan. When Ax ordered Blag to bring his pet out, everyone was unable to understand what was happening but after they witnessed that it was a creature similar to Lantis all Lizardmen were afraid that they will now be destroyed for capturing and raising it. Many have started showing their anger and hostility towards Blag for doing this but Shuaan behaved in a very friendly manner and even threatened others with its growls. This startled others and made them confused. Later Shuaan conversed with Lantis for some time and followed it into the Great Lake.
Goro utilized this chance to proclaim Lantis as their guardian deity and Blag their king for communicating and establishing a relation with the deities. Blag was shocked at first but later understood that Goro was helping him in achieving his desire to protect their species and he can only make others obey him in the future if he is their ruler and not let a situation like today repeat again.
Ax conveyed what was happening to Lantis and he gave his consent by remaining silent, he was in a very good mood and can see that Shuaan was very close to Blag. Before any tribe leader can object Alyx cemented Goro's proclamation by announcing that Lantis is willing to be their guardian deity and Blag is their new king.
In this way Lantis and shuaan became the guardian deities of the Lizardmen. Later in the future occasionally Shuaan would come to the shore and spend time with Blag and it would be celebrated in a grand manner by the Lizardmen.
After fleeing from Lantis the Aragons escaped in different direction and many have used this chance to escape from mordos rule. Aragons are an individualistic race so they definitely did not enjoy being under others thumb so this was a great chance for them to escape. They only obeyed Mordos due to fear of death but now they had a great excuse in case they encounter him in the future.
Mordos was very angry that he was forced to flee. But he knew that he was no match to the huge monstrosity that surfaced from the Great Lake. It was afraid for the first time in its life and he hated that feeling. He is very arrogant and intelligent. He manipulated the Lizardmen into the war by feeding them false information and leading them to fight in an all-out war.
He considered the Lizardmen a threat to his ambition as they are able to kill the baby Aragons so he made all the preparation for this war so that they would be utterly destroyed but now all his plans failed due to Lantis.
After this incident his thoughts have changed drastically and he now gave up on building a strong colony. He decided to focus on increasing his personal strength and swore to kill Lantis one day to clear the shame he felt on this day.
Life of Shuaan was great after uniting with Lantis. When he was with Blag he was never able to eat to the full and many times he was so hungry that he would just eat the dirt in the lake or the glowing moss to quell his hunger. He could have left but he decided to stay and repay the care shown by Blag when he was injured by protecting him. This made him seriously malnourished and he was very weak even compared a normal healthy Dragon Turtle of its age.
When he just hatched he was in a very weak state and was attacked by a Lacodile. He only managed to escape with grave injuries and was later rescued by Blag.
Lacodiles are amphibious creatures who are able survive on both land and in water. They are similar to crocodiles on earth but they have scales which can change color like a chameleon making them a successful predator. They are in large numbers across different quadrants on MBN.
Lantis has many subordinates in the Great Lake from different species and many of which are the Dragon Turtles, as they instinctively worship him as their ruler. Learning the past of Shuaan he was so enraged that he ordered destruction of all Lacodiles nest in the Great Lake. This led to their extinction in the Great Lake. Some have managed to escape by leaving the Great Lake to other smaller lakes far away from it or moving into the tunnel system. From now on they cannot roam freely in the Great Lake and can only hunt in the lake by hiding from the subordinates of Lantis or hunt on the land.