c52 (1/2)

Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki

A/N: This tie for Earth’s limits

That weapon is impossible, you can’t use it; if that opinion corin will appear

Because it’s a Ganore Common Sense

Froht Metal and Steel Finally, I can get serious and continue with the production of the shi+eld+bow

Before crafting I went out and defeated the final Rock Ants, collecting their carapaces for use and at the same time I also chose my shi+eld specialization

Like I thought before the specialization, it has to be Small shi+eld; with this the pre-preparations have been taken

First off, let’s try ular compound bow

In the end it’s a prototype so the general crafting procedure is my maximum priority

It’s not like it will cause a proble as I figure out how to roughly make its form

Another World’s Bow

A bow that could not have been invented by any ht of from this world

However, the power and shooting accuracy is particularly high

But, on the other hand, if the arrows used are not its exclusive arrows, then you can’t make use of it

Quality 3Atk +38

So it with just the bare miniht be good enough to sell right now to the large crowd of people who are training with Bow … but that’s no good; the cost of the arrows is way too high, so in the end the threshold for theh

Anyway, today we’ll just end it here

No matter howof bothdifficulty as siree of difficulty, the most effective form would be to fold from the center, so when you pull it the boill return to its default shape

Since I’ it, there is a transfor about what to do

– – And then the next day In accordance with the blueprints I crafted the transformation-style compound bow

The finished for s a bohich, once transformed, will somehow or other appear to be a boith the finished forht hand and shot with the left]1

Of course, once it’s done I’ll probably have to practice it well, but since the co easy to aim, so when I think about it, this much ridiculousness is still possible

The shi+eld’s shape adopts a 5-sided shape, and through the middle it’s divided into two separate divisions

With this, during transforin and pivot point, the shi+eld will split left-right and transform, and the board that hides that section will rise up

After that turn it 180 degrees on the arrab the inner part of the bow to shoot!

The finished forht Metal and a portion of Steel, but since right now I’ it completely out of wood

When I finish this, the blueprint’s true point will finally be finished

A handle with a built-in string is under the shi+eld in order to make the transformation; to transform it; pull that handle with your left hand, and after you pull it, grab it with your right hand in order to preserve the transformation

Transformation shi+eld Prototype Form

A shi+eld furnished with a transformation device, its abilities compared to a pure shi+eld has fallen

However, it hides its true abilities that will appear after transfor

Quality 4Def+8

Ability to transform

Underworld Bow Training Prototype Form

Hidden behind the Transformation shi+eld is the form that will expand into Another World’s Bow

It is only possible shoot with arrows designed for this use

Quality 4Atk +38

For now it’s finished, but now I’ll have to work out the details

I decided to stick Rock Ant carapaces on the left and right of the shi+eld so that they jut out a little in order to protect the compound bow; I’ll probably have to squash out the other numerous defects or the Quality won’t rise

That being said, the new dungeon addition is finally drawing closer, and I’d like to finish it by then

To get it to this stage already took 4 days; it’s becoht schedule

Dawn the next day; it’s already been 5 days since I began production; if I don’t finish it by today then I’ to be in a bad spot for time