c51 (1/2)

Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki

The Challenge from the Dead pre-preparations

As well as the siblings of the ridiculous crafted equipment preparations

The Footprints of the Next Generation

After a long time, there’s an announcereat corades

With that, after last time’s maintenance, they had added another abnormal status

And one reatest dae, 25 or more of your HP, on your hand or arm

But, monsters and other players will not be able to steal the dropped equipment

… For those who have had their rare equipment stolen before, they can rest assured

Following that, they also announced the highly anticipated addition with the next update; the coe fro to make its appearance

By the way, the first goal see floors

‘Randoht forest eon-like dark map there as well; they also announced that there’s also a large variety of traps, including traps whose gio forith brute force you’ll soon join the ranks of the dead, or that’s what the PV has been showing all this time The devs are brutal as always

It’s certainly a PV aireat combat additions, but …

The people whose faces came out that I kneere Zwei, Grad, and Silver also made an appearance

It doesn’t really show the Fairy Queen well, but from the whip’s restraint to the bow&kick combo, all of it’s there Don’t show everyone that ~!

Even if I yelled that there’s no way I would get it to stop, even though I have a bow that I can only have in a fantasy

Anyway, in order not to lose against the devs’ brutish ways, I’ll have to put my battle abilities in order

I expect that only being able to evade to defend s way too harsh in the future

… But you know, having a regular old shi+eld isn’t really that interesting, naa …?

Anyway, the type you carry by hand is obviously rejected, since if I can’t drawto be the type you stick on your arm … if I do that then the buckler-type, Small shi+eld would be the safest

And froe-weapons maker can be demonstrated

Using pulleys, it’s easier to put s; truly a boith nothing to criticize, but no matter what I did it was impossible to work that mechanism into the X-Bow, so I let that one pass

Anyway, since crafting will raise the shi+eld Skill to so

Previously I’ve been gatheringwith the shi+eld steadily in repeated battles

As for why the right hand, it’s because I’ht arhtforward shi+eld to begin with so it doesn’t ain, but I’ll just ignore that … aa, ignore that!

For now I’ve upped my shi+eld Skill to about 5 on Wolves, so now I’ll use Rock Ants in the forest to raise the Skill further

Naturally, I’ Thief Skill’s Radar to properly keep an eye out in order not to pull other Rock Ants in by Link

assaulting Kick also shot up by 4, so here’s a pretty nice spot; if I coain tomorrow I bet I’ll be able to advance and specialize in the buckler-type Small shi+eld